(GoT) Interactive story: Land of Hundred Princes

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Hello! I've decided to start another interactive story! Some of you might have read my other fanfiction, The Winds Beyond The Wall. I will keep writing my other fanfic and it might take a while before I kick this in, but hopefully some of you get interested :)

Is this Game of Thrones fanfiction? Well, yes, it is. This story takes it's place in the same world as Game of Thrones and ASOIAF, but neither the show or the books have yet visited the lands this story concentrates in.

Where does the story take place in? In the far east realm of Yi Ti, the land of hundred princes and one God-Emperor (I put a couple maps also to this post). Yi Ti is a land between the Bone Mountains in the west and Shadow Lands of Asshai in the east, Plains of the Jogos Nhai in the north and Jade Sea in the south. On the Jade Sea there is also the island of Leng that once belonged to Yi Ti, but is now ruled by its own God-Empress who traditionally marries one husband of YiTish culture and one husband of Lengish culture. Yi Ti is land filled with plains and hills, jungles and rain forests and great cities and palaces of the princes, priest-kings, warlords and imperial generals. Once the whole kingdom was strictly under the command of the emperor, but by time the wealthy princes have taken the full rule of their domains and the God-Emperor's power doesn't go beyond the walls of his city, Yin, anymore. The YiTish worship many gods but the greatest of them is the Lion of Night.

More info about Yi Ti and its history: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Yi_Ti

When does this story take place? Around 30 years after the conquer of Aegon back at Westeros, Aegon the Conquerer is living the last years of his life. The God-Emperor of Yi Ti is now Huynh Bu (43).

Can I submit Westerosi characters? Yes, but I will only take few of them. And think about it this way: with YiTish or Lengish characters you can be much more original than with Westerosi ;)

What kind of characters could I submit? Pretty much anything from soldiers to princes/princesses, or sorcerers to red priests, or merchants to sellswords. The possibilities are (almost) endless.


So, the story begins in a situation where the Prince of Jinqi, Gon Choq, has died leaving one daughter and three sons to fight over the rule of Jinqi. The rightful heir, Zu Choq (24), is generally considered craven and unfit to rule, and also manipulated by his wife Thi, so as their father dies Zu's older sister Ting Choq (25) seizes the throne of Jinqi forcing Zu and his wife to run away from the court. The second born son Chien Choq (23) isn't happy with either Zu nor Ting and so he also leaves Jinqi, taking a considerable amount of forces with him. Only the youngest brother Yu (21) stays at the court to support his sister Ting - the Princess of Jinqi.

The word of the chaos at Jinqi spreads and the interest towards the riches of Jinqi's court makes people around the Yi Ti and beyond choose their sides at this war between siblings.

Here you can submit your characters: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GzH0wXYkpua87_Rh8wC8NxBWkXpUduzP4mzXFnWBUWg/viewform

And here you can catch up without going through all the pages of the thread: enter link description here


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Land of Hundred Princes

Prologue: Before the Eyes of Gods - Finished

Chapter I: Dance of Shadows - Ongoing



POVs are in bold

In Great Palace of Jinqi: Prince Yu Choq, Princess Ting Choq, Hoy Toz, Sondor of Asshai, The Snake, Soyo Zuan, Captain Zan, Captain Yohon, Captain Razi, Saetrus the Blessed

In Palace of Tigerport: Prince Than Mioq, Princess Mi Mioq, Zador, Taga Vetez, Gulya, Chien Choq, General Xharrar Dor, Kai Thonu, Commander Cupa

At the shore of Yi Ti: Vellera, Vyros Lassar, Shalaq

In Qarth: Arkara Noklar, Krendak zo Noklar, Miss Manticore, Eado

In Tolos: Lady Manaessa

On the Narrow Sea: Darren Spyre, Jaeron Galiar, Toleo

In Braavos: Otynaro Naerios

Status unknown: Prince Zu Choq, Thi

Deceased: Priest Zahn


Characters waiting to be introduced: Prince Jalhar Zhad, Galor the Giant, Warlord Zobha Ra, Daenera Naer, Khal Verro, Zhali, Commander Quon Zhai, Rayuli Xan, Sonq, Vorro "Eagle's Eye", Meirong, Aethon Velaryon, Crysto Waters, Vyrano Nearthe, Alkiiri, Flea Bite, Riyat Mantos, Sianq "The Knight", Hionor



  • Submitted a few might submit some more later.

  • Thanks, I'll check them out. :)

    I'll be making a prologue for this story at some point next week.

    xSensus posted: »

    Submitted a few might submit some more later.

  • I"ll submit a character soon.

  • Big thanks, characters are much needed :D

    Hazard20 posted: »

    I"ll submit a character soon.

  • Submitted

  • edited July 2015

    Alright, here is the prologue so you can get a little taste. It might take a while before I can start chapter one though since I definitely need more characters to do it.


