Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • fiona's hacking everyone's accounts

    These comments about Rhys' tie are getting intense. Lewd day number 3?

  • good night everybody!

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  • i wish i was fiona :(

    plot twist: fiona was rhonu all along :O

  • Night :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    good night everybody!

  • Someone get Fiona some water!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    fiona's hacking everyone's accounts

  • why resist... give in to temptation \o/

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    must resist..drawing...this...

  • it is.

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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Now now, this is a TellTale game... We don't need that kind of behavior unless it is absolutely vital to the plot! Unless the key to everything... Is inside Rhys's pants! :O

  • Sweet dreams <3

    I'm gonna go soon too. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    good night everybody!

  • sorry, it seems i get mischievous when i'm bored... x)

    These comments about Rhys' tie are getting intense. Lewd day number 3?

  • night night! <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    good night everybody!

  • G'night! Sweet Rhyiona dreams! <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    good night everybody!

  • Guys. Guys, what have I done?!


    Fiona has always considered last impressions to be more important than first ones.

    After all, your first impression of someone changes. You see sides of them that you weren’t expecting. And first impressions often hide a person’s true self. Fiona, of all people, should know that. She’s been a con artist all her life, she’s learned to manipulate people’s first impressions of her. But last ones...

    No matter how hard she tries, the last impression people always have of her, no matter what, is that she tricked them. They don’t trust her. They hate her. They also usually vow to kill her. Not that that ever happens.

    She’s watching them now, turning towards her and Sasha.

    “So...” Vaughn hesitantly offers.

    “So?” she responds, earning her a befuddled look from him and a questioning look from Rhys.

    “So this is it,” Rhys says. “We go our separate ways. The money has been acquired (she snorts at his formal tone), and we’ll go back to Helios and you’ll stay here. Easy.”

    Fiona watches him, and she can tell he notices. He squirms uncomfortably under her gaze. Sasha clears her throat, and says in an overly chirpy voice:

    “And what about LB? Gortys?”

    Loader Bot walks up, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

    “Righteous father, do we depart soon?”

    Rhys looks at him guiltily, running a hand through his hair. Gortys speeds up and asks:

    “What’s going on? LB told me we’re splitting up! It’s not true, right? We’re family!”

    Fiona’s heart twists, but she knows this is what they have to do. She looks at Sasha, Vaughn and then Rhys respectively. Her eyes linger on him for a bit, and it’s like they speak to each other. Gortys is still staring frantically from Fiona to Rhys and back again.

    Fiona takes a deep breath.

    “Yeah, Gortys, we’ll be splitting up. Sasha and I are going to stay here... and Rhys, Vaughn, LB and you will go back to Helios.”

    Rhys nods, and the rest of the gang seems okay with the events. Well, almost all of them.

    “WHAT?! YOU CAN’T REALLY SEPARATE US! Right, Rhys?” Gortys looks at him for support, but Rhys stares up at the sky. Gortys lowers her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe this...”

    Loader Bot comes to the rescue. “Gortys, come. We must prepare.”

    Gortys shoots a look at Fiona and Sasha and throws herself into their arms. After five minutes of goodbye, she leaves. Loader Bot looks at the sisters for a while. “Goodbye. I will miss you.” And then he’s gone, too.

    There’s an awkward silence brewing. Fiona looks at Vaughn who smiles slightly, and Sasha is shaking Rhys’ hand. Then they switch, and Fiona finds herself staring right into Rhys’ eyes. One brown, one blue. She can almost get lost in-

    “Hey. You alright?” Rhys peers at her.

    “Hm? Yeah, fine.”

    “Well then. I guess this is goodbye.”

    “Yeah, I guess it is.”

    “See ya around, Fi.” He uses her nickname for the first time and she catches her breath.

    “Bye, Hyperion. Have fun playing boss on the station.” She smiles wryly and he looks almost wistful for a moment, but then, with a squeeze of her hand, he walks away, Vaughn beside him.

    Sasha and Fiona watch, and it’s then that the treacherous thoughts come back. The ones about impressions. What was her first impression of them? Of Rhys?

    That he’s a dork, of course. A highly suspicious dork, who ruined her deal and her chances of profit. A Hyperion scumbag whose only goal was to control her and everyone else. She’d vowed not to let him succeed.

