Why can't you skip the "next episode" spoilers at the end of the episode?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

In other Telltale games, I've been able to simply shut down the game once the previews start at the end of an episode, and then get a save for the next episode. I just finished plaything through GoT episode 1 and this is no longer the case. If I remember correctly, it was also that way in TWD:S2.

I strongly believe that I represent a nontrivial group of people when I write the following;
I care about spoilers. I strongly prefer to play/watch/read media through the first time without any kind of hint or preview, as they completely destroy my enjoyment of fiction, since I'll know too much about what will happen and more importantly what cannot happen (since character X will be in location Y, nothing can happen that involves having said character at another location, etc.) which invariably results in nothing being able to surprise me.
I don't watch movie trailers, and I skip the channel if there's a next episode preview in a show I'm watching.

Given all of that, my question is this;
Does anyone know why Telltale decided to force everyone to watch the spoilers whether they want to or not, and what the reasoning is behind that particular design decision?

The only solution I've found has been to leave the game window open, turn off my sound and my monitor, and to wait while the game finishes, in dead silence, with nothing else to do.

(Edit: less waffling)


  • Alt + Tab and be happy

  • In fairness, the scene of Rodrik in his bedroom reading a scroll and talking about betrayal was pretty accurate.

  • edited August 2015

    It's not really a spoiler, it's more of a teaser than anything to keep your interest in the game. And you can always just walk away for a minute or 2 till it's over :P

  • Episode 6 didn't have a teaser... which is a shame since I'm dying for a clue to know what happens next.

  • edited August 2015

    The problem is that the game doesn't give you a viable save to continue to the next episode before the previews are over.
    Pressing alt+f4 shuts down the game, so when you turn it on again you have to redo the last chapter, and you still have to watch the preview.
    Pressing alt+tab causes the game to lose focus, which causes it to automatically pause; you still don't get to the end of the previews.

    I don't feel "teased" by having the next episode completely ruined for me. I can have entire scenes ruined just by a screenshot, just by knowing which characters are in a room together.
    I realize that not everyone cares, presumably because not everyone has the same kind of problem, but I'm not the only one I've heard complain about this so I have to assume I'm not alone.

  • Lol when I was playing TWAU for the first time I did a complete run in one shot, every time the preview would come up I'd run out of the room asap because there's no way to skip it...

  • My issue with the "next time", and then the "previously on" on the next episode, is that it's really annoying when you play through multiple episodes once they've all been released. It's just a waste of time then, and should simply be skipable.
    That goes for the title sequence for GoT, as well.

  • I don't feel "teased" by having the next episode completely ruined for me. I can have entire scenes ruined just by a screenshot, just by knowing which characters are in a room together. I realize that not everyone cares, presumably because not everyone has the same kind of problem, but I'm not the only one I've heard complain about this so I have to assume I'm not alone.

    I see almost no way these teasers, which are very inaccurate, can ruin an episode. If they really borrow you, they're like a minute long you can go into another room or something.

    The problem is that the game doesn't give you a viable save to continue to the next episode before the previews are over. Pressing alt+f4 s

  • And I do indeed sit around and wait for them to finish with my monitor and sound off, yes.
    But that doesn't change the fact that it's ridiculous that they went out of their way to change when the save happens to force people like me to have to wait them out when it used to be that we could just press escape-->main menu-->play-->next chapter before.

    What good does it do to force people to watch them anyway?

    I don't feel "teased" by having the next episode completely ruined for me. I can have entire scenes ruined just by a screenshot, just by kno

  • You could leave the room while the preview is going on.

  • They might notice and fix it (since there's apparently no reason they changed it to what it is now).
    Or, perhaps, someone might explain to me what the point of it is so at least I'll understand their decision.

    I'm not going to pretend I didn't make this post out of frustration, but I still like to think I'm being constructive here.

  • People keep saying this, and I know that some of the scenes don't come out exactly the way they do in the previews, but they're still hints; they still give you an idea at what kind of thing is going to happen.

    If one of my friends gave me hints about the ending to a book series, say Harry Potter, before I finished reading it, it would still shape my experience and make the book more predictable and thus largely unenjoyable to me.

    I get that some people don't care about spoilers, and that you guys don't understand why it's a problem to those who do; I don't think you're being very helpful by undermining the issue for the rest of us though.

    Green613 posted: »

    It's not really a spoiler, it's more of a teaser than anything to keep your interest in the game. And you can always just walk away for a minute or 2 till it's over :P

  • edited August 2015

    Because there are so few scenes it's barely even a spoiler.

    They won't change it because a few guys faint at the sight of the sligthest spoiler.

    Easy solution for you, since you know the preview's coming when it ends, turn off your monitor and turn down the sound then go make a coffee. When you come back, voilá, preview's gone!

  • edited August 2015

    There have been no serious attempts at giving me advice.

    I said in my opening post; "The only solution I've found has been to leave the game window open, turn off my sound and my monitor, and to wait while the game finishes, in dead silence, with nothing else to do."

    There have been plenty of posters that apparently couldn't manage to read that, but I'm not ignoring them because "I'm better than them" (like you said) - I'm ignoring them because they didn't contribute anything helpful.

  • If I had to take a guess, the reasoning behind that is basically to tempt players who have not already bought the next episode into wanting to buy it. Obviously, a sizable portion of people buy the Season passes, but not everyone does - so they want to make it more tempting for people to buy episodes by giving them an exciting glimpse of the next episode.

  • I think you're on to something.
    It's sad that it could have the opposite effect on someone like me (losing interest,) but I don't think I'm in the majority, so it makes sense.

    If I had to take a guess, the reasoning behind that is basically to tempt players who have not already bought the next episode into wanting

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