    Prologue: Before the Eyes of Gods


    Yu Choq stood at one of the many balconies of the Great Palace of Jinqi, looking at the view as the warm wind from the south kissed his cheeks. He could see the city below him, he could hear it, the thousands of people going through their daily chores. And he saw the beautiful Jade Sea and so many ships at the ports of the city. Ships from Yin, ships from Asshai, ships from the Slaver’s Bay and the Free Cities, and perhaps even ships from the Kingdoms of Sunset from the far away west. The day was bright but Prince Yu’s thoughts were dark. We are vulnerable.

    It had been eleven days since his father had died, nine days since his sister Ting had driven their brother - the rightful heir - Zu and his wife Thi off the court, and five days since their brother Chien had left with General Xharrar, taking almost half of the Elite Guard with him. Our family is broken, at the brink of war. As he closed his eyes to feel the wind on his face Yu heard steps behind him and turned around. One of the servant girls was kneeling in front of him.

    “You can stand up.” Yu said with his calm and charismatic voice and the girl stood up, still keeping her head down.

    “Thank you, my Prince. My Prince, Princess Ting sent me, she asks you to join her in her audience room.” The servant spoke with timid tone. Father’s audience room, Yu thought, but gave the servant a small smile.

    “Would you like me to escort you there, my Prince?” The servant asked, but Yu shook his head.

    “I’ll find there myself, thank you.” He said and walked inside from the balcony. Yu walked through the huge hallways that were filled with gold and arts from all over the world. Everywhere the servants and soldiers bowed in front of him. Finally he arrived at the doors made of ebony that had beautiful golden handles. The guardsmen opened the doors for him and he walked in, seeing his sister sitting in the golden throne with two guardsmen standing on both sides of her. There was also Priest Zahn standing behind the throne. The wall behind the throne looked weird without the huge banner of Jinqi on it. Chien had stolen the banner the day he had left.

    “This throne is unbelievably uncomfortable, even with the pillow.” Princess Ting spoke with a tone that seemed almost bored. “I don’t understand how father could sit in this for all those years.”

    “You went through taking it from our brother, surely you can bear sitting at it.” Yu said and her sister shot a glare at him. Ting was on her mid-twenties, four years older than Yu, and she had always seen herself superior to her younger brothers.

    “Do you mean to say I should have let Zu rule Jinqi? We both know he was unfit to rule, little brother.” Ting had a cold smile on her face. “And what comes to Chien… He is a fighter, a soldier, not a ruler.”

    “As you say, Princess.” Yu answered shortly. “You invited me here, what is it you wish to speak of?”

    “My formal coronation.” Ting answered strictly, now looking Yu to the eyes. “This evening Zahn will crown me at the Hall of Gods, and I want you to be there.”

    “Have you began to plan the defenses of the palace and the city? You do understand that attack will be inevitable. Chien took almost nine thousand men and the General of the Elite Guard.” Yu had a frustrated look on his face as he spoke.

    “I don’t need you to tell me what to do, little brother. I have begun to choose the new General for the Guard, and I’ve been busy making sure we can defend ourselves from Chien, so don’t worry about that.” Ting’s beautiful green eyes were full of confidence. “However now I need a formal coronation in the Hall of Gods, before the eyes of gods. And I need you to be there when it happens.” Yu nodded to his sister as Priest Zahn walked next to him.

    “You will be the one to set the crown on her head as I ask the blessing of gods for your sister’s reign.” Zahn was already an old man and his voice lacked power. Yu let out a sigh and gave them a small nod.

    “So be it. I wish we could avoid wars between our own brothers… I hope the gods give you the wisdom to avoid them.” Yu said calmly to his sister, bowed in front of his Princess, and left the audience room of his father.


    Yu walked through the garden as the sun was setting. The birds were still singing as they flew around the fountains. His sister was still at the Great Hall of the palace, having dinner with the court, but Yu had decided to go to the Hall of Gods before her. To pray for this family. The doors of the Hall were open. As Yu walked inside the Hall he saw that the candles on the statues of gods were lit. And on the other end of the Hall there stood the golden statue of the Lion of Night, and on the ground next to the altar there was… A body. Yu ran as fast as he could to the altar, his heart starting to beat faster. And there it was, Priest Zahn lied on the floor his throat slit open, lifeless look on his eyes. Blood had drained all around him. And on top of the body was a small note. Yu picked it up and read…

    ‘Gods shall not be mocked.’

  • That was really good can't wait for more, btw I plan to submit some more characters over the next few days :)

    Alright, here is the prologue so you can get a little taste. It might take a while before I can start chapter one though since I definitely

  • Thanks, the first characters you submitted were nice and I can already tell I'm planning to make other one of them POV :)

    xSensus posted: »

    That was really good can't wait for more, btw I plan to submit some more characters over the next few days

  • Nice, Ting seems like a very interesting character, I'm intrigued to find out who killed this priest to.

    Alright, here is the prologue so you can get a little taste. It might take a while before I can start chapter one though since I definitely

  • :)

    Thanks, the first characters you submitted were nice and I can already tell I'm planning to make other one of them POV

  • Submitted 3 characters hopefully there detailed enough.

  • Yes, I like them very much, thanks! :)

    Submitted 3 characters hopefully there detailed enough.

  • This looks really interesting, very excited!! :))

  • I submitted 2 more characters.