    She doesn’t really know when things began to change. Was it when they found Gortys, when they uncovered the huge secret together? When they got separated and Rhys came after them, saving them from (admittedly non-existent) danger?Was it when he chose to trust her over the man who had the power to control him?

    She will maybe never know when her feelings started changing, transforming him from a lousy, evil dork into a human being. One who has friends to care for, who isn’t in it for the money, who is much wiser than he looks. Yeah, her first impression of him was wrong. She’d expected it with everyone else, but not with him.

    But what about the thing that really matters? What will her last impression of the Hyperion employee be?

    The realization hits her with such force that she has to bend over.

    She doesn’t want a last impression of him. She doesn’t want to have to remember how he looks, the way he laughs, his voice. She doesn’t want him to ever leave her. Ever leave her alone.

    She cries out, “RHYS! STOP! WAIT!” She runs.

    But he’s gone.


    Excuse typos, I'm too horrified by what I did to fix them ;-;

  • Nah, it's fine. I'm no better myself when it comes to these things xD

    rhonu posted: »

    sorry, it seems i get mischievous when i'm bored... x)

  • She doesn’t want him to ever leave her. Ever leave her alone.

    She cries out, “RHYS! STOP! WAIT!” She runs.
    But he’s gone.

    Ouch... my heart ;-;

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Guys. Guys, what have I done?! - Fiona has always considered last impressions to be more important than first ones. After all, your

  • What in the world possessed me to do this? ;-;

    Rhyiona forgive me!

    She doesn’t want him to ever leave her. Ever leave her alone. She cries out, “RHYS! STOP! WAIT!” She runs. But he’s gone. Ouch... my heart ;-;


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Guys. Guys, what have I done?! - Fiona has always considered last impressions to be more important than first ones. After all, your

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    good night everybody!

  • Water isn't enough for the thirst she has :^)

    Someone get Fiona some water!

  • aaaaaaaaaawwwwww, it made my heart hurt but i loved it! i sometimes think there may be a farewell between these two in the end and i get sad. i hope the gang can remain together!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Guys. Guys, what have I done?! - Fiona has always considered last impressions to be more important than first ones. After all, your

  • you are

    don't lie

    rhonu posted: »

    i wish i was fiona


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Episode 4 awkward scene confirmed to be a QTE that involves Rhys' clothes

    According to us at least :^)

  • BUT WHY ;-;

    JumpyJoey posted: »


  • Thank you <3 <3 <3

    Sadly, I also see this as a possible outcome, but I'm determined to think positive until proved otherwise!

    rhonu posted: »

    aaaaaaaaaawwwwww, it made my heart hurt but i loved it! i sometimes think there may be a farewell between these two in the end and i get sad. i hope the gang can remain together!


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    BUT WHY ;-;

  • Now I want this so bad.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Episode 4 awkward scene confirmed to be a QTE that involves Rhys' clothes According to us at least :^)

  • edited July 2015

    Who is excited for episode 4?

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  • edited July 2015

    Just imagine the scenarios. :^)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Now I want this so bad.

  • :___(

    Who is excited for episode 4?

  • Haha I can't wait :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Just imagine the scenarios. :^)

  • *Rhyiona

    Fixed it for you :)

    Who is excited for episode 4?

  • Alt text

    *Rhyiona Fixed it for you

  • Thats okay, no need... Its perfect the way it is :)

    *Rhyiona Fixed it for you

  • It would be ironic, because in the very next scene he knocks the lights out of her lol.

    *Rhyiona Fixed it for you

  • Rhys' newer clothes are just badass!

    Fiona has great outfits in general :P

    I really wanna see what Rhys' tattoo's look like though; it strikes me as odd that someone as, well, 'dorky' as Rhys is would have tattoo's :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, I like those newer Rhys' clothes more too, and Fiona looks fabulous in every costume in my opinion. I also like their newer clothes because of their similar color gamma, they look like a team... or a couple you might say

  • I will when I start them :P

  • Alt text

    Who is excited for episode 4?

  • Meeeooow ;P

    rhonu posted: »

    it is.

  • Shhh, shhh... It's okay rhonu... Maybe some day.

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