The books and the Show

Well i just made this because i just started reading the book and theyre awesome, but one like question i have is why dont, or didnt emphasized the connection, the deep connection that the wolves have/ had with the Stark kids.

like in the tyrion chapter, in like page 70 something he metions how the wolve would stay out side and howl and when they closed the window so they couldnt hear the noise Bran started to like die a bit and when they opened the window back again and he got well again.

also GRRM really focused on Ghost and how he was. So did they dialed it down of how, lets say important, the wolves are for the Starks, because of it being a little more obvious that Jon could be saved that way bia Ghost? i mean since they kinda know who Jon's mother really is, and since its really important to the plot.



  • Because D&D prefer dragons over direwolves.

  • kappa.

    well maybe, i like theorize

    Because D&D prefer dragons over direwolves.

  • There are many things they cut from the books that seem really important.

  • Maybe some are important because they could spoil the future of the story??i mean the bigger events?

    Wigams posted: »

    There are many things they cut from the books that seem really important.

  • Not a good excuse. They've screwed up on many things throughout the series. If you have time on your hands and have read the books I suggest watching some of ""s video reviews on game of thrones episodes. They are incredibly nit picky (which i don't always like) but they bring up really interesting points and explain why everything they cut/changed is important to the story. Pretty sure they co-authored The World of Ice and Fire novel with George.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    Maybe some are important because they could spoil the future of the story??i mean the bigger events?

  • well i just strated and so fa it just seems like its what would be on like deleted scence but i know some of the things that theyve changed. the only part i dont like was dorne, that was a fuck up. i dont knpw what really happens in dorne in the books but still

    Wigams posted: »

    Not a good excuse. They've screwed up on many things throughout the series. If you have time on your hands and have read the books I sugge

  • Cost: The wolves are expensive and require lots of training. There's a lot of things in the books that just couldn't be done on film, or could only be done at great expense.

    If you want to keep up with news and rumors about the tv show, I recommend

  • Because D&D prefer dragons over direwolves.

    This. It's more bling-bling for the large scale casual person audience.

    Because D&D prefer dragons over direwolves.

  • The wolves could only be real animals in season one when they are pups.

    After that they are CGI, because they have to be like horse-sized to be fully grown direwolves.

    CGI Wolves require no training.

    Mysti_Fogg posted: »

    Cost: The wolves are expensive and require lots of training. There's a lot of things in the books that just couldn't be done on film, or cou

  • edited July 2015

    Oh well. That's okay in the end. At least D&D didn't completely butcher an incredibly important and relatable human character from the books!

    Alt text

  • The show's worst mistakes in no particular order:

    • Stannis storyline
    • Cutting out Lady SH
    • Cutting out Gryff and Young Gryff
    • Cutting out Coldhands
    • Bloodraven's generic old sage #57 design
    • Whitewashing of certains fan-favourite characters I won't name
    • Loras is a gay caricature
  • and doesnt CGI cost a lot?

    The wolves could only be real animals in season one when they are pups. After that they are CGI, because they have to be like horse-sized to be fully grown direwolves. CGI Wolves require no training.

  • Gryff is in the show??? damn thoe whitehills!!! kappa

    what is Loras gay caricature?
    and like i pointed out maybe they cut out Lady SH so people wont quickly go " ohh well catelyn (LSH) came back so can Jon [if that is the case that R+L=J is real and those other theories]
    i dont know the other character so much

    i wont go into stannis

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The show's worst mistakes in no particular order: * Stannis storyline * Cutting out Lady SH * Cutting out Gryff and Young Gryff * Cu

  • edited July 2015

    Not that Griff hahahahahaha.

