Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah, that's why I wrote similar, I wasn't saying it had to be his, but it is similar to his.

    You do know he isn't the only person to buy and drink whiskey, right?

  • because it's whiskey, whiskey bottles look similar.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah, that's why I wrote similar, I wasn't saying it had to be his, but it is similar to his.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I don't drink so I'd have no idea.

    because it's whiskey, whiskey bottles look similar.

  • Me neither but let's also remember it's a video game, they reuse models. Wells has little to do with the Dark Room if anything at all.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I don't drink so I'd have no idea.

  • He could still have knowledge of it. Could explain him being skeptical of Max's curiosity

    Me neither but let's also remember it's a video game, they reuse models. Wells has little to do with the Dark Room if anything at all.

  • edited July 2015

    I think there's a reference to The Walking Dead in Episode 4. When Max and Chloe are in the barn, Max can examine a pitchfork and she says something about zombies.

  • I disagree, he just doesn't want to risk the relationship with the Prescotts, he is aware it's only because of them the school is running. He hides Nathan's records, covers for Nathan, and apologizes all because of the Prescott's money and their funding. I doubt he has much knowledge of the Dark Room Operations, although, he could, I really don't know.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He could still have knowledge of it. Could explain him being skeptical of Max's curiosity

  • Omg i killed frank bowers!

    walks in rv hahaha

    ClemRanger posted: »

    One of the funniest glitches I've ever seen. Ep 4 Spoilers obviously. Click here

  • Damn chole dies in like every episode shes like kenny from south park lol

  • I made an account just to post this, because I haven't seen anyone else talking about it (but maybe it's a super common theory and I've just missed the boat?)

    My current idea is that when Max saved Chloe from dying in the bathroom, she basically broke time - hence all the incidents that begin happening afterwards (storm, whales, etc). Chloe wasn't just supposed to die, she needed to, in order for the world to keep functioning properly. I also think that if she'd died Nathan would've been arrested, and then he would've exposed the Dark Room stuff anyway. Think about all the times the world has tried to correct this since it happened. Chloe dies pretty much every episode and Max continues to save her, and every day the storm and weirdness gets worse and worse.

    The game deals with the idea fate and how it can (or can't) be changed. Whenever Max does something to change the events of the story, it all pretty much turns out exactly the same way ie. if you don't erase the message about Chloe's car being seen at the pool, David will still send a letter keeping her from getting into trouble. The result is the same, only slightly different. The hurricane is coming to Arcadia Bay and will destroy everything, including Chloe, so once again, the result will be the same - the universe will have Chloe's death, it's just a matter of how it gets it.

    This all leads me to the conclusion that in episode 5, Max will use Warren's photo to save Chloe yet again but then through some series of events they'll both realise what I've put above, and Chloe will sacrifice herself to save the town she hates, or conversely, Max will have to choose - Everyone in Arcadia Bay dying together, or just letting Chloe die. Or maybe going all the way back to the bathroom using the picture she took of the butterfly, and letting things end properly there. (Just gonna throw it in here that I absolutely do not want Chloe to die, it's just my theory)

    I think Life is Strange is commentary on (among other things) the nature of choice and decision making and why the how and why is just as important as the when.

  • Life is Strange escalated quickly.

    Like, this episode is guilty of keeping it real.

    To the max.

  • Uh. Hm. Reviews are just opinions. There are plenty of gamers who don't like this game.

    Never trust main stream reviewers. IGN, Gameinformer, etc, are all giving the game 6's yet when you go to their comment section people are a

  • edited July 2015

    I just thought of something. William being killed in a car accident was inevitable and without Max's interference. Then when Max saved him, Chloe was effected. It seems like Jefferson inevitably killed Chloe without Max's interference too. So maybe if Max manages to save her by going back through the photo Warren took at the club, someone else will be effected. Like Warren, Kate, Victoria, or even Max herself... I could be wrong about all this.

  • Problem with your theory is the fact that Max had her first vision of the storm in Jefferson's class, BEFORE she saved Chloe. Also, it seems that she got her rewind powers before then as well, since the bathroom scene seems to have just made her aware of her power.

    KlickBerry posted: »

    I made an account just to post this, because I haven't seen anyone else talking about it (but maybe it's a super common theory and I've just

  • I purposely killed Frank in my game because f*ck him. He was annoying and dangerous plus it was his drugs that got those girls hurt. I felt like Kenny when he was shooting the Russians.

  • Now that i think of it, how did Mr Jefferson manage to get to the Junkyard before them? Unless he knew about their investigation and followed them there, and with Nathan warning him and sending a bait message to Chloe.

  • edited July 2015

    Soo creepy

    Not sure if you haven't played it yet if this will spoil anything but... Edit: oops it was already posted. My bad.

  • He might have known, we don't actually know where he was before the party. He might've went to the Dark room to prepare only to notice the place was destroyed and messed with. Then seeing Max and Chloe freaking out about Nathan, it might have put him on edge. He could've finished the thing at the party and then texted using Nathan's phone to see if they really were on his trail, then rushed over. He also probably didn't get there before them, just got there a little after them and snuck up behind.

    Now that i think of it, how did Mr Jefferson manage to get to the Junkyard before them? Unless he knew about their investigation and followed them there, and with Nathan warning him and sending a bait message to Chloe.

