Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Exactly.

    I'm pretty sick of the school, I don't even wanna think about getting back there in September >:(

    Still, I'd rather have no life than go to school.

  • ooh sounds really tough... D: Poor girl... You've had to endure so much too. I hope your next day will be better.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    yeah, and money is always nice.. My workday? Well.. A beach --> no WC ---> Autistic girl starts crying and kicking everyone ne

  • MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Exactly. I'm pretty sick of the school, I don't even wanna think about getting back there in September >:(

  • Hello people! So I just got home after about 8+ hours of traveling (it's always like that when I go on vacation :|). The flights sucked, mostly my own fault (I get extreme motion sickness and anxiety on airplanes even though I've been traveling with them all my life) but the fact that they stuck us in the last seats of a plane with a broken toilet didn't help. God, that place stank. Luckily there were some empty seats further up (like one row :P) so we were saved.

    And so I've returned to lovely, lovely Rhyiona after being able to check only in the airports (during the five minutes between when I realized the airport had WiFi and boarding). Lots of news, fanart, lewdness (so, so much of it lately) and general awesomeness. I've missed ya, guys :)

  • So accurate it hurts. :(

    I hate that shit, now I'll have to buy those stupid books soon.

  • Hello Joey! :D Nice to see you here.

    Well, I've never been in an airplane and I'm pretty scared of it :__:

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hello people! So I just got home after about 8+ hours of traveling (it's always like that when I go on vacation ). The flights sucked, mostl

  • OH god I have like a very irrational fear of planes, never been on one, hope I never have to, I'm just so scared of it crashing.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hello people! So I just got home after about 8+ hours of traveling (it's always like that when I go on vacation ). The flights sucked, mostl

  • John, what's happened????

    bye guys, i'm just gonna go.. uhh... cry or something, yeah..

  • Waste of money if you ask me.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    So accurate it hurts. I hate that shit, now I'll have to buy those stupid books soon.

  • Welcome back, Joey, we missed you. :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hello people! So I just got home after about 8+ hours of traveling (it's always like that when I go on vacation ). The flights sucked, mostl

  • Same.

    Just the feeling of being so high up there and that you could easily die, ugh .__.

    OH god I have like a very irrational fear of planes, never been on one, hope I never have to, I'm just so scared of it crashing.

  • Nice to see you too, Marija :)

    Don't mean to discourage you but I hate it. That's just me, though. If you don't have motion sickness you should be fine. Well, you should be fine even if you do. All discomfort I experience is in my head :P I freak out and feel sick hours before I'm actually supposed to get on the plane. I guess it's bad memories, when I was little I used to get sick in airplanes and throw up, and my ears would hurt a lot upon landing.

    This is all me though. Airplanes aren't scary in any way and you get snacks, which is more than you can say for buses :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Hello Joey! Nice to see you here. Well, I've never been in an airplane and I'm pretty scared of it :__:

  • Agree.

    The books are so expensive.

    Waste of money if you ask me.

  • Nah, that doesn't happen. Ahem. Not a lot. Okay, you probably hate planes as much as me so just avoid 'em like the plague.

    OH god I have like a very irrational fear of planes, never been on one, hope I never have to, I'm just so scared of it crashing.

  • You not a heights person either? .__.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Same. Just the feeling of being so high up there and that you could easily die, ugh .__.

  • Aw I missed you too <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welcome back, Joey, we missed you.

  • Welcome back! Good thing your awful flight is over and now you get to rest and talk to us. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hello people! So I just got home after about 8+ hours of traveling (it's always like that when I go on vacation ). The flights sucked, mostl

  • Well I get nausea pretty often, especially when it's hot outside, and it's summer time. Sometimes even when I'm driving in the car, but mostly when I'm in the big malls and all those parfumes, ugh ;__;

    I got really sick the last time that I even had to throw up.

    I'm pretty sure I'll never really have to go anywhere with an airplane though, so that's fine for me :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Nice to see you too, Marija Don't mean to discourage you but I hate it. That's just me, though. If you don't have motion sickness you sh

  • Whenever I think of planes this is what I see.

