Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Give the Jack thing a try? He's a lot of fun to write. :)

    I know its late and this is random, but does anyone have any Rhyiona writing prompts?

  • Sorry, I would love to write about Jack, but which Jack thing are you talking about? :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Give the Jack thing a try? He's a lot of fun to write.

  • Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics i read on here so yeh idk I just got a little of the feels rn. Enjoy, pumpkins :3

    enter image description here

    He holds her steadily as he continues to walk through the horrible dessert of Pandora. He has her hat on so she doesn't lose it while she sleeps in his arms. He wouldn't want her to be upset like last time. It was a brilliant plan, yes and it worked but he felt bad that her favorite hat got destroyed which is why he got her this one to go along with her new outfit. She looked stunning when she put it on. Either way she always does. He begins to smile as she sighs in her sleep. Memories begin to take over his mind as they flash by.

    "You..you really are something, Fi." Rhys says, low enough so it doesnt wake her up. He wasn't even thinking of what he was doing right now. Talking to Fiona while she sleeps. It didn't feel ridiculous, or stupid. It felt soothing in a way. And he was glad Jack was no longer in his head or else he would've been laughing at him right now.

    That mere thought made him remember about their time together when they were kids when she would tease about things here and there. They had been seperated for a couple of years when Rhys began to work for Hyperion when he was 14.

    "Man, I remember the look on your face when I had told you I couldnt see you as often as I usually did. It hurt me pretty bad. But your hug crushed me. Literally." He chuckled. "I remember when you took my sock puppet away that one time and called me a cry baby. And just to prove that I wasn't one, what did you have me do? Freaking climb a building just to get you that hat." He frowned. "I must've scared you pretty bad to make you cry and think I was dead. Sorry I made you destroy your hat by the way, to save our lives.."

    He looked down at her. She looked so peaceful. He was kinda surprised that she hasnt even woken up since she's usually a light sleeper.

    He sighed. "All those adventures that we had as kids and here we are now," He continued. "still having them as adults. Except with more guns and bandits and death." He cleared his throat.

    "You have no idea how much I've missed you, Fi. These past few years I've been gone, how much I missed spending time with you and those hugs you'd give me when you saw me again or when I was leaving. I even thought of running away once just to be with you again or even see you. But of course that wasn't possible since my dad knew where I'd be."

    He continued to walk as he neared the next town. He wanted to stop and rest but he didn't want her to be in the sun like this. He'd give her her hat back but he also didnt want it to slip off as she slept. Since the first day he met her, he swore she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on. And it was true. His only motivation to get to the top of Hyperion was her, but used Handsome Jack as a cover-up. He wanted to stay with her, and protect her from the harsh things that were on Pandora. He wanted to get her off this miserable rock. And he was still determined to do so.

    He looked at her and smiled as he felt her grip tighten around his torso and neck and she buried her face a little more into his chest. As a child he tried denying it because he never thought she'd ever like a guy like him. But now, there really was no denying it and there was no point in doing so.
    He continued walking through the ghost town to find the nearest and safest building to rest in. He leaned in and kissed the top of her head as he spoke in a low voice. "I love you, Fiona."

    She couldn't help it anymore and began to smile.

  • Yes,I Finally I catch up! Wait now no ones here WTF I'm really starting to get really tired of this routine....≖_≖

  • I'd date him, but I don't know who the hell he is, and he shares a name with my dad, so that's a bit... Awkward.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Guys, Michael needs a ship. Who's the lady? :^)

  • That was so adorable! I really enjoyed it! I love the thought that Rhys wants to get her off Pandora. <3

    Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics

  • enter image description here

    Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics

  • This is so cuuuute!!! I love the colors and I'm glad I could inspire you. :D

    I've recently replayed Ep 3 and realized that I still want to hug Gortys everytime I see her on screen. Can't wait to see her again.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thank you! My friend actually suggested me to draw my 2 favourite Tales characters doing something cute together. So yeah, sleeping is always cute :P @buntigsir inspired me to try out differnet color palettes. I guess these colors work.

  • Awesome Job! enter image description here

    Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics

  • edited August 2015

    Thank you! I'll see If I can do it someday.

