Episode lengths?

I'm playing through TWD Season 1 (just finished Episode 4) and it seems the episodes are longer than GoT's. Is it just me?


  • The episodes did use to be a lot longer, though that was mostly due to the puzzles more than anything else.

  • Season one's episodes are longer than GOT because there are puzzles in TWD season one. Game of Thrones episode's haven't got puzzles. And TWD season 2 is shorter than TWD season 1 for the same reason in game of thrones.

  • No, definitely not just you. Walking Dead Season 1 probably has the longest episodes in a Telltale game, but like Dojo said might have been largely due to the puzzles

  • edited August 2015

    Yep, no way Telltale episodes before The Walking Dead were over 3-5 hours or anything. (they totally were though...)

    No, definitely not just you. Walking Dead Season 1 probably has the longest episodes in a Telltale game, but like Dojo said might have been largely due to the puzzles

  • edited August 2015

    Ok...? I've never played any of Telltale's previous games before Walking Dead Season 1 so how would I know?

    Yep, no way Telltale episodes before The Walking Dead were over 3-5 hours or anything. (they totally were though...)

  • I'm currently playing Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People and it's pretty long.

    Yep, no way Telltale episodes before The Walking Dead were over 3-5 hours or anything. (they totally were though...)

  • edited August 2015

    If that sounded rude. i totally apologize. Just my inner classic Telltale fanboy came out, and wanted to point out that Telltale made much more lengthy, puzzle heavy episodes before The Walking Dead.

    Ok...? I've never played any of Telltale's previous games before Walking Dead Season 1 so how would I know?

  • It's ok, I figure it also may be a bit ignorant of me to disregard those games just because I've never played them.

    If that sounded rude. i totally apologize. Just my inner classic Telltale fanboy came out, and wanted to point out that Telltale made much more lengthy, puzzle heavy episodes before The Walking Dead.

  • Completely off topic - What episode are you on and are you enjoying it? I really enjoyed Cool Games For attractive people despite not watching that many homestar runner cartoons.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm currently playing Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People and it's pretty long.

  • I didn't notice much puzzles in some of the episodes, mainly just 3. I felt like it was due to character development.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The episodes did use to be a lot longer, though that was mostly due to the puzzles more than anything else.

  • edited August 2015

    There were quite a bit of (Super Easy, but puzzles nontheless) Puzzles in Episodes 1-4

    • Distracting the walkers to get to the lady in the motel

    • How to distract the walkers to get to Lee's brother

    • Distracting Andy

    • TRAIN!!! <---- dumb

    • Distracting walkers to get through the Sewers

    • Various moments in Crawford in Episode 4

    and that's all of them I can remember at the moment.

    If you remember anymore feel free to reply.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I didn't notice much puzzles in some of the episodes, mainly just 3. I felt like it was due to character development.

  • Episode 2, I'm really enjoying the humor and style. I'm trying to 100% each episode. Screw snake boxer 5.

    Completely off topic - What episode are you on and are you enjoying it? I really enjoyed Cool Games For attractive people despite not watching that many homestar runner cartoons.

  • edited August 2015

    What about the motel scene in Episode 1, when you're trying to save that girl, would that count as a puzzle?

    There were quite a bit of (Super Easy, but puzzles nontheless) Puzzles in Episodes 1-4 * Distracting the walkers to get to the lady in

  • Yes it would, Thanks! It's been a while. that was probably the only puzzle I liked in that game, and I forgot it existed...

    What about the motel scene in Episode 1, when you're trying to save that girl, would that count as a puzzle?

  • I have to agree there, that was a really fun scene and a very enjoyable puzzle, the train one was terrible.

    Yes it would, Thanks! It's been a while. that was probably the only puzzle I liked in that game, and I forgot it existed...

  • Would the investigation, getting the lock open and the Crawford parts count as puzzles?

    There were quite a bit of (Super Easy, but puzzles nontheless) Puzzles in Episodes 1-4 * Distracting the walkers to get to the lady in

  • Train was so damn stupid ! Why the hell can't Lee carry 3 wrenches at once ?!

    enter image description here

    I have to agree there, that was a really fun scene and a very enjoyable puzzle, the train one was terrible.

  • I could see Telltale doing something similar to the investigation in their current style now, so not really. The lock? I don't remember, and there are some parts in Crawford that would count. I can't narrow it down to one scene though.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Would the investigation, getting the lock open and the Crawford parts count as puzzles?

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