    Loras is above all things recognized as a hot-tempered, charming warrior. His sexuality is only hinted at subtly from time to time. In the show he is basically a gay plot device. Almost every scene of his since season 3 involves a gay acting gay for the sake of being gay. The character and the actor deserve much better. In fact he should be even more badass than his book counterpart since Garlan does not appear...

    jamex1223 posted: »

    Gryff is in the show??? damn thoe whitehills!!! kappa what is Loras gay caricature? and like i pointed out maybe they cut out Lady SH so

  • Indeed

    Alt text

    Oh well. That's okay in the end. At least D&D didn't completely butcher an incredibly important and relatable human character from the books!

  • He means Young Gryff who claims to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen (so Aegon Targaryen) which would make him the true heir to the Iron Throne

    jamex1223 posted: »

    Gryff is in the show??? damn thoe whitehills!!! kappa what is Loras gay caricature? and like i pointed out maybe they cut out Lady SH so

  • Yup. Though it's spelled Griff in the books.

  • o my bad

    Yup. Though it's spelled Griff in the books.

  • Shit that little Telltale goblin totally alienated my mind xD You're right it's Griff

    May Jon Connington forgive me... I could use a re-read

    Yup. Though it's spelled Griff in the books.

  • I would re-read it but I hated A Dance with Dragons personally. Weakest one in the series imo

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Shit that little Telltale goblin totally alienated my mind xD You're right it's Griff May Jon Connington forgive me... I could use a re-read

  • Still enjoyed it more than AFFC. Theon chapters and the whole Northern section saved it for me

    I would re-read it but I hated A Dance with Dragons personally. Weakest one in the series imo

  • Lol its an unpopular opinion but I love A Feast for Crows. Its probably my second favorite one in the series behind A Game of Thrones

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Still enjoyed it more than AFFC. Theon chapters and the whole Northern section saved it for me

  • I liked A Feast for Crows too. But Jon, Dany and Arya are some of my least favourite storylines, so that might have been a reason.

    I mainly just like the stories that are going on in Westeros.

    Lol its an unpopular opinion but I love A Feast for Crows. Its probably my second favorite one in the series behind A Game of Thrones

  • You're right that's an interesting opinion. May I ask why ?

    Lol its an unpopular opinion but I love A Feast for Crows. Its probably my second favorite one in the series behind A Game of Thrones

  • Damphair Greyjoy is the worse fucking thing George R.R Martin has ever done though. The guy is plain boring as fuck...

    I liked A Feast for Crows too. But Jon, Dany and Arya are some of my least favourite storylines, so that might have been a reason. I mainly just like the stories that are going on in Westeros.

    • Cutting out Arianne (though I know a lot of people don't like the Dorne stuff in the books)
    • Not having Wyman Manderly do his whole, "the North remembers" speech which gave me chills

    ...and yeah, "a thousand eyes and one" doesn't really apply for show Bloodraven, which is pretty disappointing.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The show's worst mistakes in no particular order: * Stannis storyline * Cutting out Lady SH * Cutting out Gryff and Young Gryff * Cu

  • Often times I find myself getting bored with some of the storylines in the other books, ADWD especially. But AGOT, ACOK, and AFFC are the only ones where I was engrossed in like every single storyline.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    You're right that's an interesting opinion. May I ask why ?

  • edited July 2015

    The lack of Northern houses is to be associated with the ridiculous Stannis storyline of this season.

    I do like Arianne but I guess I can understand why they decided not to keep her, especially if they were cutting (F)Aegon. The Dorne stuff isn't my favourite but no matter what it's 100x better than the atrocity I saw on TV a few months ago... Darkstar wanna-be-cool lines are quite funny in AFFC. Still cringeworthy but not as much as the "you need bad pussy" thing...

    * Cutting out Arianne (though I know a lot of people don't like the Dorne stuff in the books) * Not having Wyman Manderly do his whole, "th

  • edited July 2015

    Even Brienne ??!! That's...good for you... I guess ^^

    Often times I find myself getting bored with some of the storylines in the other books, ADWD especially. But AGOT, ACOK, and AFFC are the only ones where I was engrossed in like every single storyline.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, I kind of decided not to watch the show anymore after s4, and I'm kind of glad since Stannis and Sansa are my 2 favorite characters. Which actually makes me wonder if telltale knew that the show was going in that direction for Stannis?

