Why is there no option to call out Ramsey?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

"I allowed to keep half of your forest:your livelihood."

Why is there no option to say that whitehills took ALL of the ironwood and defied the Boltons?

Dİd telltale just forgot about this?


  • C'mon guys isn't it obvious ? He was obviously wearing the plot earplugs that came as a bargain sale with the armor...

  • Umm, didn't Snow say that he's getting sick of the Forresters and the Whitehills? The Forresters are scheming troublemakers and the Whitehills do horrible craftsmanship. At this point, I think Telltale's made it pretty obvious that he no longer wastes a single thought about who stole what and who defiled who. He straight out told Rodrik: "Last House standing wins!" Otherwise he'll just flay both the Forresters AND the Whitehills. Isn't that the entrance of the episode? War is inevittable and negotiations will fall on deaf ears?

  • Because it would be too easy for the Forrester to have some kind of leverage for a change, no matter how small.

  • The plot armour is exceedingly heavy with him, like head to toe.

  • Didn't seem that heavy when was pwning Ironborn left and right SHIRTLESS

    enter image description here

    The plot armour is exceedingly heavy with him, like head to toe.

  • edited August 2015

    It's unfortunate how many missed opportunities were there in episode 5 :/

    That is one of them. It is not unusual for what I want to say to not be among the choices in TellTale games, but on this episode that happened most often than not.

    Edit: Noticed ages later that I wrote episode 4 instead of episode 5. Force of habit, since episode 4 is usually the penultimate xD

  • That's his after-sex plot armour.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Didn't seem that heavy when was pwning Ironborn left and right SHIRTLESS

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