  • Thanks, much appreciated!

    xSensus posted: »

    I submitted 2 more characters.

  • Submitted again :)

  • Neat! Vellera is a nice character :)

    Hazard20 posted: »

    Submitted again

  • I'm really interested in this, it looks like it will be as good as your other story, i sent two characters already :)

  • edited July 2015

    Chapter I: Dance of Shadows


    Darren looked at the Purple Harbor, listening to its hundreds of Braavosi merchants and sailors, and all the seagulls flying around it. Sun was still up and it happened to be a clear day on this city that so often was foggy and rainy. On days like this Darren loved Braavos – at least the cleaner parts of it. Looking to the east Darren could see the Palace of the Sea Lord rising above the harbor. That’s the direction we should head.

    “Much cleaner than the Ragman’s Harbor.” Jaeron said casually as they walked past several huge merchant galleys. “And less noisy."

    “That’s because Purple Harbor is only allowed for the Braavosi.” Darren answered to his friend. Jaeron was a handsome young man, his twenty-seventh name day had just passed couple weeks ago - Darren himself was already on his mid-thirties.

    “Huh, well now that you said it, not having hairy Ibbenese, or even worse - greasy Northerners, makes any harbor cleaner.” Jaeron said with a smirk on his face. Oh, there he goes again with his jokes.

    “Oh yes, of course, and Ghiscari - they are the worst.” Darren shot back, but Jaeron just laughed.

    “Oh, my friend, when are you going to learn, I’m not Ghiscari. Even if I did spend much time at Slaver’s Bay.” Jaeron said and tapped Darren on the shoulder.

    “Ah, damn it. Was it Lys?” Darren asked, having a hard time to keep a serious face. Jaeron looked at him with a shocked expression.

    “Lys? Fucking Lys? I am not… Wait, you’re just fucking with me, aren’t you?” Jaeron shook his head as Darren started to laugh with his warm tone. “Fuck you, Darren. Let’s just find the damn alehouse.”

    Darren and Jaeron kept walking towards the Palace of the Sea Lord through the clean and cobbled streets. Everything from the large and pompous houses made of granite to the dark-colored silk clothes of the people was shouting that this was the richest part of the city. That also meant that Darren and Jaeron - two rough sellswords - sparked a lot of interest and claimed many contemptuous looks from the wealthy merchants and officials that walked on the streets.

    “What was the name of the place again?” Jaeron asked with bored tone as they crossed another small bridge.

    “The Sleeping Lady.” Darren said, looking around the street. “We should be close… It’s probably one of the most expensive places on the whole city.”

    “Well that’s to be expected with Otynaro… Hopefully he at least buys the drinks.” Jaeron yawned. Darren grunted on agreement as they kept walking. Suddenly he noticed it.

    “There! See that… ‘Sleeping Lady’.” Darren pointed at the alehouse that looked just as fancy and expensive as he had imagined it to look.
    “Great, not my kind of place, but I guess we have to go.” Jaeron sighed.


    Right from the moment they stepped in from the grand and white wooden doors they received unwelcoming looks from everywhere. The alehouse was spacious, its furniture like from a court of a king. Fat merchants and thin workers of Iron Bank sat on the chairs and couches, young and pretty girls around them. Darren and Jaeron walked through the place feeling the cold stares on their back. Finally they saw Otynaro sitting alone, three jugs of ale on his table. Otynaro Naerios was a bald and chubby man on his early fifties, born to a rich family in Braavos and by small steps risen to the council of the Sea Lord.

    “Took you long enough.” Otynaro said with his soft voice and an amiable smile on his face.

    “Not that familiar with this part of the city.” Darren said as he sat down and took a sip from his ale – which was as good as one would expect from a place like this. “Did we really have to meet here? I don’t feel myself that welcomed.”

    “Oh, don’t mind them. This just happens to be my favorite place… Mostly because it’s the closest one to my home.” Otynaro said and let out a small laugh that Darren and Jaeron didn’t join.

    “Can we leave the small talk and go to business?” Jaeron spoke with frustrated tone. Otynaro looked at Jaeron like he was taken aback by his words, but Darren knew everything about this man was just an act.

    “Well, if you insist, my friend.” Otynaro said with a snobbish tone and preened his silly mustache. “I have happy news for you two.”

    “If you had something to be happy about we wouldn’t be here.” Jaeron remarked with a smirk on his face. “If you need us, you need us for violence. And if there is need for violence you probably have some kind of problems.”

    “Oh, but it isn’t me who is hiring you this time.” Otynaro said and emptied his jug. “I was just assigned to find two good men to do some leading. And I can assure you that this man pays you even better than I do.”

    “Assigned? By the Sea Lord?” Darren asked with a confused tone on his voice.

    “No, someone else.” Otynaro answered shortly. “You’ll meet him in time… Maybe. Anyway, you’re going to have quite a long trip ahead of you.”

    “Please don’t say we are going to Westeros.” Jaeron pleaded, making Darren shot a glare at him. However for some reason Otynaro started to laugh again.

