Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • lmao Rhysa x Fiona confirmed? :^)

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Last time on Keeping up with the Rhyiona thread. Shit got real. Yes, Rhys is the father of Fiona's baby.

  • We won't, of course not. :(

    rhonu posted: »

    thank you I hope ypu dont forget about me

  • Well, it's kind of a blunt way to put it. :P

    Dracu98 posted: »

    soooooo...that's it? that's the story?...that's even more stupid than this reality-tv-sht. some humans are strange. I mean, sure, all humans are strange, but some are strange in a special strange way. besides, am I an asshle for calling this stupid?

  • My sad attempt to gerderbend Gortys:

    enter image description here

    It's basically old Gortys..


    Old or nah, still fabulous.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    My sad attempt to gerderbend Gortys: It's basically old Gortys..

  • Anything by Mumford and sons, I don’t know why. Although most of those are sad when you look at the lyrics. Just... Forget I ever said anything. Good night, Brawl. Get some rest :)

    Brawl posted: »

    I'm going to sleep guys , sweet Rhyiona dreams. By the way leave me some good love songs so I can make a Rhyiona edit since I have no dam

  • This was F###ING AWESOME!!!! :D
    and Yes you should make a comic.

    BRO FIST<3

    Brawl posted: »

    Welcome to my secret project. Yes , this is indeed another comic , but with another franchise. So the only suggestion I give you is to

  • Good night Aurora, I really hope you feel better tomorrow! Check in and tell us how you're feeling, okay?

    rhonu posted: »

    I am glad to see things calmed down i will try to rest now. I'm reading the thread but i can't comment very often since it's very hard from

  • I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I'm not sleeping

    thug #rebel #I didn't choose the rhyiona life, the rhyiona life chose me

  • Tbh I think you're a cool guy. Weird but cool. remembers conversation you had with sensei Mostly weird.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    soooooo...that's it? that's the story?...that's even more stupid than this reality-tv-sht. some humans are strange. I mean, sure, all humans are strange, but some are strange in a special strange way. besides, am I an asshle for calling this stupid?

  • After a couple hours of miserable lurking, I'm going to bed. Nighty nighty guys :)


    Does he keep her cinnamon roll precious baby personality? :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    My sad attempt to gerderbend Gortys: It's basically old Gortys..

  • Dirty Rhyiona dreams !!! ^-~

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    After a couple hours of miserable lurking, I'm going to bed. Nighty nighty guys

  • edited August 2015

    BOOYAH! thanks man, that's EXACTLY the impression I always try to leave! confusion! sensei is gonna be f*cking proud!

    enter image description here

    well, shit. because of this picture, I now can't get "bohemian rapsody" out of my head. goddamn it freddy!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Tbh I think you're a cool guy. Weird but cool. remembers conversation you had with sensei Mostly weird.

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    After a couple hours of miserable lurking, I'm going to bed. Nighty nighty guys

  • of course :D He woudn't be Gortys without it!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    HE'S SO GODDAMN CUTE Does he keep her cinnamon roll precious baby personality?

  • I bet Gortys would love Gortys. :D

    That sounds weird...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    of course He woudn't be Gortys without it!


  • Looks Like We got a Badass over here!

    Kawaiii posted: »

    I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I'm not sleeping thug #rebel #I didn't choose the rhyiona life, the rhyiona life chose me


    kasumiwolff posted: »


  • Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

    enter image description here


  • enter image description here

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • can u stop posting this garbage in my thread

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • well, it's a nice song, why do you.mind? :P

    Dracu98 posted: »

    BOOYAH! thanks man, that's EXACTLY the impression I always try to leave! confusion! sensei is gonna be f*cking proud! well, shit. because of this picture, I now can't get "bohemian rapsody" out of my head. goddamn it freddy!

  • enter image description here

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • Your train got nothing on our Hogwarts express.

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • Hey Reggie!! So hows Leroy?

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • http://media.giphy.com/media/3ifjhAf9if8HK/giphy.gif

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • edited August 2015

    Fuck you, he's dead! ;_;

    runs away crying

    Hey Reggie!! So hows Leroy?

  • Oh man sorry, glad you survived the nuke though!

    Fuck you, he's dead! ;_; runs away crying

  • I don't actually view it as her turning him down, more of a 'come and get me if you want it' sort of response :P

    She didn't actually specify what she wanted him to never do again, and let's be honest, she is bound by Fate to fall in love with him. She can't exactly turn him down completely XD

    She plays hard to get...

    buntingsir posted: »

    Well, Snow turned down Bigby at first, right? So that was still something interesting to see :P

  • I don't fear all spiders, but the hairy ones with thick legs... NOPE!! :(

    I held a spider crab once, it was fucking huge!! XD

    I have arachnophobia, so spiders are and will always be a big fear for me.

  • Jeez, I feel like I need to clarify what I said earlier cuz everyone took it as Fiona X Vaughn.

    I meant that because Vaughn is missing, Rhys is upset, and saying that no one cares about him as in himself. And then having Fiona say she cares.

    I Am Shame

  • Then Sasha died in a train wreck in episode 4.

    Guys, watch out! Stay off the tracks and watch out for the train...

  • What is this?

    Also, your fear is falling into a frozen lake? :( My Mother fell into one when she was a teenager, she has never forgotten that day...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    ;A; enter link description here

  • I wonder what hair clippers do to you then when they buzz around your ear?

    wasps, bees. anything that flies and buzzes at the same time. ever since that damn wasp stung me on the ear, i'm having panic attacks every time i hear something buzzing while i'm outside

  • Will you two just fucking kiss already?! XP

  • Well work was a pile of shit.... I got home at midnight! >:(

    Sigh and to 443 new comments.

    Give me an hour to catch up :P

  • What the hell, BRO, I thought we was tight BRO?! :'(

    Anyways BRO. I need to catch up as well :P

    BRO-FIST!!! XD

    SORRY for the late reply BRO I feel asleep BRO ;-; I was awake since yesterday and I went to bed at 6:something AM and woke up at around 2PM

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