What do you think ...

The Ice Dragon mean ? (ep.6 name)
My first thought is that is something in the North Grove, but I hardly believe its a real dragon
Second: It's something about the Lord of the house.
What do you think ?


  • Yes it is in the North Grove , but it is real.

  • edited August 2015

    There is a constellation called "Ice Dragon" in the world of Ice and Fire. One of it's stars is called "Ice Dragon's Eye", it points north. I think, the stars will help Gared and Co navigate and eventually find the North Grove.

  • edited August 2015

    "Beneath the watchfull eye of the Ice Dragon", meaning that this place "North Grove" can be found by following this constalation. This is the most logical thing, I highly doubt there will be a real Ice Dragon.

    This was supposed to be a separate comment, I didn't want to reply to your comment Krapinka. :D

    Krapinka posted: »

    There is a constellation called "Ice Dragon" in the world of Ice and Fire. One of it's stars is called "Ice Dragon's Eye", it points north. I think, the stars will help Gared and Co navigate and eventually find the North Grove.

  • No problem .)

    FetchWalker posted: »

    "Beneath the watchfull eye of the Ice Dragon", meaning that this place "North Grove" can be found by following this constalation. This is th

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