    “Don’t want to go west? Well don’t worry, you’ll be going east, far to the east.” Otynaro had a mysterious smile on his face as he spoke.

    “Oh shit. You’re talking about Slaver’s Bay, aren’t you? Who the hell there needs sellswords?” Darren let out a frustrated sigh after he had spoken.

    “No, no, I’m not talking about Slaver’s Bay.” Otynaro said and now both Darren and Jaeron were so confused they couldn’t say anything. “Darren, you speak a little YiTish, right?” For a moment they were all silent.

    “You can’t be serious.” Darren said finally. “Yes, a YiTish merchant hired me on a mission long ago and I learnt a little of the language, but that’s not a reason to send us to the other side of the world!”

    “That’s not the reason.” Otynaro said calmly. “As I said, I was assigned to find two good sellswords who are fit to command. There is a war coming for the control of one of the world’s richest thrones. Someone I know will play a part in this war, someone I owe my gratitude.”

    “So, some princes fighting for the control of their domains?” Jaeron asked, at least trying to sound like he wasn’t interested.

    “Something like that.” Otynaro answered. “You see, an old prince died a while ago, and now his children are fighting for his throne. The rightful heir was driven away from the court by his older sister.” Jaeron looked Darren, clearly already ready to go, but Darren just gave him a shrug.

    “So, are we fighting for the sister or the brother?” Darren asked with stern voice and Otynaro gave him a small smile.

    “You, as an honorable man of the North, are probably happy to hear that you will head to the team of the rightful heir.” Otynaro spoke with prissy and slightly mocking tone. “However you will have a couple stops on your way, since you need men to command. And those men you will get mostly from one of my friends in Volantis, a man named Vogonar Vhassiran. And after that you will take one more stop at Qarth.”

    “Volantis? Are we supposed to lead slave soldiers?” Darren asked, feeling a little agitated.

    “No, my dear friend, I know you wouldn’t like that, so he gives you sellswords.” Otynaro answered, still having his annoying smile on. “So, are you ready to go to Yi Ti? The ship is ready to leave tonight, I can escort you to it - it’s at the Purple Harbor.” Both Otynaro and Jaeron looked at Darren. He emptied his jug and thumped it at the table.

    “To Yi Ti.”

    No decision this time


    P.S. I'm sorry that the chapter starts with no choice -part, but at this point only thing to decide for Darren is if he takes the job, and well, he does take it :D

  • Really enjoyed that good work I like how Darren and Jaeron interact with eachother :)

    Chapter I: Dance of Shadows Darren Darren looked at the Purple Harbor, listening to its hundreds of Braavosi merchants and sailors, an

  • Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive :D



    The whole council was silent. Princess Ting kept eyeing everyone on the table with cold and haunting stare.

    “The situation is that I have a reason to suspect that whoever murdered Priest Zahn is in my court, maybe even in this table. Every one of you, except for my brother Yu, were on the dinner with me when the body was found, but that proves nothing. He could have been killed earlier, or the murderer could have paid for someone else to do it.” The Princess’ words were hard and everyone on the table could feel the tension of the moment. “In other words one of my rebelling brothers, either Zu or Chien, has clearly left an ally here – on my court. I’m just wondering who it could be.” Ting had a wicked and cynical smile on her face as she spoke and looked at all the members of her council. “So Zahn was mocking the gods when he wanted to crown me? Never thought my brothers to be so zealous. It was a stupid move to kill Zahn, whoever did it. Now you have exposed yourself, and for what? To make sure Zahn doesn’t crown me? That poor old man isn’t the only priest in Jinqi.”

    “Are you sure this is doing of your brothers? I can’t see either Zu or Chien doing something like this.” Hoy Toz said with his deep and wise voice. Hoy was an experienced man, on his early sixties, and he was the oldest member of the council and had already been an advisor for Ting’s and Yu’s grandfather Prince Chon Choq.

    “You are right, Hoy. Partly at least.” Ting answered. “I can hardly see Chien doing schemes like this, and Zu wouldn’t want poor Zahn to be harmed. However, Zu’s wife – that bitch Thi. She has always been able to manipulate my brother. That is one of the main reasons I couldn’t let him take the throne.”

    “I have been asking from my sources the whereabouts of Zu and his wife, but so far I have only got vague hints that they are possibly heading somewhere west.” Sondor of Asshai said with a serious tone, pressing his fingers together. Sondor had arrived to Jinqi’s court little less than five years ago, offering an extensive spy network for the Prince of Jinqi. Sondor was a man on his late forties, born in the mystic Shadowlands of Asshai. Yu didn’t know much of this man, but his wrinkled skin and dark eyes sent shivers down his spine – Or at least used to send few years ago before he get used to the sight.

    “While you have been trying, dear Sondor, I have actually found something.” The Snake said with a smirk on her face. The Snake was a beautiful woman on her late twenties, dearest friend of Princess Ting, who had arrived from Qarth to Jinqi just two years ago. The Snake had beautiful green eyes, hair black as coal, the pale and soft skin of the Qartheen and she always dressed in the finest silk gowns – sometimes on the Qartheen fashion which left her right breast exposed. Yu wasn’t sure what to think about the Snake - before the death of their father this mysterious lady had not been in the council, but Ting had immediately raised her to it as she had taken the throne.

