What will happen to Mira in Episode 6?

Here is my theory after Mira is dragged away by the Guard she will speak to Cersei. Mira can either tell Cersei the truth about Tyrion not having a witness or she can lie. Either way Mira is thrown into prison. Tom comes and helps Mira escape Kings Landing and thats where her story ends until next season. How do you think Miras story will go in the next episode?


  • I have a feeling that that's what will happen, too. I expect Mira to be taken from King's Landing much like Sansa was.

    But I still hope Cersei will want Mira to testify against Tyrion before that happens.

  • Mira will have to choose between Tom's boss or Lorde Morgryn to help her family and ensure the Forrester's their ironwood.

  • I love this idea!

    I would have to go with Morgryn. I don't trust him the slightest, but at least I know what he wants from Mira (which is, getting rich and having control of the price of the ironwood), and that's not the case with Tom's boss.

    JPAssini posted: »

    Mira will have to choose between Tom's boss or Lorde Morgryn to help her family and ensure the Forrester's their ironwood.

  • That would be cool.

    But I have two theories.

    Theory One

    Since Mira costed Ludd his army, Ludd will go straight to Mira for another hostage.

    Theory Two

    She will be sent to Ironrath, from Margery, unless Cersei steps in.

    Then your theory stands. I was a bit sad with the lack of Tom this episode, I like him.

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