Do you think Elaena Glenmore could commit suicide? (If Rodrik was left behind)

I Dunno. But Elaena was broken when Arthur died. And now, his betrothed died in an ambush.

I thought Elaena could commit suicide after Arthur's death if you said "sleep well". But that not happens. But now it is very possible considering Rodrik's death.

What do ya think?


  • And now, his betrothed died in an ambush

    Elaena is a guy?

  • Maybe Elaena feels like being a guy today? Educate yourself you CIS white male scum and respect genderfluidity

    And now, his betrothed died in an ambush Elaena is a guy?

  • Maybe he's not a native speaker, in some languages the possessive pronoun would agree with ''Rodrik''.

    I know, I know. Sorry for being that guy, :(

    And now, his betrothed died in an ambush Elaena is a guy?

  • And what languages might those be?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Maybe he's not a native speaker, in some languages the possessive pronoun would agree with ''Rodrik''. I know, I know. Sorry for being that guy,

  • edited August 2015

    PLOT TWIST: SHE HAS A PENIS Better than the traitor plot twist

  • Italian

    Lingvort posted: »

    And what languages might those be?

  • I don't know why she would. She has a pretty good chance with Gryff.

  • edited August 2015

    "better" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Clemenem posted: »

    PLOT TWIST: SHE HAS A PENIS Better than the traitor plot twist

  • She wanted Gryff dead rather than be married to him, so why would she want to marry him now? Especially now that might be responsible for killing her finance? Though I don't think she would commit suicide. I hope she's pregnant, and if Asher lives that he claims the baby.

  • French

    Lingvort posted: »

    And what languages might those be?

  • Probably better for her.

  • edited August 2015

    lol trans people lol

    Maybe Elaena feels like being a guy today? Educate yourself you CIS white male scum and respect genderfluidity

  • Sorry about the betrothed thing.

    Im from Argentina. and the word is "PROMETIDO" in the google translator says "betrothed".

    Sorry :(

  • It's not that. I don't really want to bother you with grammar, but there's no other way to explain it.

    "His" is a masculine possessive pronoun. Elaena is a woman, and requires a feminine pronoun in that statement. It should be "her bethrothed", not "his".

    Sorry about the betrothed thing. Im from Argentina. and the word is "PROMETIDO" in the google translator says "betrothed". Sorry

  • Asher: "You're not alone..."

    Then Telltale just does a model swap.

  • I don't think Telltale would do this. I think they would want to make it as part of a dilemma. For instance it could be a case of both Elanor and Gywn being in danger and you have to choose who lives. If Asher chooses to save Gywn, then Elanor dies and he marries Gywn. If Asher chooses to save Elanor, then Gywn dies and Asher marries Elanor to honor the promised betrothal and also (if she is pregnant) so she can give birth while married to Asher and they can just claim that the baby is Ashers. Or she might keep quite about being pregnant and only reveals it after they are married and they've already slept together.

    Just another way for mess with our minds and screw us over.

  • Portuguese.

    Lingvort posted: »

    And what languages might those be?

  • Don't worry. Prometido = betrothed. That's a right translation.

    They were talking about the pronoun. In spanish, the possessive pronoun would agree with 'Rodrik'. But in English, the pronoun has to agree with Elaena. And since Elaena's a woman, the right would be ''her'' instead of ''his''. Hope I've clarified to you. :P

    Sorry about the betrothed thing. Im from Argentina. and the word is "PROMETIDO" in the google translator says "betrothed". Sorry

  • Romance languages, then. I see.

    rousseau posted: »


  • Romance languages, then. I see.


  • Romance languages, then. I see.

    TheCatWolf posted: »


  • No, I don't see her killing herself. She's your typical "strong female character" and wouldn't kill herself over a dead boyfriend. She still has her father and the remaining Forresters to support her emotionally.

    "I'd rather marry a dead house!"

    Yeah, Elaena's pretty tough.

  • Don't forget she is now deflowered (determinant), which now makes it less likely for her father to get her a good marriage. The chances are even lower if she got pregnant.

    But either way, I don't see her killing herself. She seems to be more of the kind to seek revenge on the Whitehills and to make sure Gryff gets what he deserves than the kind to end her own life.

    I don't know how many more dead children Lady Forrester can take, though.


    Flog61 posted: »

    lol trans people lol

  • She better not. Pretty sure she's got a Forrester/Snow (determinant) cooking.

    But seriously, if you tell her she should go home she essentially says her father told her not to come back. So poor thing doesn't have anyone or anywhere else to go. She's strong though and I love that about her. I hope she doesn't lose that.

  • No one can prove she is (deflowered) though, so that might not strictly be a problem in terms of another marriage (in the tv show it's quite implied that Margaery is by no means a virgin when she's betrothed to Joffrey first and then Tommen, and almost everyone knows this but dares not bring it up on more than a gossip level). A baby would be another thing entirely... I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought about the "Asher legitimizing a possible baby" route, thought it was a bit too far-fetched on my part ^^

    In any case I agree that she doesn't strike me as the kind to end her life -- I could perhaps see her gambling with it in an impulsive attempt at revenge, but not killing herself with that direct purpose in mind.

    If Elissa loses any more children she will start reminding me of Cecily of York a lot -- who bore 14 and buried them all but two of her daughters. I cannot imagine what strength or faith you have to possess to go through that and live on. Losing a child is the absolute worst and in the Middle Ages it happened all the time :(

    Abeille posted: »

    Don't forget she is now deflowered (determinant), which now makes it less likely for her father to get her a good marriage. The chances are

  • No one can give definitive proof (except for the existence of a baby), that's true. A maester can attest that she doesn't have her hymen anymore and anyone that knew she was spending some weeks with her betrothed might imagine that's why, though it is not uncommon for girls to break it naturally (I think Cersei says that herself about Margaery). But yeah, nobody can prove it, so with some cunning and secrecy her father might be able to work something out.

    I would be all for Asher marrying her and legitimizing her baby, if she is carrying one. Maybe with time they can learn to love each other, like Cat and Ned. Besides, if given a choice, I really wouldn't let my Asher marry Gwyn. I'm out for her family's blood, and I wouldn't trust her not to turn on Asher after he is finished with her brother and her father.

    No one can prove she is (deflowered) though, so that might not strictly be a problem in terms of another marriage (in the tv show it's quite

  • i think she will wnat revenge (if Rodrik stayed behind ) She will want Gryffs death !!!!!

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