    “And what exactly have you found, girl?” Hoy Toz asked with a cynical tone.

    “They are heading to Yin, to the Golden Palace of the God-Emperor. They might already be there, old man.” The Snake’s answer clearly irritated Hoy, but he stayed quiet. Sondor however shook his head.

    “It is possible, but from what source could you possibly have gotten this information? We can’t know if this is true.” Sondor said keeping his voice calm, but Princess Ting didn’t care about his words.

    “I know I can trust her sources.” Ting said decisively. And how exactly? Yu thought, feeling a little agitated, but he kept his calm. “However, the real question is what can we do with this information?” Ting leaned back and Yu could see a little frustration in his sister’s eyes.

    “I have some connections in the court of God-Emperor… If they really arrive there I should hear about it.” Sondor spoke quietly. “And perhaps then we could even… Avenge our poor priest.” The look on Sondor’s dark eyes changed a little as he spoke those last words.

    “My Princess, if Zu and Thi truly are on their way to God-Emperor it could be bad news. If they can convince Emperor Hyunh to support them, we might get into war we cannot win.” Soyo Zuan said. Soyo was a friendly and kind man on his early thirties, for six years he had been the one taking care of Jinqi’s economy, making deals with merchants, supervising the tax-collecting and so on.

    “So you are an expert on military now, Soyo?” The Snake had a mocking tone on her voice. “I suggest you stick to counting taxes.” Soyo was clearly a little taken aback by the words of this young woman, but he kept talking.

    “Well, if you want to hear about taxes I have some bad news about that as well.” Soyo said with sad expression on his face. “Several tax-collectors have been reported leaving the county with the collected money and goods on their pockets. Some had even murdered many farmers and their families, taking everything valuable with them.” These news silenced everyone on the table for a moment.

    “My Princess, might I suggest something?” Yu asked and his sister nodded to him subtly. “We should choose the new general quickly, put our forces in order and oversee the tax-collecting more strictly.”

    “I suppose you are right, little brother. I have chosen three of the captains that I think are the best options. I will let you interview them and choose one of them to be the general.” Ting’s voice was tired, but she gave a small smile to Yu. “But that is for later today. Now, Soyo, do you have anything else to report?”

    The meeting went on for a while longer as Soyo went through how much they had made losses the past week, and after that Sondor told that Chien and his forces had been seen marching northeast with great haste. And as the meeting went on the Princess’ face turned more and more irritated.


    Yu stood alone in the office of the general, looking at all the swords, spears, axes and shields on its walls. General Xharrar Dor had taken nothing with him, he was an honest and honorable man. It’s a shame he left. Xharrar choosing Chien on this war still wasn’t very big surprise for Yu, it had always been clear Chien was the one Xharrar respected the most. Yu sat at the desk and turned his eyes to a tapestry that was a picture of fierce YiTish warrior surrounded by dozen zorse-riders of the Jogos Nhai. After a while of waiting the door was knocked.

    “Get in.” Yu said just loudly enough to be heard on the other side of the door. A guardsman opened the door, a young captain standing behind him.

    “I bring with me Captain Zan, my Prince.” The guardsman said, kneeling to Yu.

    “Thank you. You may leave the room.” Yu answered to the guardsman, who immediately obeyed him. As the guardsman had left Captain Zan bowed to Yu and then sat to the chair. The first thing Yu noticed was the confident, perhaps even arrogant, smirk on the captain’s face. Zan was a handsome young man, clearly one that ladies would fight for.

    “I am young myself, but I can tell that you are too, Captain Zan.” Prince Yu started. “You would probably be the youngest in the history to rise as General of the Elite Guard of Jinqi. How old are you exactly?”

    “Twenty-eight, my Prince.” Zan answered with confidence oozing from his words. “I’ve already been captain for three years, the men respect me.”

    “That’s good to know.” Yu answered with a polite smile. “And what is your opinion of the man you are replacing? Meaning General Xharrar.” Yu could see that this question came as a surprise to Zan, who had to think about his answer for a while.

    “Well, he was a great warrior in many ways. He often talked about honor, but we all know how that turned out – ran away with a pretender, that’s far from honor.” Zan chuckled after he had spoken, but Yu kept a serious face.

    “It’s often hard to see what is right.” Yu said with a pensive voice, trying to see what Zan was thinking about this, but the young captain just kept his confident face on. “I have heard you are talented with the sword, is that right?” Yu asked, changing the subject.

    “I’d say I’m the most skilled on this palace when it comes to swordplay.” Zan said, his cocky grin getting even wider than before. He clearly likes to talk about himself.

    “That’s good, but how about commanding? Do you see yourself talented at that?” Yu asked.

    “As I said I’ve been a captain for three years now.” Zan answered, almost as he was offended by the question. “Most of the men already see me superior to them, they admire me. And when I would become the general I would make everyone understand who is the one in charge.” Yu looked at Zan with indecisive expression on his face. I suppose he is admired, but is he too self-centered to lead? Is he too inexperienced?

