Mirgryn confirmed?

After seeing tweet from ArthurV we know that we will see Lord Morgryn.

There is also Mirgryn "ship".
(Mirgryn = Mira x Mirgryn)

So maybe we'll see Mirgryn finally happening?



  • As much as I'd love to see it, that tweet doesn't confirm anything other than the fact that Morgryn will be in the Episode.

  • We know he is in the episode and that he has lines, that's all. We don't have the faintest idea of what he will do. He might flirt with Mira, he might try to take her out of King's Landing, he might put a knife in her guts, anything. The thing about characters like him is that it is hard to know what they will do next, because what they will do depends on what their interests are at the moment.

    So no, the ship is not confirmed by his presence. But hey, at least we'll get more eyebrow game.

  • Just stop

  • Do you remember the last time a ship sailed?

  • I know. It's just speculation.

    Abeille posted: »

    We know he is in the episode and that he has lines, that's all. We don't have the faintest idea of what he will do. He might flirt with Mira

  • Nothing wrong with speculating!

    I for one would love if Morgryn ended up as an ally because I really like him and I want him to be around for the next season.

    PanJogurt posted: »

    I know. It's just speculation.

  • CoughANestOfViperscough

  • Yes please!

  • NO! MIRA x TOM = MOM!

  • You guys need some fanart, and I'm considering giving it a try. Someday.

  • Please! I ship Mirgryn so much.

  • He is gonna betray Mira. It is known

  • My thoughts exactly. Too charming, handsome and clever. Something is very wrong with him.

    He is gonna betray Mira. It is known

  • MOM? srsly? I guess it's such a bad ship that you can't find good name (sarcasm intensifies)

    Omid's cat posted: »

    NO! MIRA x TOM = MOM!

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited August 2015

    Wow! Jogurt hates MOM.

    enter image description here

    PanJogurt posted: »

    MOM? srsly? I guess it's such a bad ship that you can't find good name (sarcasm intensifies)

  • as much as you guys want the GoT section to be like TFTBL it aint gonna happen


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Asher's ship. He landed. Look what happened...

    I still ship Mirgryn though.

  • Don't. Trust. Morgryn.

    He might just be Tom's employer or the one who hired Damien to kill Mira - or what if both were elaborate plans set by the same person - Littlef- I mean Lord Morgryn.

  • I don't hate MOM XD It's just not creative name

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Wow! Jogurt hates MOM.

  • It's said that there is audiolog in which Tom's employer is revealed but personally I never heard it.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Don't. Trust. Morgryn. He might just be Tom's employer or the one who hired Damien to kill Mira - or what if both were elaborate plans set by the same person - Littlef- I mean Lord Morgryn.

  • How do people find these audiologs? Where do they come from?

    PanJogurt posted: »

    It's said that there is audiolog in which Tom's employer is revealed but personally I never heard it.

  • There is a program that extracts it directly from the game. That's all I know about it, though.

    Harian96 posted: »

    How do people find these audiologs? Where do they come from?

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah, I think he sent Damien to kill Mira and then, when she showed up alive, he decided that going for an alliance could be better. It was just too much coincidence that he approached her right when Lucan was trying to question her about Damien's disappearance.

    Maybe now he wants to keep Mira alive, maybe he still expects to get back in the Ironwood business through her, but who knows what he will do next? What if he decides that siding with the Forresters is too risky, and goes for the Whitehills instead? What if he decides that severing any ties with the Forresters is a better option, to avoid trouble with the Crown? I wouldn't trust Morgryn right now. He already shown that he is not willing to ally with Mira if there is a risk she is getting in trouble (I mean how he ran away so quickly when Tyrion got arrested). Mira can't count on him.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Don't. Trust. Morgryn. He might just be Tom's employer or the one who hired Damien to kill Mira - or what if both were elaborate plans set by the same person - Littlef- I mean Lord Morgryn.

  • Wow, the expertise that went into that image is outstanding, top class work of art.

  • Who in the hell likes Morgryn? That dude is seriously sick. And annoying. And nosy.

  • How is he sick? It's not like he's Ramsey or anything..

    Who in the hell likes Morgryn? That dude is seriously sick. And annoying. And nosy.

  • Please Telltale I don't care about any weird pairings, but can you please show us Mira's bobbies just once? Bacon.

    Who in the hell likes Morgryn? That dude is seriously sick. And annoying. And nosy.

  • Well he might be sick. We don't know much about him. But yeah, right now, can't say that he is sick for sure.

    Meow122 posted: »

    How is he sick? It's not like he's Ramsey or anything..

  • I get bad vibes from him. It's enough for me. :P

    Meow122 posted: »

    How is he sick? It's not like he's Ramsey or anything..

  • Bobbies. That's a new one.

    Please Telltale I don't care about any weird pairings, but can you please show us Mira's bobbies just once? Bacon.

  • Bitch Beyond The Wall??? I already like you heh

    Bobbies. That's a new one.

  • Haha, me too. A gut feeling he is bad news.

    Trust your guts. Don't trust Morgryn.

    I get bad vibes from him. It's enough for me. :P

  • As much as I ship Mira/Tom, the portmanteau couple name should NOT be "Mom". 8U Tira works just fine.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    NO! MIRA x TOM = MOM!

  • That makes two of us! :P

    Clemenem posted: »

    Bitch Beyond The Wall??? I already like you heh

  • Exactly.

    Abeille posted: »

    Haha, me too. A gut feeling he is bad news. Trust your guts. Don't trust Morgryn.

  • Yes! I want it so bad!

  • How about Tira instead? XD

    Omid's cat posted: »

    NO! MIRA x TOM = MOM!

  • edited August 2015

    That would be interesting...

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