Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • So you should know that written fanfictions aren't my thing , I like to do comics as you've noticed.

    This is my first ever written fanfictions , I hope my writing is somewhat decent.


    (Fiona's point of view)

    Beep Beep Beep

    Went my alarm clock. I got out of bed with a huge smile , I was happier than ever because today was going to be special , because it was me and Rhys alone , finally without the others.

    I got dressed and went to Sasha , it was her turn to drive , so I watched her following Gortys's directions as I approached.

    I stopped behind her back and grabbed one of her shoulders. "Good morning , Sash." I said with a little smile on my face.

    Sasha didn't look behind. "Morning Fi , how are ya?" she said with a casual tone.

    "Kinda tired to be honest , I'm starting to sleep poorly , how about you ?" Keeping my eyes on the road.

    "Also tired , I hope we get to the damn vault soon" said Sasha , shaking her head slightly.

    "I hope so too , we've been on the road for days and I'm getting sick of those clowns getting us in trouble."

    "Speaking of that , you gotta spend the whole day with the Hyperion boy."

    "I know." I said as I nodded. "You uh... okay with that ?"

    "Yeah I guess , I mean as long as he doesn't do anything to you." Sasha took her eyes off the road and looked at me "Oh who am I kidding he's a wuss , you'll be fine." Sasha looked back on the road.

    I looked away. "A handsome wuss."

    Sasha looked at me , her left eyebrow raised "What was that ?".

    "Wha-" I then bit my tongue as I realized what I said , I could swear my face was burning like lava and red like blood. I then looked away trying to hide my face. "N-nothing."

    Sasha sighed and looked away "I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that."

    I swallowed hard "Y-yeah that'll be good thank you."

    (Rhys's point of view)

    It was already late in the afternoon. I was playing cards with Vaughn and Loader Bot to eliminate our boredom and pass some time. Not to mention Handsome Jack popping up and giving me jumpscares sure kept me from falling asleep.

    But it didn't turn out to be another boring day , this one was certainly special.

    My eyes were wide. "What do you mean me and Fiona are gonna be alone ?"

    Vaughn replied with an annoyed tone. "Bro I've already told you , me and Sasha are going to get some supplies and we need Loader Bot incase things go wrong , plus Gortys has a tracker of this car so if we're lost we can ask Gortys."

    "And you need me and Fiona to guard the car ?" I said in a shocked tone "Why don't you and Sasha stay here and me and Fiona go ?"

    Vaughn sighed " Because you're only gonna get in trouble , you two hate each other and we don't want to die because of your childish fights."

    "God , alright fine whatever.Leave me here with the crazy pandoran chick." I sighed.

    "I'll never leave you bro , we're gonna return in no time." Said Vaughn with a little smile on his face.

    "I know you won't bro , we'll never be separated." I got my fist ready to brofist.

    "Never bro , never." said Vaughn while brofisting.

    (Fiona's point of view)

    An hour passed by and everyone was gone , everyone except Rhys.

    Oh god Rhys... I thought. There was no point in me denying that I didn't feel anything for him... His face , smile , charming voice and nice haircut made me want to go insane. Perhaps today was the good day to tell him my feelings.

    So I got out of the couch , opened up the caravan's door and went outside.

    Rhys was standing on a rock watching the sky , his surroundings and swallowing the silence.

    I've always liked how he seemed so chill , so.. attractive , so... I shook my head. Now's not a good time to get lost in my thoughts.

    He turned his head in my direction as he heard footsteps approaching. "Hi." He said with a little smile.

    I came to a stop and looked at him. "Hey."

    "Enjoying the loneliness ?" He laughed a little. "It's a pretty good time to soak in your surroundings."

    "It's nice." I said , then I sat next to him. "I see you're thinking , what's on your mind Hyperion ?"

    He started to scratch his ear "I uh..."

    "Hm ?" I gave him a questioned look.

    "I've been thinking about us." He said shyly.

    Then my heart skipped a beat , I could feel my face going red and saw the same to him.

    "Us ?" I said while looking away.

    "Y-yeah..." He said while also looking away.

    "About what ?" I swallowed hard.

    "Y'know , our temporary alliance and this hunting of the vault stuff and..." then I heard his voice fading away when I lost myself in my thoughts.

    A temporary alliance ?... Is he trying to hide something , does he really feel the same for me ? I thought. What if he-

    I then jumped when I felt my shoulders being shaked and hearing my name. "Fiona hello ?!" Rhys said with a worried tone.

    I looked at him confused. "Huh , yeah ?" I gulped. "Sorry I wasn't paying attention."

    "Mkaay..." said with a worried face and he shook it off. "Anyway it's kinda hot here sitting in the middle of the sun in a desert..." He looked at her "Wanna go for a walk ?" He got up and held out his hand to me.

    I took it "I'd love that , after all the boredom all these days , a walk would be nice." I looked at him and smiled.

    "I thought so myself." He returned the smile. "Anyway let's get going , I want these legs to feel tired tonight."

    "So Hyperion boy , why don't you tell me a little more about yourself ?" I said while we walked , then out of instinct I held his robotic arm and I started panicking.

