Do You Trust Cersei Lannister and Will She Make A Great Ally or A Great Enemy In Episode 6?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I watch the GOT Series on HBO and I love playing Game Of Thrones Telltale Game Series and I also enjoyed episode 5.I have a hard time trusting Cersei and sometimes I can see her has a great Ally or Mira and other times,I can see her has enemy to Mira and House Forrester and I'm at the edge of my seat and it's soooooo hard and I wonder if I play the Game Of Thrones saying correctly like "When You Play The Game Of Thrones You Either Win Or You Die". I enjoy how Telltale does a great job of doing GOT Series and Tales From The Borderlands Series(I Hope This Gets A Season 2 just like GOT)and I look forward the Sixth Episode of this Season 1 of GOT Telltale Game Series and I know they are not going to disappoint us fans of Game Of Thrones From Books the fans enjoy to the TV Show on HBO we fans like me enjoy watching and I hope they continue to surprise us and show us their creative story and art of the series and I know this a Game Of Thrones thread and I have the most respect for Telltale Game Of Thrones Fans on here and I just want Telltale to continue this ride by making a Tales From The Borderlands Season 2 so we the fans of Borderlands Games can love the series Telltale made for us to laugh,love the characters,Art,great music intros on each episode,and letting us hope for a Season 2.Now that has been discussed,do you trust Cersei?


  • Not at all. I feel like she's going to be pissed and dispose of us once we are no longer useful.

  • I would never, ever, not even if she was the last person alive in Westeros, trust Cersei Lannister.

    Cersei is only loyal to herself and her children. She has proven that she has no problems on sending loyal people that considered her as friends to torturing, agonizing deaths once they cease to be useful to her.

    Mira is between a rock and a hard place, though. She can't exactly refuse to do what Cersei says, but trying to forge an alliance with Cersei can't end well either.

  • edited August 2015

    I never expect anything from a canon character. Most of the time, they are between worthless, at best to a major hinderance, at worse.

  • I wouldn't trust Cersei to wash my underwear.

  • That's a lovely image

    I wouldn't trust Cersei to wash my underwear.

  • Trust Cersei


  • She'll make a great something ;)

  • edited August 2015

    Cersei would be a powerful ally but Mira wouuld be foolish to trust her, it's best to appear as a loyal servant to her but be cautious around her.

  • At least Cersei knows how to reward loyalty not like our "friend" Margery.

  • Cersei does not have allies or friends, only useful and/or expendable servants. And it will be a great mistake to think that you will be an exception to the rule.

  • Well the TV Series has shown me that Cersei is a top class bitch who only does what SHE wants to do...

    She won't help Mira, even if Mira did get Tyrion's witnesses, Cersei would just tell her to be on her way.

  • Yeah, a great slaughter. D:

    Clemenem posted: »

    She'll make a great something

  • Lol, no! I'm scared shitless of Cersei...

  • Here's your answer TC.

  • I'm sure she will be a good ally, as long as you do your job, though seeing as we couldn't get any info from Tyrion, then no she will probably not be a good ally.

  • I'm sure that was supposed to be ally

    What's an Allie?

  • Cersei is not known for being trustworthy but we'll see that in ep.6

  • Cersei + lady ally = Qyburn getting a new lab rat. I like Cersei but she is a wacko I will side with Margery if given the chance.

  • Cersei is treacherous and selfish, but also foolish. I hope that she takes care of Andros and leaves us alone... I can hope right?

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