Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ja sam inače iz BiH ali sam Hrvatica (:

    enter image description here

    both of us are from croatia

  • I loved being there. It was really interesting.

    me too, that amphitheater is breathtaking

  • znaci iz herceg-bosne :)

    a dobro, malo sam fulao :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    ja sam inače iz BiH ali sam Hrvatica (:

  • Okie-dokie ~_^

    enter image description here

    Green is sleeping ^_-

  • enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    Okie-dokie ~_^

  • edited August 2015

    tfw you scroll down so hard you're brung back to the main page

  • Tfw almost nobody is online .__.

    tfw you scroll down so hard you're brung back to the main page

  • About 1 and a half weeks! I guess it's something to look forward to when the holiday is over. :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh no, that's awful! How long is your vacation gonna last??

  • Very true! I just don't want to wish my holiday away because I'm so eager for TftB! I guess I can just dream about all the goodness I hope to see, before I get to play. <3

    Hah, nope, no plane drama for me! Just on a train down to Oxford (south England). And thank you! :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Look on the bright side, the vacation is gotta be awesome! And the Ep is like 3 hours at best, you won't have to be away from forums for lon

  • It is if you take tea breaks! :P

    And the Ep is like 3 hours at best telltale be like

  • I feel like TftB is longer than the others, partly because you get the branching storylines. So if you side with Fiona at the end of ep2, you see some really different stuff next time when you pick Jack. XD

    buntingsir posted: »

    Lol, I guess I'm that slow when I'm playing, but I judged by my recent playthroughs of TFTB. Gotta agree TWAU and TWD S2 were fairly short in comparison :P

  • I hope it's nothing really horrible, like Loader Bot being destroyed for good. ;-;

    I'm ecstatic but also dreading the release of episode four because telling from Job's tweets we will be hit hard with feels...é_è

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah it's so quiet .__.

    There was such a big activity spike and now it's gone.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Tfw almost nobody is online .__.

  • I love Dubrovnik! I only went for a little while, but it's the most beautiful place I ever visited. <3

    Really, really hot though! :o

  • Mint chocolate chip! Ice cream always makes my teeth hurt, but it tastes so good! :D

    So since it's summer, let's talk about the best thing in the world, ice cream! What's your favorite type of ice cream?

  • Yeah it is 2spooky rn :(

    I basically have no life

    Yeah it's so quiet .__. There was such a big activity spike and now it's gone.

  • Yes, this time it seems like choices matter a little more than usual :) And there're more events that take place throughout the episodes, they feel more action packed (as they probably should, it's Borderlands after all).

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    I feel like TftB is longer than the others, partly because you get the branching storylines. So if you side with Fiona at the end of ep2, you see some really different stuff next time when you pick Jack. XD

  • That makes us both.

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yeah it is 2spooky rn I basically have no life

  • Thanks! ;3 After seeing your fan art I just had to try something similar.

    Oh yes, I need more Gortys! :D right now.

    buntingsir posted: »

    This is so cuuuute!!! I love the colors and I'm glad I could inspire you. I've recently replayed Ep 3 and realized that I still want to hug Gortys everytime I see her on screen. Can't wait to see her again.

  • Go ahead and smooch them. You are Rhys' mom after all :3

    rhonu posted: »


  • I'm not 100% sure but I think that Julie was being sarcastic :P

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • That meme is hilarious lmao

    What do you do besides being on the thread, if you dont mind me asking, like for fun or idk?

    That makes us both.

  • I do my best to be as active as I can. :D

    Yes it is -_- but man your here almost all the time I'm impressed!

  • I'm excited for this. :D

    Aww, that sounds adorable! I'll get started right away, but it may take some time!

  • This thread is a lot better than that one. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just a random thought. It's funny how our thread became like 'Whatever's on your mind' thread, we just share our thoughts here and keep rand

  • I go play Diablo III, or anything basically, also music.

    What do you do? :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That meme is hilarious lmao What do you do besides being on the thread, if you dont mind me asking, like for fun or idk?

  • Ice cream is a gift from the heavens.

    So since it's summer, let's talk about the best thing in the world, ice cream! What's your favorite type of ice cream?

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah, I remember how I used to feel kinda bad posting so many off-topic things on this thread but now everybody is doing it. :P But I don't really mind to be honest. This thread is such a nice place to be because we are not afraid to share our thoughts with each others. It would be amazing if the whole forum was like that. Here I feel like I'm part of something. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just a random thought. It's funny how our thread became like 'Whatever's on your mind' thread, we just share our thoughts here and keep rand

  • edited August 2015

    Of course! That place feels distant and here it's like home. You guys are here too and that's what matters to me ;3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This thread is a lot better than that one.

  • Exactly! This feels a lot more familiar. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Of course! That place feels distant and here it's like home. You guys are here too and that's what matters to me ;3

  • Hello again :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Tfw almost nobody is online .__.

  • Oh yeah episode 2 waiting thread was amazing :3 I still remember those days. <3

    I made an account before episode ones release and the 2nd best community to me here was the episode 2 waiting thread, too bad it's gone. It was pretty boring until this thread was made.

  • Basically.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Ice cream is a gift from the heavens.

  • Every ice cream is good ice cream.


  • Eyyy Wolfie, great to see ya!

  • I pretty much play some video games, listen to music and watch some parodies or shows like Parks and recreation. Nothing special :v

    I go play Diablo III, or anything basically, also music. What do you do? :P

  • enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Eyyy Wolfie, great to see ya!

  • Yeah, I felt bad too at first, but now it seems totally fine (Now I only feel bad for Green and his feed occasionally, lol). I guess we got used to each other and I love how we have our own jokes and themes to talk about. Like old friends. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah, I remember how I used to feel kinda bad posting so many off-topic things on this thread but now everybody is doing it. :P But I don't

  • Old fashioned chocolate ice cream is my favorite!! ;D

    (there are big chocolate pieces in it)

    So since it's summer, let's talk about the best thing in the world, ice cream! What's your favorite type of ice cream?

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