  • It would be messed up if it was actually Kates body in the junk yard. She had the drugs in her system, so Kate was walking proof of what was going on other than all the other evidence we found.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Watch the scene again: Max uncovers something at 2:18, which Chloe does not recognise (or

  • Chloe needs to die.

    Your theory is wrong.

    All the weird weather phenomenons are caused by Max's power to alter/rewind time, not because she saved Chloe.

    KlickBerry posted: »

    I made an account just to post this, because I haven't seen anyone else talking about it (but maybe it's a super common theory and I've just

  • So it turns out that Nathan is just a manipulated, Scared and abused kid living in the shadow of his father.... he isn't the killer... but the framed victim.. he needs help..Other than Chloe who is dead he is the only one that knows where the Dark Room is other than Jefferson.. I believe Nathan will be the one to save Max.

    But that factors down to the choice you make.. let him get beat up.. chloe takes gun and dies with it.. Stop warrem.. Nathan has gun to protect us with..

  • He didn't drug them for no reason.. I believe he was somehow forced to, I think that Nathan rebelled against Jefferson not wanting to drug the girls anymore.. I think Max isn't the only one tied up in the Dark room.. but Nathan too.. we see no sign of him after he is beaten up.

    He stil helped drug girls.

  • If you read a few posts up, I agree he's forced. However not that he's tied up, not a lot of room to hide Nathan from when Max was searching in the Dark Room.

    He didn't drug them for no reason.. I believe he was somehow forced to, I think that Nathan rebelled against Jefferson not wanting to drug t

  • edited July 2015

    Alright so I rewinded like four times on the Frank shooting part and have no idea how to keep him from harm and I felt so dumb for not knowing how. So how do you keep him safe?

  • edited July 2015

    I think that Nathan could be drugged and knocked out Currently, he will have both Max and Nathan locked in there and Nathan will help Max escape, However I don't believe Nathan was in there when Max was searching.. but after.. how else would Jeff get his phone, Nathan finally stood up to Jeff.. but because of that Jeff didn't need him anymore, hence drugging him, knocking him out, taking him to the dark room.. going back to the party.. then using his phone to text Chloe.

    If you read a few posts up, I agree he's forced. However not that he's tied up, not a lot of room to hide Nathan from when Max was searching in the Dark Room.

  • I guess we will see, not much to guess off of yet.

    I think that Nathan could be drugged and knocked out Currently, he will have both Max and Nathan locked in there and Nathan will help Max es

  • On the last dialogue option, pick the top option.

  • edited July 2015

    I think they were working together once.. but that has ended.. Nathan is a manipulated victim in this, Im calling it, No one else in Arcadia bay besides Jeff knows where the Dark room is besides Nathan.. so no one can save max besides him.

    I guess we will see, not much to guess off of yet.

  • It obviously helps if Chloe doesn't have the gun, but you should manage by just being nice to him and not saying anything that would let him know you broke into his RV in episode 3.

  • Oh alright thanks, now I just got to not be lazy and rewind to that point.

    On the last dialogue option, pick the top option.

  • Manipulated victim? Manipulated sure but he's hardly a victim.

    I also think you forget David. David was tracking both Jefferson and Nathan, he can also find the clue board upstairs which Max and Chloe didn't clean up and find the Dark Room himself.

    I think they were working together once.. but that has ended.. Nathan is a manipulated victim in this, Im calling it, No one else in Arcadia bay besides Jeff knows where the Dark room is besides Nathan.. so no one can save max besides him.


    Alt text

    and yes, I forgot David too.

    Manipulated victim? Manipulated sure but he's hardly a victim. I also think you forget David. David was tracking both Jefferson and Natha

  • Not a victim because he still helped drug and do this horrible things to girls.

    VICTIM and yes, I forgot David too.

  • Look at him though, he was clearly drugged too along with Rachel, this is why he carries a gun around and this is why he is also on those anxiety pills, hes a guy that's made some bad choices and also a victim in all this, Chloe has been wanting to kill the wrong guy.

    Not a victim because he still helped drug and do this horrible things to girls.

  • Not a victim because he still helped drug Kate and maybe Rachel.

    Look at him though, he was clearly drugged too along with Rachel, this is why he carries a gun around and this is why he is also on those an

  • edited July 2015

    Where is the concrete proof that he drugged Rachel.. there is none.. In fact he is drugged along with Rachel and for that split second in episode 3 he is happy to see her.. also there is no proof he drugged Kate either.. only that he took her to the Dark Room, for what reason hasn't been proven.

    Not a victim because he still helped drug Kate and maybe Rachel.

  • That's why I said "maybe Rachel"...And yes, it's obvious he drugged Kate then lied to her then took her to the place where she was abused and violated in several ways then spread a viral video of her which made her attempt suicide.

    He is NOT a victim.

    Where is the concrete proof that he drugged Rachel.. there is none.. In fact he is drugged along with Rachel and for that split second in ep

  • Thread: Warren LIS

    After playing ep 4, do you trust Warren?

    I never really trusted him enough. He seems like he's hiding something especially seeing him dating Stella in the wheelchair timeline. I think he knows something about Kate or something. He beat up _____ and that seemed like he didn't mind doing it eventhough he claims he's never done it before. I wonder if instead of taking Max to the drive in he was gonna kidnap her to the dark room? Brook also talks about Warren asking her out to the movies even if you are going with Warren during the party. (which is fine because my Max friendzoned him ages ago lol) But I think he's weird.

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