Pretty sure this is the North Grove.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Silvia, who seems to know the most about the North Grove, says it protects from the 'cold', and as we know from the season 4 finale, there is a ward that stops the 'cold' from entering. And perhaps when Lord Forresters tells us it must never be lost, he doesn't mean it's vitial to the surivival of House Forrester, but they were meant to protect it. They are an old house, as the maester has told us. From the wiki we know that Lord Gerhard Forrester founded the house over 1500 years ago, so they fit the timeline for when Brynden Rivers was born, and died beyond the wall where he became the known 'three-eyed raven'. It's possible that House Forrester was charged with protecting the grove from any foes, it must never be lost.
Now to even add more to this, according to the wiki of ASOIAF, 'The precise location is not specified in A Dance with Dragons, but The Lands of Ice and Fire places it within the haunted forest, east of the Fist of the First Men and southwest of the Antler River'.
enter image description here

Look at where Gared places the thing on the map, and how close it is to supposed locationf specified by the lands of ice and fire.
I think this is the north grove people, feel free to debunk me.



  • I doubt it. Bran is there right now, and it would be weird for something so closely tied to the actual ASOIAF/GOT lore to be directly related to House Forrester. I'm not saying it's closely tied to the show/books because Bran is there right now, I'm saying it's because it is where the three eyed raven is, which obviously is going to have a MAJOR impact on the War of Dawn.

  • Better image for it!
    enter image description here

  • The North Grove has been described as a hidden fortress not the tree where Bran finds the three eyed raven.

    Duncan: A protected citadel of sorts hidden from the world

    Cotter: I've heard stories, old tales of a secret forrest within a forrest

    And Gregor said "The future of the House may depend on it" so surely it's vital for their survival.

  • Look at that image I posted, it's basically on point for where the north grove is.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The North Grove has been described as a hidden fortress not the tree where Bran finds the three eyed raven. Duncan: A protected citadel o

  • Doesn't look like it to me.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Look at that image I posted, it's basically on point for where the north grove is.

  • That is literally in the same location :D

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Doesn't look like it to me.

  • The three eyed raven has nothing to do with the North Grove. The three eyed raven is too important to be directly related to the Forresters. I would bet my life that this is not the North Grove.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Look at that image I posted, it's basically on point for where the north grove is.

  • Not much evidence to your statement there buddy, disprove me sir! :D

    The three eyed raven has nothing to do with the North Grove. The three eyed raven is too important to be directly related to the Forresters. I would bet my life that this is not the North Grove.

  • How do you know? You've drawn a circle in a random place on a north of the wall map and called it the North Grove.

    kaza125 posted: »

    That is literally in the same location

  • Read my first post again, where it says the cave is located.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    How do you know? You've drawn a circle in a random place on a north of the wall map and called it the North Grove.

  • You've just posted links, make a arguement :D

  • I've read it, maybe I'm just stupid because I'm seeing no connection you're making.

    Nothing we've learnt about the North Grove points towards it being that single tree

    • A protected citadel hidden from the world
    • A forrest within a Forrest
    • Beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon.

    This tree is not a citadel, it's not a forrest hidden in a Forrest and it has no connection to the Ice Dragon, everything we've learnt so far would have to be wrong for he North Grove to be that tree.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Read my first post again, where it says the cave is located.

  • My argument was stated already, and then you asked for my evidence to back it up, and I gave it to you. I'm not going to debate with you over something that I know is fact. The ASOIAF universe was long established before this game, and thus takes priority. GRRM obviously has other plans for the cave of the three eyed raven. I'm done wasting my time on this silly little argument, and I quite honestly can't tell if you're trolling, what with the emoticons you have in every post.

    kaza125 posted: »

    You've just posted links, make a arguement

  • It's not the tree, it's what is beneath the tree. If you've read the book you call certainly see why it's described as a citadel, caves upon caves, and even bran says its like ag grve in ADOD. And you keep forgetting what Silvia mention how it's protected from the cold, just like the ward on the cave beneath the tree.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I've read it, maybe I'm just stupid because I'm seeing no connection you're making. Nothing we've learnt about the North Grove points tow

  • Ours characters, which are little o importance have met up with the major and cruical characters of the overall story, so why can't Gared met with a cruical character aswell? You've seemed to also have ignored the clear evidence I have given that supports my arguement, and hey let's not get heated here, this is a discussion ;)

    My argument was stated already, and then you asked for my evidence to back it up, and I gave it to you. I'm not going to debate with you ove

  • edited August 2015

    Spoiler alert for the next series of GoT.

    enter image description here

    Max von Sydow has been cast as the Three Eyed Raven for Season 6, so the show is going to be elaborating in ways that may contradict the games, so I think Telltale will leave it be.

  • And what of my other point? It being a forrest hidden within a forrest? You're talking about a single tree.

    kaza125 posted: »

    It's not the tree, it's what is beneath the tree. If you've read the book you call certainly see why it's described as a citadel, caves upon

  • The fact that it's stories and old tales. The fact tends to loosen and weave about as a story is told over time.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    And what of my other point? It being a forrest hidden within a forrest? You're talking about a single tree.