    “Thank you, Captain Zan. I’ll let you know when I have chosen the General. You can leave now.” Yu spoke with gentle and polite words and the captain nodded at him – first time looking a little less sure of himself.


    Again Yu had to wait for a while before the same guardsman arrived again, this time with a different man.

    “I bring with me Captain Yohon.” The guardsman said, again kneeling, and this time the captain he brought was a little older – a man with face that told he was strong-willed. Yohon sat down as the guardsman left the room.

    “It’s an honor to meet you, Prince Yu.” The captain said, his face of stone not showing any kind of feeling what so ever.

    “Thank you, Captain Yoho, but the honor is all mine.” Yu answered politely. “I have heard you’ve done good work with bandits on our county.” For an answer Yohon let out a small sigh.

    “It’s easy to chase down rats.” He said with stern tone. “But I can assure you that when the true battle comes I know how to command these men, I know how to make them stay in line.” Yu watched Yohon as he sat there and he had to admit to himself that this man clearly was authoritative – in a same way that Xharrar had been.

    “So, what is your opinion on this situation of our family? Are you happy with Princess Ting as the leader of Jinqi?” Yu shotted Yohon with questions, but the face of the captain didn’t show any kind of reaction to these words.

    “It is not my place to question in these kind of things.” Yohon answered. “My place is to follow, and to help Jinqi survive.” Yu nodded subtly to Yohon. Easy to see why my sister thinks he is a good option – he is an obedient follower.

    “Thank you Captain Yohon, I’ll let you know when the choice is done.”


    After a smaller wait the guardsman brought in the last of the three options. This one was the oldest of the three, forty years old man named Razi. As Razi sat on the chair he had a relaxed expression on his face.

    “I’m honored that you are considering to make me the general, my Prince.” Razi said calmly. “What would you want to ask of me?”

    “I already know that you are one of the most experienced captains we have, and you are also skilled fighter. Do you yourself have anything else to add to the reasons why you should be the general?” Yu asked with a smile on his face. He had often talked with Captain Razi, he was a humble man, born and raised in the Northern Yi Ti. When Yu was younger Razi had often told him stories about his and his father’s adventures that often included slaying basilisks in the jungle or fighting with zorse-riders on the plains of the Jogos Nhai.

    “All I can say is that I know these soldiers, I talk with them, listen to their stories and griefs, joke with them and drink with them – I am one of them. I respect every man on the guard, and if you wish so, I am ready to lead them.” Razi’s fatherly smile warmed Yu’s heart. I’m sure I can trust him, but does he have what it takes to lead?

    “Thank you Razi - that is all I need to hear. I’ll be in touch when I have made my decision.” Yu said with a warm smile on his face. Razi stood up and bowed to his Prince before he left, leaving Yu alone to the office with his questions. Who should I choose?

    [Choose Zan] [Choose Yohon] [Choose Razi]

  • [Choose Yohon]

    Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive - Yu The wh

  • [Choose Razi]

    Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive - Yu The wh

  • [Choose Yohon]

  • [Choose Razi]

    Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive - Yu The wh

  • [Choose Razi]

    Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive - Yu The wh

  • [Choose Razi]

    Finally managed to submit my characters. Perhaps I will submit one character with ties to them a bit later, but for now I hope you like them :D

    Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive - Yu The wh

  • Uh, seems very interesting, I will submit myself after I will be back from work, I even have idea already for character... this is so exciting :-D

    Alright, here is the prologue so you can get a little taste. It might take a while before I can start chapter one though since I definitely

  • [Choose Razi]

    He seem to be the best choice, with past connected to the royal family.

    Here comes a new part - hopefully I could still get more character submissions, but for now the project is still alive - Yu The wh

  • Great characters! Big thanks for submitting - I'll probably make Arkara a POV.

    [Choose Razi] Finally managed to submit my characters. Perhaps I will submit one character with ties to them a bit later, but for now I hope you like them

  • Oh great, that sounds awesome! I'm very excited for it :)

    Great characters! Big thanks for submitting - I'll probably make Arkara a POV.

  • Vote closed! Seems like I totally forgot to close the vote :D Anyway, Yu will choose Razi.

    And good news: The next part comes right away in the next post.

  • edited August 2015


    The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked all the light and heat of the air into it. For many grim days they had walked the paths that took them through these damned cliffs. It had been hard for Arkara, but she knew it must have been even harder for her brother Krendak who really was out of his place here. Krendak was one to enjoy and relax luxuries of pyramids or palaces – not to travel through hard mountain roads. They could have of course used the ancient roads of the Valyrians, but Arkara knew only too well that people from Meereen were after them, so they had to stay hidden. Now they had reached their goal however, and Arkara could see the city of Tolos ahead of them. Tolos didn’t seem as glorious and grand a city as Meereen, but it was good enough after all those weeks travelling along the rocky coast of Slaver’s Bay.

    “There it is, brother.” Arkara said quietly. “Tolos.”