    I found it pretty ironic that they cut Arianne and had Trystane become the heir when her chapters were about her fighting for her birthright when she believed it was being stolen from her. And I'm VERY interested in seeing how the (f)Aegon stuff is gonna play out. I love Jon Connington, he's such a tragic character that I can't wait to see how he'll react when he finds out the truth... =(

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The lack of Northern houses is to be associated with the ridiculous Stannis storyline of this season. I do like Arianne but I guess I can

  • IF Aegon is not legitimate, Jon Con will be broken. I do think he'll still love him. He did raise him like his son after all... Not that it would be Aegon's fault anyway, he was always led to believe that he is indeed Rhaegar's son. I wish that it turns out to be true so Dany can shut the fuck up about her right and finally show to the world how selfish and hypocritical she truly is inside. Tho I have to admit the Blackfyre Theory is pretty badass...

  • I am really torn between wanting him to be Rhaegar´s son and wanting him to be a Blackfyre. But it is not like Danerys will care if he is a red or a black dragon because even if he is a red dragon she will convince herself he a false dragon and she will burn him to cinders with her overgrown Lizards. But a dragon is still a dragon red or black so fuck her.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    IF Aegon is not legitimate, Jon Con will be broken. I do think he'll still love him. He did raise him like his son after all... Not that it

  • Yep! The Stannis storyline bothers me the most, I hate when my favourite characters are butchered. >.<

    On a more minor scale, I'd say some of Jaime's scenes, since his characterisation is all over the place too. Like randomly murdering his cousin when they're both in the Northern army's cage. Or raping Cersei by Joffrey's corpse. In the books, his transformation from villain to likeable person is pretty much going in one steady direction. :/

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The show's worst mistakes in no particular order: * Stannis storyline * Cutting out Lady SH * Cutting out Gryff and Young Gryff * Cu

  • D&D really took out most of the supernatural stuff that made ASOIAF stand out. It seems like they do this purposely to simplify the show for TV viewers as theirs only a couple supernatural stuff to focus on: White Walkers, Dragons and Bran.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah but even Bran is messed up... I mean no Coldhands and a Bloodraven who looks like a normal old guy in a cave ? That's like some of the coolest supernatural parts of his story and they totally ruined it...

    No wonder show watchers find Bran boring as fuck. Some of his chapters are a pain in the ass in the books too
    but at least there are those things to make it awesome

    torkahn808 posted: »

    D&D really took out most of the supernatural stuff that made ASOIAF stand out. It seems like they do this purposely to simplify the show for TV viewers as theirs only a couple supernatural stuff to focus on: White Walkers, Dragons and Bran.

  • edited July 2015

    You know what's worse in this ? Jaime and Stannis are my favourite characters...

    Fortunately Stephen Dillane and Nicolaj Coster-Waldau are awesome in their role to compensate for D&D's mistakes

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Yep! The Stannis storyline bothers me the most, I hate when my favourite characters are butchered. >.< On a more minor scale, I'd s

  • Bran seeing the past through Winterfell's heart tree was an awesome chapter. And also neatly tied into the Theon chapter when he heard the wind whispering his name in the godswood.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Yeah but even Bran is messed up... I mean no Coldhands and a Bloodraven who looks like a normal old guy in a cave ? That's like some of the

  • I'm pretty sure we'll get that scene next season.

  • True, that's the one saving grace!

    _DIO_ posted: »

    You know what's worse in this ? Jaime and Stannis are my favourite characters... Fortunately Stephen Dillane and Nicolaj Coster-Waldau are awesome in their role to compensate for D&D's mistakes

  • well in replying to the op's post, they did address that scene a bit when in episode 2 or 3 (i forget it has been a while) when the wolves don't stop barking and howling and catelyn yells at someone to close the window and then when the windows are closed that is when the assassin comes to harm bran & when summer comes to save bran she opens the window again

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