  • It's based off Gregor's notes and the stories Cotter heard are almost identical to it. And I highly doubt southeners and the free folk tell the same storie and it's completely wrong.

    kaza125 posted: »

    The fact that it's stories and old tales. The fact tends to loosen and weave about as a story is told over time.

  • You say because it's stories that it's wrong but your point is based off stories that Sylvi heard.

    kaza125 posted: »

    The fact that it's stories and old tales. The fact tends to loosen and weave about as a story is told over time.

  • Yes, because she knows alot more than Cotter, she told us stuff he never mentioned. Cotter also said she can take ua there.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You say because it's stories that it's wrong but your point is based off stories that Sylvi heard.

  • edited August 2015

    "that Lord Gerhard Forrester founded the house over 1500 years ago, so they fit the timeline for when Brynden Rivers was born, and died beyond the wall where he became the known 'three-eyed raven'."

    Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second mate. Brynden Rivers was born in 175 AC. A Dance with Dragons, the most recent book takes place in 300 AC.The Targaryens weren't even in Westeros 1500 years ago.

  • edited August 2015

    Doesn't change the fact that you dismissed my point because it's based off a story that a character heard and yet your point is also based off a story a character heard. What Sylvi knows is still based off a story her knowledge of the north has nothing to do with the stories she's heard.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Yes, because she knows alot more than Cotter, she told us stuff he never mentioned. Cotter also said she can take ua there.

  • edited August 2015

    Sure this has been done before but if you jimmy the North Grove map to fit with the known map of Beyond The Wall, matching up with the Milkwater River, the Antler River's tributaries, Fist of the First Men and the Shivering Sea coast the location of the North Grove is a ways north of where the Three-Eyed Crow's cave is, which in The Lands of Ice and Fire is described as SE of the Antler River. Granted Lord Forrester's map may be a bit FUBAR.

    enter image description here

  • Yeah I know, I'm saying the Forresters have existed before Bryden and after him. So it's makes a but more sense why they are connected with him.

    "that Lord Gerhard Forrester founded the house over 1500 years ago, so they fit the timeline for when Brynden Rivers was born, and died beyo

  • Hmm, I'll agree with you on that :D
    I do feel like my theory just seems a bit more likely and more interesting that just a stash of ironwood.:D

    Sure this has been done before but if you jimmy the North Grove map to fit with the known map of Beyond The Wall, matching up with the Milkw

  • But almost every house in Westeros also existed before Brynden Rivers and after him.

    The only one I can even think of that doesn't fit that would be House Baelish.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Yeah I know, I'm saying the Forresters have existed before Bryden and after him. So it's makes a but more sense why they are connected with him.

  • edited August 2015

    Imagine if telltale leaves the North Grove for season 2 ? That would be the nastiest move ever :p

  • I'd imagine we will get a peak of it at the end of this season, but on a cliffhanger :D

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Imagine if telltale leaves the North Grove for season 2 ? That would be the nastiest move ever

  • I hate cliffhangers

    • Ellie from the last of us
    kaza125 posted: »

    I'd imagine we will get a peak of it at the end of this season, but on a cliffhanger

  • Bloodraven never called that tree the North Grove in the novels, besides they can't make the Forresters impact the canon. I seriously doubt Gared can just enter and Bran and BR will just be like: "hey bud welcome to ma crib, here is where I cook blue meth for the Others. we still have onion rings in the fridge if you hungry !"

    Theory disabled

  • Meeting with crucial characters is one thing, getting directly involved with Bloodraven and the Children of the Forest is another entirely. They are literally the most powerful beings in existence. The Forresters can't be involved with them directly. Also, ALL of your evidence has been refuted successfully, they didn't ignore.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Ours characters, which are little o importance have met up with the major and cruical characters of the overall story, so why can't Gared m

  • From the wiki we know that Lord Gerhard Forrester founded the house over 1500 years ago,

    That's incorrect. Cedric Forrester and his triplet sons built Ironrath 1500 years ago. So it's older than that. Unless you're referring to the fact that it must be older than that.

  • edited September 2015

    This. Thank you.

    Meeting with crucial characters is one thing, getting directly involved with Bloodraven and the Children of the Forest is another entirely.

  • Not gunna lie, some of you guys have kinda been dicks :D All I have done is just stated a theory, and some of you are like "NO THAT'S WRONG, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?"
    Feel free to debunk me as I've said, but you don't need to be a knob about it :D

  • Who is being a "knob"

    kaza125 posted: »

    Not gunna lie, some of you guys have kinda been dicks All I have done is just stated a theory, and some of you are like "NO THAT'S WRONG, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" Feel free to debunk me as I've said, but you don't need to be a knob about it

  • Great theory.

  • It still doesn't answer why his theory is so canny and reasonable with everything. Assuming that it "can't touch" the plot of the show doesn't mean anything, since they might not get there, or not enter. "North Grove" might be a nickname that the Lords of House Forrester gave the place, since it's nameless. I'm pretty sure he's right.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Bloodraven never called that tree the North Grove in the novels, besides they can't make the Forresters impact the canon. I seriously doubt

  • Yay, someone is helping me :D
    I didn't expect so many people to try to debunk my theory so it's a alot to handle :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It still doesn't answer why his theory is so canny and reasonable with everything. Assuming that it "can't touch" the plot of the show doesn

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