    "Sure." He held my hand back. My heart was literally going to explore , he looked at me and smiled before looking forward "So since I was a little kid I always wanted to run a corporation , sometimes I'd play with my friends just to print business cards and..."

    So Rhys and I continued to spend the day together , all the while I was having my dreams come true.But never did he ask about me 'liking him' which was to me , both good and bad.Either way , I was making the best out of our time.People say a lot of things can happen in a day , but everything was the same. I didn't mind if we didn't run off into the sunsets , but hand-holding is nice.We never stopped talking.

    If only Rhys would tell me his true feelings.

    If only Rhys.


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    I was Late to the party to, Might I join?

  • edited August 2015

    Hey guys, in the kid AU we have going on here, what would Rhys name his favorite sock puppet? THIS IS FOR...SCIENCE!

    EDIT: Okay, turns out his favorite sock puppets does have a name and its Mr.Froggy Wiggles. THANKS JOHN, I OWE YOU ONE!

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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So you and me? Together?

  • i thought it was Mr. Froggy Wiggles?

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey guys, in the kid AU we have going on here, what would Rhys name his favorite sock puppet? THIS IS FOR...SCIENCE! EDIT: Okay, turns out his favorite sock puppets does have a name and its Mr.Froggy Wiggles. THANKS JOHN, I OWE YOU ONE!

  • no fizzy drinks for rhys, they make him gassy :(

    Eryka posted: »

    Is there any Coke?

  • i have a feeling he would disagree... x)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Rhys is lucky to have you.

  • Yes it's a compliment, welcome! ♥

    Eryka posted: »


  • but they are infinite :O

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Meanwhile I eat all the snacks before Rhys and Fiona get a chance to even get a bite.

  • And Degree

    excellent ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • aw ;;;;;; tell her rhys, tell her!

    this is so cute <3

    Brawl posted: »

    So you should know that written fanfictions aren't my thing , I like to do comics as you've noticed. This is my first ever written fanfic

  • Is it a sign?Alt text

  • edited August 2015

    He got up and held out his hand to me.


    I thought this was really adorable Brawl. :D

    Brawl posted: »

    So you should know that written fanfictions aren't my thing , I like to do comics as you've noticed. This is my first ever written fanfic

  • Fiona like Rhys when he is gassy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    rhonu posted: »

    no fizzy drinks for rhys, they make him gassy

  • It was? I didn't even know it had a name so that's why I was asking. :)

    i thought it was Mr. Froggy Wiggles?

  • Very good times. :)

    Yeah, it kinda is one of those movies you should watch at least once.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good times man I think the first one is just mandatory :P


    Is it a sign?

  • With all this 69, it's hard to believe that Rhyiona WON'T be confirmed in episode 4 now. ;)

    Is it a sign?

  • How could he disagree? :O You're a wonderful mother.

    rhonu posted: »

    i have a feeling he would disagree... x)


    kristi78968 posted: »

    After all the shipping comments today, I suggest that this should be the official theme song for the thread. There's also an AMV version which is AWESOME

  • Don't worry, I have my ways! IT WILL NO LONGER BE INFINITE!!!

    rhonu posted: »

    but they are infinite :O

  • ''Hard''

    kristi78968 posted: »

    With all this 69, it's hard to believe that Rhyiona WON'T be confirmed in episode 4 now.

  • excellent find ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Eryka posted: »


  • wHAt??WHy

    Eryka posted: »

    Fiona like Rhys when he is gassy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Thank you MasterAlt text

    excellent find ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • It makes him... sexy?

    rhonu posted: »


  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited August 2015

    @John_Smith13 Need 2 comments and he will have 669 comments ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • well, I just show up and yell random stuff in this whole forum, and for some reason I'm still not blocked by anyone...

    Me in this thread:

  • i'm too protective of him ;;

    MichaelBP posted: »

    How could he disagree? :O You're a wonderful mother.

  • edited August 2015

    My friend and I had a long discussion about naked..I mean shirtless Rhys. We also drew some stuff. yeah.

    Saanko nuolaista: can I lick him?

    Huljun huljun: wiggle wiggle

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  • edited August 2015

    Yeah it was a random joke that kinda started living its own life :D Mr. Froggy Wiggles it is!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey guys, in the kid AU we have going on here, what would Rhys name his favorite sock puppet? THIS IS FOR...SCIENCE! EDIT: Okay, turns out his favorite sock puppets does have a name and its Mr.Froggy Wiggles. THANKS JOHN, I OWE YOU ONE!

  • HAAAWLY SHIET! i'm a guy, and i can't stop staring at him :O

  • There's nothing wrong with being a little too protective of your little boy.

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    rhonu posted: »

    i'm too protective of him ;;

  • BAM! 669 comments ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    and about 85% of them are lewd ones

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  • im trying to make fiona with the enhanced character creation mod...

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    with mixed results

  • haha that gif! That's totally me when I drew this xD

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Damn it Rhys...

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    Brawl posted: »

    So you should know that written fanfictions aren't my thing , I like to do comics as you've noticed. This is my first ever written fanfic

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    MeatBicycle posted: »

    im trying to make fiona with the enhanced character creation mod... with mixed results

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