    “We made it, Kara.” Krendak answered happily with a tired smile on his face. Krendak was Arkara’s older borther, man on his mid-twenties, and the only family Arkara had left. We must keep fighting, and rise back to the top. “They would be proud of us, my sister.” Krendak added, this time with a more serious tone.

    “Not yet, Kren.” Arkara answered sternly. “We have survived for now, it’s true, but we are still far away from avenging our family.” As a small flash of pain went through the scar on Arkara’s cheek she remembered that night again. She remembered how they ran towards the river in the darkness, hearing the horses coming after them. An arrow had sliced a piece of her cheek, and so she had turned around to fight these men who were there to kill them. Her whole family, except for Krendak and her oldest sister Lizarra, had already been killed at Meereen, and at that moment Arkara had decided she would go down fighting. With the help of Krendak and Lizarra she killed those men, but it still turned out to be a dark day. Lizarra - Arkara’s dearest sister - had been impaled by a spear in the fight and her death was inevitable. And all this because our father’s stupid plots.

    As Arkara and Krendak walked through the gates of Tolos they certainly sparked some interest. If Arkara would’ve been alone she most likely wouldn’t have gained so much looks – after all she looked like any common sellsword even if she did have her golden hairpin and locket. Krendak however was a chubby young man – even if he had lost much weight after their escape - and even if he had cut his elaborate hair and took a spear to his hand one could still guess that he had once been a master or a rich merchant at the least. However they were still able to walk in peace to the dusty streets of Tolos.

    Tolos consisted mainly of small yellow pyramids, dull grey towers and houses, and old black statues from the days of the Freehold. The population of the city had a mixed blood of the Valyrians and the Ghiscari – due to that the colors of their hairs scaled from bright silver to dark black. The most important part of the city was its port, and that was where Arkara and her brother were heading to as well. They walked only through the wide main streets, as Arkara wasn’t familiar with the city and even Krendak had only visited it once years ago with their father. As they passed through the streets and markets Arkara noticed that the city seemed too quiet for its size – the streets were nearly empty and many of the houses seemed to be abandoned. That was probably to be expected from a city so close to Valyria – The land of dragonlords that had been consumed by the Doom over a century ago.

    As Krendak finally led them to the port they could once again see the Slaver’s Bay opening in their eyes. Tens of ships were anchored at the port, but far less than Meereen’s port always had. As Arkara viewed the port he saw several slingers being loaded up to one of the galleys that seemed to be from the Free Cities of Narrow Sea.

    “That’s what the Tolosi are good at.” Krendak said with a smirk on his face. “Producing slingers. That’s almost the only thing they sell here, save the slaves. Tolos – city of slingers and slaves.” Arkara didn’t pay much attention to her brother’s joking, but kept looking around.

    “So, you said that somewhere near the port lives this merchant that our father had connections with. Care to tell where this man is?” Arkara spoke with strict words, and gave her brother a glare. For some reason Krendak let out a small chuckle.

    “Yes there is a certain merchant. But she is not a man.” Krendak now had a wide grin on his face. “Our father did business with her many years.”

    “Great, then let’s find her.” Arkara spoke with tired tone, and so her brother showed the way.


    Arkara and Krendak arrived to a grand grey house at the northern end of the port. Krendak knocked. This better work out. A moment passed and Arkara was already starting to lose hope when someone finally opened the door.

    “Who are you?” A huge man with a great axe asked. The bald and bearded man had a collar on his neck – a slave.

    “My name is Krendak zo Noklar, my sister here is Arkara Noklar. Our father Ozrak zo Noklar has done business with Lady Manaessa for many years. Could we please meet her? Our business is urgent.” Krendak had always been good at diplomacy and he also had a terrific sense at business – things that Arkara never was interested at.

    “Alright.” The bouncer said after he had looked at them for a while. “Come inside, you can wait here while I go ask if Lady Manaessa wants to meet you or not.” The big man pointed at a couch on the entrance hallway. As Arkara and Krendak sat down the bouncer walked out of the room.

    “So, now we are here.” Krendak said calmly, looking around the somewhat dark room. “It was four years ago that I last was here. I remember those long days sailing across the Slaver’s Bay with father, and when we arrived here I felt myself so important, making business for our proud family. At least back then Lady Manaessa was a friendly woman.”

    “Then she was talking with one of the most influential Great Masters of Meereen and his son. Who is she talking to now? Two beggars on the run.” Arkara looked at the floor as she spoke. She didn’t want to be so hopeless about it, but these were the facts.

    “Don’t lose hope just yet, my sister.” Krendak spoke with comforting tone and stroke her sister gently. “I miss my own hair, that’s true, but even more I miss yours.” He said, making Arkara look at him like he was out of his mind.

    “My hair hasn’t gone anywhere.” Arkara said and her brother chuckled.

    “I know, you just used to keep it open. Now you always have it on a bun. You have beautiful hair, you should keep it open like you used to do.”

    “Our life isn’t as it used to be.” Arkara remarked. “Besides, this pin is the only thing I have left of mother.” Speaking these words Arkara felt great grief, but as always it was quickly replaced by anger. Revenge - that is my path. She heard her brother letting out a sigh.