    About the disappearance, I think I've got the idea of what I want to do, I'm just slow xD Need to finish a few scans still.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I don't want to keep bothering you about the Disappearance of Haruhi since you're still thinking of ideas (Which I'll be glad to help out with ) Hm...Maybe something with the kid AU? Like, Fiona comforting Rhys when he loses his socks?

  • The "matchmaker" Jack (you know how he is, can't call him that seriously :P).

    Sorry, I would love to write about Jack, but which Jack thing are you talking about? :P

  • This was so adorable. <3 <3

    Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics

  • Your timing is so unlucky. :P

    Yes,I Finally I catch up! Wait now no ones here WTF I'm really starting to get really tired of this routine....≖_≖

  • I'm still here :D..just lurking a lot .-.

    Yes,I Finally I catch up! Wait now no ones here WTF I'm really starting to get really tired of this routine....≖_≖

  • This is so cute <3

    Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics

  • edited August 2015

    Its awesome!

    enter image description here

    rhonu posted: »

    today i haven't been around because i'm a bit ill but look what i did!! it's me inside the game going to save my son from his bad de


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi Julie! Yeah I cried every single time I had to drive. It was really painful. But now I'm happy that I did it because being able to drive

  • I've woken up early today, don't know why just did.

    How are you guys doing?

  • it's 5AM and I'm about to drop asleep or dead (not sure to be honest)

    I've woken up early today, don't know why just did. How are you guys doing?

  • You'd better do the former

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it's 5AM and I'm about to drop asleep or dead (not sure to be honest)

  • I'm currently playing Cards Against Humanity with my friends, having an amazing time right now! :D

    I've woken up early today, don't know why just did. How are you guys doing?

  • I guess you guys will find out in some hours. :P

    You'd better do the former

  • Sweet! but ya it sucks just lurking all alone trying to find out what to do. ('~')

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm still here ..just lurking a lot .-.

  • You have friends? :P

    Jokes aside I did that too like last week, that game is awesome.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm currently playing Cards Against Humanity with my friends, having an amazing time right now!

  • edited August 2015

    Nvm wrong comment lmao

    Sweet! but ya it sucks just lurking all alone trying to find out what to do. ('~')

  • You okay Kimmy? ;-;

    enter image description here

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm still here ..just lurking a lot .-.

  • enter image description here

    This was so adorable!

    Soooooooooo I made a thing with the inspiration of TFTBL OST Trust Fiona and I made a story to go with it too and it includes a few fanfics

  • Ahhhh nevermind about that bunny .--. That was the past few weeks omg...

    I was kinda depressed that time..sorry

    You okay Kimmy? ;-;

  • Yeah... .-. so lonely and its raining again

    Sweet! but ya it sucks just lurking all alone trying to find out what to do. ('~')

  • Yes it is -_- but man your here almost all the time I'm impressed!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Your timing is so unlucky. :P

  • edited August 2015

    Okay, if somethings wrong you can always talk to us, you know that right? ;-;

    enter image description here

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Ahhhh nevermind about that bunny .--. That was the past few weeks omg... I was kinda depressed that time..sorry

  • Alright, ;w;

    enter image description here

    Okay, if somethings wrong you can always talk to us, you know that right? ;-;

  • How has your day been?

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Alright, ;w;

  • enter image description here

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Ahhhh nevermind about that bunny .--. That was the past few weeks omg... I was kinda depressed that time..sorry

  • Well at lease you have us! :3 But I wished it rained here we probably just get a night of rain fall and the rest of the week its just 100 degree weather for the rest of the week. -_-

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Yeah... .-. so lonely and its raining again

  • i feel gross and nervous

    its weird ive never felt this way before HELP

    I've woken up early today, don't know why just did. How are you guys doing?

  • It's fine, it's raining a lot though hahaha

    just finished drawing a picture, gonna draw something rhyiona related now I guess :P

    What about you? how are you? ^-^

    How has your day been?

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    i feel gross and nervous its weird ive never felt this way before HELP

  • Aww, that sounds adorable! I'll get started right away, but it may take some time! :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The "matchmaker" Jack (you know how he is, can't call him that seriously :P).

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