From the women, Eleana wins by a landslide. Although Gwyn is also rather attractive, if a little cold. Talia should grow up to be a very pretty woman as well. Sera is alright.
As for the men, well, being a heterosexual male, I can't quite say, but if I was a girl, I'd reckon Rodrik would be the most attractive.
I've always found Lady Forester highly attractive. But if we're just talking the younger characters, then of the women I'd have to say that Elaena is probably the best looking chick. As for the dudes, probably Asher.
Arthur and Elaena for the most attractive male and female in TTGOT. Glenmore's got some genes.
Honorable mentions: Rodrik, Gwyn, Asher, Mira, Morgryn and Beskha..
Lord Rickard Morgryn
It's just... His eyebrow game is too strong, can't resist.
In the coronation, when he went like "Don't tell me you just enjoy my company"
I went like
For the males it is a contest between Rodrik and Morgryn. For the females it is Lady Eleana, but an honorable favorite is Beskha, because I find her voice attractive.
yeaaahh asher is hot raaarrrwww :$ xDD
From the women, Eleana wins by a landslide. Although Gwyn is also rather attractive, if a little cold. Talia should grow up to be a very pretty woman as well. Sera is alright.
As for the men, well, being a heterosexual male, I can't quite say, but if I was a girl, I'd reckon Rodrik would be the most attractive.
Girls: Mira, Mira, Mira and Mira ♥
Boys: Gared and Finn. Oh, and Asher.
I've always found Lady Forester highly attractive. But if we're just talking the younger characters, then of the women I'd have to say that Elaena is probably the best looking chick. As for the dudes, probably Asher.
Asher! That grin.
With males I'd definitely say Royland, with Harys being a close second.
Females I'd say Beskha with Elaena coming in close.
Eleana and Rodrik which makes them a perfect power couple
Arthur Glemwhore... OOPS
Finn ? I'm surprised ^^
Totally in for Mira tho !
-Points at my username- and Asher as well. Might just be me but I think he looks a bit like Chris Pratt.
Oh, and Arthur is a babe too.
Woooooh I thought I was the only one who thinks of Chris Pratt when I see Asher !
So I guess you like your men and women very manly right ? Except for Elaena
Gwyn is a solid first and Elaena is second. Lady Forrester isn't too bad either.
He does look a bit like Chris Pratt! When I looked up Asher, I got a few pictures with Chris Pratt's face photoshopped onto his. XD
Garet is probably the character I find most attractive due to his character development.
Ignore, forgot I already posted here.
Oh my god.... you're right!
Most handsome male: Rodrick
Most beautiful female: Elaena
Gwyn is pretty good looking
Arthur and Elaena for the most attractive male and female in TTGOT. Glenmore's got some genes.
Honorable mentions: Rodrik, Gwyn, Asher, Mira, Morgryn and Beskha..
I think Gwyn Whitehill is the reason of House Whitehill called WHITEhill: She is so hot the hills burn
Sorry for the bad pun
Why, our lord and saviour, of course
In a serious note, i'm a guy, but LOOK at this man... ♥
That creepy eye tho o.o
Well it fits, he kinda died and came back from the dead, kinda.
Lord Rickard Morgryn
It's just... His eyebrow game is too strong, can't resist.
In the coronation, when he went like "Don't tell me you just enjoy my company"
I went like
If Mira wasn't from the North, she would have melted down before those eyebrows...
For the males it is a contest between Rodrik and Morgryn. For the females it is Lady Eleana, but an honorable favorite is Beskha, because I find her voice attractive.
Ma man ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Gywn looks like a Russian Disney princess, But I'll still tap that.
I said this in my forum post titled Rodrik is Jesus lol
Man: Gared Tuttle.
Woman: Gwyn Whitehill.
Just gotta say this now, I was kinda hoping for Rodrik to go after her instead of Elaena.
Asher&Gwyn all the way

Asher and Jon Snow. I'll have them both, thank you.
Can you even imagine the hotness of their (grown up) babies?
My main woman Beskha