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Nah, that doesn't happen. Ahem. Not a lot. Okay, you probably hate planes as much as me so just avoid 'em like the plague.

  • Not at all.

    This might sound stupid, but I never climb the tall ladders in the school, at PE. I just don't like looking from the high :(

    You not a heights person either? .__.

  • that's pretty scary :(

    Whenever I think of planes this is what I see.

  • I never thought I was scared of heights, but when my peers are climbing rooftops up there I just turn back and run the hell away.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Not at all. This might sound stupid, but I never climb the tall ladders in the school, at PE. I just don't like looking from the high

  • I'm used to this by now. :) but I can't lie, I really really hope that tomorrow will be easier.

    buntingsir posted: »

    ooh sounds really tough... Poor girl... You've had to endure so much too. I hope your next day will be better.

  • Wow. That's... frightening.

    Whenever I think of planes this is what I see.

  • Whoa, I personally love planes. I adore the view from that height and the feeling when you're flying... People are so different, it's amazing.

    OH god I have like a very irrational fear of planes, never been on one, hope I never have to, I'm just so scared of it crashing.

  • @John_Smith13

    I did not have a good time... I've been suspended from work.

    Cuz I have been late to work too many times, and also not 'pulled my weight' enough; I have been suspended until a hearing with Human Resources next week or so... So yeah, I suck at life :'(

  • Yes but no :( There's no food at home so we're all going over to my aunt's for a big happy family dinner. I guess I'll be back soon? I don't know, didn't expect this.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Welcome back! Good thing your awful flight is over and now you get to rest and talk to us.

  • Yeah, I pretty much just avoid it. And I hated when my old teacher made me do it. I'm scared, what do you want me so badly to climb a stupid ladder, ugh.

    I've always been kind of different than my peers tbh.

    I never thought I was scared of heights, but when my peers are climbing rooftops up there I just turn back and run the hell away.

  • @kristi78968

    I just started to read the sequel to Doubt and I'd definitely recommend it. So far I like it even more than the first one. Besides the protagonist, he's a little shit.

  • He is cute!! :3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Morning everyone! Thanks to @rhonu and me adding my own spin on her adorable shirtless Rhys drawing, I can actually doodle my #1 Hubby and l

  • edited August 2015

    Oh believe me, if I didn't have to go to work, I would totally just watch some cat videos and eat junk food all day long . :)

    Tfw you're just sitting here while other people have lives.

  • Maybe I'd like it if I tried it, I don't have motion sickness or anything, just that I'm scared of heights and the fear of crashing.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Whoa, I personally love planes. I adore the view from that height and the feeling when you're flying... People are so different, it's amazing.

  • Nice! :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I made this Fiona.... meme (?)

  • Oh my gosh, that really sucks :( I'm sorry.

    You don't suck at life. We all make mistakes, it's okay! Now you know what to do next time

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @John_Smith13 @twdgirl43 @MarijaaNo7 I did not have a good time... I've been suspended from work. Cuz I have been late to work too m

  • Family dinner sounds great, though! I Have fun there, we'll always be here and wait for you. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yes but no There's no food at home so we're all going over to my aunt's for a big happy family dinner. I guess I'll be back soon? I don't know, didn't expect this.

  • Sorry to hear, brother. Hope it all goes well for you. :(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @John_Smith13 @twdgirl43 @MarijaaNo7 I did not have a good time... I've been suspended from work. Cuz I have been late to work too m

  • This is why I do not wish people to have fun at work.

    enter image description here

    Sad to hear it bro, let's hope it all works out. We'll try to cheer you up,

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @John_Smith13 @twdgirl43 @MarijaaNo7 I did not have a good time... I've been suspended from work. Cuz I have been late to work too m

  • I've just reached 10 000 likes.

    enter image description here

  • Rodrik x Eleana and Asher x Gwyn :P

    Who here has Game of thrones ships?

  • Fears run people... I can't imagine what it's gotta be like to go on a plane with the fear of heights, sounds really horrible. D:

    Maybe I'd like it if I tried it, I don't have motion sickness or anything, just that I'm scared of heights and the fear of crashing.

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