The Talia Forrestor Deception:



  • edited July 2015

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    Lend me some of your weed would you ? :)

  • Seriously guys? At least explain why I may be wrong instead of using meme's lol. This is supposed to be a discussion not a meme fest.

  • edited July 2015

    That's uh... A theory I guess. It's almost 4 am here and I'm too tired to be sure if this is serious and I should list all the reasons why I disagree with it or if it is a joke and I should just go to bed.

    Edit: Ok let's do this.

    1 - Why would she want revenge on her family? Ramsay should be her target, Ludd at most. Her family is not to blame for Ethan's death, and no level of crazy can justify thinking that they are.

    2 and 3 - Duncan/Royland willingly taking the blame for something that would most likely get them executed? Talia is a child, and Rodrik's dear little sister. Any punishment he would give her in such situation pales in comparison to the punishment Duncan/Royland can get. It would make absolutely no sense for them to put their necks on the line like that when at most Talia would be locked in her room for a few weeks.

    4 - That's a point I sorta agree with. Talia is getting bloodthirsty, and my Rodrik is not encouraging it (didn't promise to kill the traitor, didn't kill the traitor). However, I don't think she sounded any different from how her mother did during Ethan and Lord Forrester's funeral. After what these people did to them, it is understandable that Talia and her mother would want blood. Doesn't mean any of them would want their own family's blood.

    5 - It is possible that Mira and Talia will be the only ones left, but I do not expect Mira to be so easily fooled. She is starting to play the game, after all. If she comes home, she will come home with all the experience she acquired in King's Landing, and if she comes home to find her whole family but Talia murdered, she will at least be on her guard. After all, if Talia wants to be the head of House Forrester, she will have to murder Mira too, since Mira is older than her.

    All in all, I don't think the theory holds much water.

  • Oh so it really is a serious thread ? I actually thought it was meant as a joke...

    Oh well I'm still laughing hard anyway ^^

    Seriously guys? At least explain why I may be wrong instead of using meme's lol. This is supposed to be a discussion not a meme fest.

  • edited July 2015


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    you want me to waste my life explaining why you're wrong.. please XD

  • You could be right, but i doubt it, good theory nonetheless.

  • I still think Elaena had SOMETHING to do with the traitor. There's no way she'd just not do anything.

  • Laugh all you want, but when I'm right I'm gonna be the one laughing. Have fun :D

  • If Talia is the true traitor, this has Duncan written all over it. She said in episode 1 she wanted him as sentinel.

    Laugh all you want, but when I'm right I'm gonna be the one laughing. Have fun

  • edited July 2015

    Alright, alright... Let's make a deal. IF your theory turns out to be true, everytime I will encounter you on these forums I will call you by whatever name or title of your choosing (go on choose one right now) and add some lovely words with it ! How about that hm ?

    Deal ? :)

    Laugh all you want, but when I'm right I'm gonna be the one laughing. Have fun

  • Okay lol

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Alright, alright... Let's make a deal. IF your theory turns out to be true, everytime I will encounter you on these forums I will call you b

  • And if I'm wrong I have to leave the forum forever...

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Alright, alright... Let's make a deal. IF your theory turns out to be true, everytime I will encounter you on these forums I will call you b

  • What ?! I won't ask you to leave :O We're all a big family here, we care for everyone (Even Rysha shippers... urgh.. jk guys :P)

    And if I'm wrong I have to leave the forum forever...

  • [removed]

    _DIO_ posted: »

    What ?! I won't ask you to leave :O We're all a big family here, we care for everyone (Even Rysha shippers... urgh.. jk guys :P)

  • What does that have to do with anything ?

  • Your threads hurt my brain...

    In all seriousness no this wouldn't make sense.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm just gonna say if Talia is by some godly miracle the traitor then that is the worst writing ever in a video game.

  • No don't leave that's not nessacary.

    And if I'm wrong I have to leave the forum forever...

  • underage immature annoying brats that ruin the forum, I blame the minecraft section for being created that brought more of them here.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    What does that have to do with anything ?

  • Talking like that is what's immature.

    underage immature annoying brats that ruin the forum, I blame the minecraft section for being created that brought more of them here.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah but it's clearly not the case here... I mean (s)he has a Daenerys picture, is on the GOT forum and has been around here before Minecraft was even announced so yeah...

    underage immature annoying brats that ruin the forum, I blame the minecraft section for being created that brought more of them here.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah well I have been here for 3 years., before any of you came here, . and people who make threads like this are clearly underage and immature and wasting the forum space.. the fact that you defend him/her shows you are also underage.. better leave before children swarm me.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Yeah but it's clearly not the case here... I mean (s)he has a Daenerys picture, is on the GOT forum and has been around here before Minecraft was even announced so yeah...

  • lmao this thread

  • edited July 2015

    Dude take it easy geez... That theory is actually pretty neat imo because it has the merit to be funny. At least I think it's much better and is a nice change from all the whining we've had for the past weeks...

    You can't just ask people to fuck off like that because you can't take a thread with humor...

    Edit: And I'm 22 by the way so if I'm a child, I drink way too much and apparently have the ability to sneak my way through security at the club..

    Yeah well I have been here for 3 years., before any of you came here, . and people who make threads like this are clearly underage and immat

  • Judging by his comments, I'd say the old one was probably banned...

  • He said "before any of you" so that sums it all I think

  • Nice theory, but I'm afraid it is incorrect. When you confront the traitor and he sees the letter, he immediately realizes what's up. If they were covering up for someone, it would take them some time to realize it, given that he wouldn't have seen the letter before. I think the only reason they made Talia so bloodthirsty was to make the kill him/spare him choice a little more difficult.

  • i think you killed all my brain cells

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  • Underage? WTF? lol. Why would a kid be on this forum with a Daenarys picture dumbass? I made it because I have the freedom to express my opinions as I seek fit. If you don't like it that's your problem. I clearly think she is the real traitor regardless if she's a kid. This place still has ignorant users I see. I'm out of here!

  • [removed]

    Underage? WTF? lol. Why would a kid be on this forum with a Daenarys picture dumbass? I made it because I have the freedom to express my opi

  • Whatever dude. I didn't even do anything to you. You just come in here stirring up an argument for nothing. You seem like a trouble maker who doesn't care about the feelings of others.

    Goodbye have a nice day. God bless

  • How does Talia trying to get her family killed for revenge make any kind of logical sense? It was Ramsay who killed Ethan. She saw him do it. Trying to get revenge on her family for something they were just as much a victim of as she was is just, sorry to say, completely dumb. It makes zero sense.

  • Mods please delete my thread because it's not worth to discuss :(. Thanks have a great day

  • obvious troll is obvious ....

  • Talia is not the traitor goddamit.

    Episode 5 already explained who it was!

    Underage? WTF? lol. Why would a kid be on this forum with a Daenarys picture dumbass? I made it because I have the freedom to express my opi

  • Send a PM.

    Mods can't open all threads at once.

    Mods please delete my thread because it's not worth to discuss . Thanks have a great day

  • After Ethan died she became traumatized with PTSD and sworn to get revenge somehow. This revenge is getting her family killed and they don't even know it's her

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  • It's a theory, if you don't agree just point out what could be wrong with it, no need to leave stupid and rude comments.

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