So the Glenmores have their army in tact: How?

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So I've done a lot of snooping on why this would be the case. I assume they weren't at the Red Wedding. I did some research, such as looking at the Battle of the Ruby Ford in the books, but it did not give the answer I was looking for. Is there a mention of Rillmen (people from the Rills, i.e. the Glenmores) or House Ryswell (ruling house of the Rills) being involved in a particular area of fighting in the show or books, away from the Twins?


  • The Glenmores exist almost exclusively in game. But we can assume that their soldiers would be called up into their liege's army. Their Liege lord is Rodrik Ryswell.

    This is what the wiki says about the Ryswell army.

    A Storm of Swords
    Spearmen from the Rills compose part of the force that Lord Roose Bolton leaves under command of Ronnel Stout and Ser Kyle Condon in the aftermath of the Battle of the Ruby Ford.[3]

    Maester Aemon sends a raven to the Rills in a plea for help to defend Castle Black from wildlings.[4]

    A Dance with Dragons
    The Ryswells and Dustins are the first to declare for House Bolton when Lord Roose is named Warden of the North. The two houses surprise the remaining ironmen on the Fever River and manage to burn their longships.[5] The Ryswells also join the army led by Ramsay Bolton remove the ironborn from Moat Cailin.

    Lord Rodrik Ryswell, his sons, and his daughter Barbrey attend the wedding of Ramsay to "Arya Stark" at Winterfell. He is present along with his daughter, Roose and Aenys Frey when Theon Greyjoy is questioned about the deaths that are happening in the castle. He is hostile towards the Freys, as several of House Ryswell's men were slain at the Red Wedding.

  • Yeah I read all that in my search. I also am aware of the thing about their liege, which is why I asked about House Ryswell, since I would assume the Glenmores would be following them.

    Sarson posted: »

    The Glenmores exist almost exclusively in game. But we can assume that their soldiers would be called up into their liege's army. Their Lieg

  • That's all the info we have then. Having read that though it does seem a little weird that Ramsay would kill Arthur. Seeing as he's sworn to one of the only houses actually loyal to the Boltobns.

    Yeah I read all that in my search. I also am aware of the thing about their liege, which is why I asked about House Ryswell, since I would assume the Glenmores would be following them.

  • That's a good point. But you know, Ramsay is Ramsay. That crazy bastard.

    Sarson posted: »

    That's all the info we have then. Having read that though it does seem a little weird that Ramsay would kill Arthur. Seeing as he's sworn to one of the only houses actually loyal to the Boltobns.

  • Well, you see..... its magic.

  • Kibarann posted: »

    Well, you see..... its magic.

  • All hail the Magic Conch Shell!

    The Magic Conch!

  • edited August 2015

    They're invented for the game, you shouldn't look too much into it. I don't think the Glenmore have any mention in the lore at all... IIRC Lord Ryswell is pissed at the Frey during the Jeyne-Ramsay marriage because of the losses he suffered at the Red wedding but that's pretty much all I can think of...

  • I'm very much aware of that. That's why I asked if anyone knew any mentions of Rillmen and House Ryswell because that's logically where the Glenmores would have been.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    They're invented for the game, you shouldn't look too much into it. I don't think the Glenmore have any mention in the lore at all... IIRC L

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