When Max is at the lighthouse with Chloe at the end of EP1, you can find a rock that has "Don't Trust Anyone" written on it. I think this is a message to the player. Maybe Warren and Kate aren't trustworthy as we thought. Warren is kinda strange and has violent tendencies like Nathan. And the photos David took of Kate did seem like she was up to something. Maybe EP5 is going to unveil a lot of things that no one is expecting?
I've played all the episodes but im still not satisfied.
You haven't played them all. ;P
The diaoluges are terrible and so is … morethe voice acting.
The dialogue can be bad at times but I disagree with the voice acting, it is done fairly well.
They seriously need to fix the lip synching and the face expressions.
I agree with the lip synching (Which has gotten somewhat better) and the facial expressions are good, could be improved.
The story is kinda boring
Major opinion. In fact, many people would disagree with you. It has an extremely interesting story with many subplots along with the main one allowing you to know that most characters aren't just a bland archetype.
the fact that you can rewind and change your choice takes away all the excitement and fear of making a bad choice. It takes away all the "What have I done?! This choice will screw me in the future"
Does it though? Let's l… [view original content]
So... Does anyone have any ideas about the reasons why Jefferson did those terrible things to Rachel, Kate (and now) Max? What does he want to gain from all this?
I tried to think of the one reason why he'd do all this, but, if you can't think like a serial killer, give up.
Maybe it's a sick obsession of his, or maybe he's searching for "the perfect model", or something like that? I mean, there were a lot more binders in that cabinet than just Rachel's Kate's and Victoria's.
In the game, "Heavy Rain", the serial killer there had kidnapped young boys that were the same age as his twin brother to recreate the moment where he had drowned and tested the fathers to prove their love for them and to see if they were capable enough to sacrifice themselves in order to save their son. All because his own father didn't try to save his son, and the killer's twin brother. Not only that, but the killer on that game turned out to be someone we didn't expect it to be either.
Hmmm no one pointed or saw this before the video of this soundtrack used when Max and Chloe found Rachel it's very similiar.Which is very interesting,that we have videos of soundtracks we can see stuff from ep5 play like.
It usually takes me about a day or MAYBE two to calm my excitement and focus on other stuff, but I'm still so friggin' pumped for the last episode! It's so annoying but at the same time it feels pretty badass that the game had a bigger impact on me than I ever expected.
Well... I guess I'll just go back to suffering and reading LiS forums until the pain passes.
So, what do you guys think will happen in the last episode ? I feel like a lot has already happened in episode 4 and I really didn't expect that ending! The only thing I still don't understand is how Max got her powers and what it has to do with the storm that is coming. I hope these questions will be answered in the next and last episode.
Do you think there will be a second season ? I sure would hope so!
When Max is at the lighthouse with Chloe at the end of EP1, you can find a rock that has "Don't Trust Anyone" written on it. I think this is a message to the player. Maybe Warren and Kate aren't trustworthy as we thought. Warren is kinda strange and has violent tendencies like Nathan. And the photos David took of Kate did seem like she was up to something. Maybe EP5 is going to unveil a lot of things that no one is expecting?
I really don't understand why people cosplay but if LIS every with live she'd be a perfect as Max.(Creepy contacts gotta go tho)
To tell the truth, the dialogue has been improved since Episode 3. And the lip syncing is pretty much fixed in Episode 4.
So... Does anyone have any ideas about the reasons why Jefferson did those terrible things to Rachel, Kate (and now) Max? What does he want to gain from all this?
He gains more art.
He's just really into photography.
Yeah, manly Chloe is way better than psycho Max.
He must be sick in the head that's why.
If you could, how would you punish Jefferson?
Partially fixed.
Some mouth animations overlap and end up being clunky and broken.
I'd like to throw him into the tornado.
He's got really messed up fantasies...
Drug him so he can't move but is awake, so he sees the tornado working its way towards him and can't do anything to protect himself.
He studied at the Roman Polanski school of photography.
To the fullest extent of the law.
I tried to think of the one reason why he'd do all this, but, if you can't think like a serial killer, give up.
Maybe it's a sick obsession of his, or maybe he's searching for "the perfect model", or something like that? I mean, there were a lot more binders in that cabinet than just Rachel's Kate's and Victoria's.
In the game, "Heavy Rain", the serial killer there had kidnapped young boys that were the same age as his twin brother to recreate the moment where he had drowned and tested the fathers to prove their love for them and to see if they were capable enough to sacrifice themselves in order to save their son. All because his own father didn't try to save his son, and the killer's twin brother. Not only that, but the killer on that game turned out to be someone we didn't expect it to be either.
Agreed, yet there are still issues therefore I put could be improved.
Its only been a week and i already know the wait for EP5 is gonna kill me.....
We have fairly interesting avatars.
I think you meant to write "We have fairly cute avatars"
You're right, I did mean we have fairly cute avatars.
Hmmm no one pointed or saw this before
the video of this soundtrack used when Max and Chloe found Rachel it's very similiar.Which is very interesting,that we have videos of soundtracks we can see stuff from ep5 play like.
Guys, do you think they will take a shorter time to release the last episode just like Telltale does? Or am I being too optimistic?
I'll say optimistic.
Two options;
Let Chloe beat down Jefferson like Warren did to Nathan.
Expose him for his crimes for all of Oregon to see.
Why just Oregon? He's a world famous photographer, have him post it on his twitter or something.
Sadly. September 22th ~ 29th is probably our best guess.
Seriously, the wait is driving me insane!
It usually takes me about a day or MAYBE two to calm my excitement and focus on other stuff, but I'm still so friggin' pumped for the last episode! It's so annoying but at the same time it feels pretty badass that the game had a bigger impact on me than I ever expected.
Well... I guess I'll just go back to suffering and reading LiS forums until the pain passes.
Ricochet off manly face
That fucking chin
So, what do you guys think will happen in the last episode ? I feel like a lot has already happened in episode 4 and I really didn't expect that ending! The only thing I still don't understand is how Max got her powers and what it has to do with the storm that is coming. I hope these questions will be answered in the next and last episode.
Do you think there will be a second season ? I sure would hope so!
It's amazing!
I want one of those posters!