    “I know… I miss so many things. All those sweet days. Well, I’m sure we’ll find a way.” Krendak looked at her sister with a smile on his face, but as much as Arkara wanted, she just couldn’t answer to this smile.


    Finally, after keeping them waiting for a while, Lady Manaessa appeared to the door. She was quite beautiful for her age – which was somewhere around forty if Arkara had to guess – and her glorious silver hair just added to it. The merchant lady had a green silk gown on her and she looked at Arkara and Krendak with calculating eyes.

    “Follow me, we’ll find a room suitable for this conversation.” After these stoic words Manaessa left the hallway, and Arkara and Krendak followed. After walking through a long corridor and couple of rooms filled with arts and statues they arrived to a surprisingly simple office. The yellow room had one tapestry of a golden dragon fighting with a black dragon, and one bronze statue of a warrior with spear. Otherwise the room was almost empty, except for the desk and the chairs.

    “You say that you are son of Ozrak zo Noklar. Why should I believe you?” Manaessa asked as they sat down.

    “Wait… Don’t you remember me? I visited here with my father couple years ago.” Krendak had a confused look on his eyes.

    “I see a lot of faces due to my occupation, surely you understand that.” Manaessa answered with a sly smile on her face. “But let’s assume you are who you say you are. Why didn’t your father inform me about this? Why do you come here looking like that? Surely members of such great family should have been able to travel comfortably.”

    “Our father sent us.” Krendak answered calmly. “We were supposed to have a pleasant journey, but there was an accident.” Manaessa raised her hand to stop Krendak from continuing.

    “Should I be insulted? Because now you are lying to me.” Krendak and Arkara both felt themselves weak under the hard gaze of Manaessa. “Oh, I know what happened to your father. I know there are many who are after you. Your father was a man with great power and good connections to all around the world, but he was too greedy. And that was his downfall… And now two of his children come crawling to me. Why are you here? Do you expect me to help you?”

    “You were in debt to our father.” Arkara said strictly, which made Lady Manaessa chuckle.

    “Yes, I happened to owe money to the Great Master Ozrak zo Noklar. And I admit, even after the man dying I would have been in obligatory to pay that debt to the one who takes his place.” Manaessa pressed her fingers together as she spoke. “However, I don’t think there is a person who has taken his place. You two, you are just…”

    “Two beggars on the run.” Krendak finished the sentence, and took the golden ring off his index finger of the right hand. “Look at this, my lady.” He said as he handed the ring to Manaessa.

    “Manticore crawling over a sword… The sigil of House Noklar. What are you trying to say, Krendak?” Manaessa asked and handed the ring back.

    “As long as I and my sister are alive, House Noklar is alive. Help us now, and you will be repaid when we rise back to our pyramid.” Arkara looked at her brother, feeling a little surprised – it wasn’t often Krendak spoke with such decisive words. For a while Manaessa stayed silent.

    “You got my interest. However I can’t help you much, and I am certainly not going to drop all my money on you. However, I can offer you an opportunity.” Manaessa had her sly smile back on.

    “Opportunity to do what?” Arkara asked, with a little frustration on her words.

    “I am slightly involved in a certain war, happening far away from here. If it wasn’t for what happened your father would probably be as well.” Manaessa let out a small sigh. “I can give you the opportunity to gain allies, but before anyone is going to help you, you have to help them.” Arkara and Krendak looked at each other.

    “We can do it, sister, we can rise back to the top.” Krendak said, and even if Arkara wasn’t so sure, she nodded.

    “I have two ships leaving in couple days.” Manaessa said. “The other one will go to Qarth, where my contact plans his moves on this war, and the other one sails to Volantis, where the army is being raised. It’s your decision – Qarth or Volantis?”

    [Qarth] [Volantis]

  • [Volantis]

    Arkara The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked al

  • edited August 2015

    Great part! I already like Arkara, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy her parts :D


    I am very interested in this contact Manaessa spoke of, he might be a valuable ally. And since the army in Volantis is probably going to meet up with this man either way, Qarth could be the better choice. However, I'm not really sure if Manaessa is someone they should trust, she certainly has her own motives for helping them.

    Arkara The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked al

  • edited August 2015

    I am very interested in this contact Manaessa spoke of, he might be a valuable ally.

    Yes, this person certainly is an interesting one. And yes, one that possibly could make a very powerful ally :)

    I'm not really sure if Manaessa is someone they should trust

    And that certainly is also true, Manaessa is a very pragmatic and also selfish woman. However Arkara and Krendak are in so dire situation that they don't really have much options, and in this case I can reveal that Manaessa isn't working against them. Then again as said she is extremely pragmatic and if there ever would come a reason for her to stop supporting Kara and Kren, she would.

    Great part! I already like Arkara, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy her parts [Qarth] I am very interested in this contact Manaessa spoke

  • [Qarth]

    Really good one, i like both of them already as well.

    Arkara The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked al

  • [Volantis]

    Arkara The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked al

  • [Qarth]

    Arkara The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked al

  • [Volantis]

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