Gryff Fate possibilities

what do you think will happen to Gryff? I see some possibilities ...

1 - The most expected, be killed by Asher / Rodrik

2 - Talia is very angry, and she knows how to fight ..... That probably will not happen, but it would be a pleasant surprise if she came to Gryff in some way and kill him.they never would leave her go to war, but it would be a nice plot twist that makes sense, especially if you left Rodrik behind

3 - Be killed by Beska (especially if Asher died) It could be determinant in another way, if Rodrik dies Talia avenge him, If asher dies, Beska avenge him

4 - Duncan abandons diplomacy and kills Gryff/ Royland avenge Rodrik/Asher

5 - Not happening, but would be nice if (determinant) you left the traitor alive and he Go to war and Kill Gryff to redeem himself

6 - Killed by ramsey, because........ He likes kill people :), and he hates cowards like Gryff

7 - Killed by Elaena Glenmore ( i doubt that, but if Rodrik dies.. who knows?)

8 - He will win and kill us all :(

9- He will flee becuase he's a coward

10 - The north grove is like a Death note, and Gared will use It to Kill Gryff because..... plot :P. Gared makes Gryff die killed by a Giant f*cking Potato

Obviously some theories are just joking ( Really? :p). But what do you think? Another cool ideas?


  • Ramsay said he doesn't take sides anymore.

  • Also, I hope North Grove might mean that Gared will control the white walkers to destroy the Whitehills, but who knows

  • edited August 2015

    Me too. I made that joke because i dont know how the North Grove can help now. Gared is Like far far far away from the war, he even didint found the North Grove yet..... and the war is already happening

    AronDracula posted: »

    Also, I hope North Grove might mean that Gared will control the white walkers to destroy the Whitehills, but who knows

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