
edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I think its a bit stupid that telltale did the whole romeo and Juliet thing with Asher and Gwyn as it seem unnatural because when they met each other they didn't fall in love it must of been over time so why spend time falling for each other if they knew they were enemies? Plot demand it for episode 6? It just seem out of character for both of them... unless they found each other so irresistible it was worth risking a war!

what do you think?


  • why? how? why?

    enter image description here

  • We've never seen them interact.. so who knows. Plus, they were younger and maybe more hormonal? I personally dislike Gwyn's personality and find her unattractive at times. I don't know what Asher saw in her.

  • touche...

    why? how? why?

  • Asher is known to be crazy and daring, often lacking any forethought. He likes what he likes. There are his motives.

    Perhaps Gwyn, since we know her as someone actively pursing peace, didn't think it would result in war and thought she could keep it from getting to that point, just like how she thought she could do the same thing this time around.

  • thats exactly what i thought, about Gwyn anyways thats why i found it weird that Asher would fall for her, althoguh a rebel i think he has his family best interests at heart. supporting the fact that he exiled himself to stop a war. ;)

    ShampaFK posted: »

    We've never seen them interact.. so who knows. Plus, they were younger and maybe more hormonal? I personally dislike Gwyn's personality and find her unattractive at times. I don't know what Asher saw in her.

  • "why spend time falling for each other if they knew they were enemies" smh the whole point is you can't help who you fall in love with

  • ino but imma saying why spend time together b4 they was in love until it got to the point they was falling 4 each other

    Flog61 posted: »

    "why spend time falling for each other if they knew they were enemies" smh the whole point is you can't help who you fall in love with

  • When and why did they even meet to fall in love? It's not like they went to the same high school or church or what have you. Did the two houses attend similar functions?

  • Well they weren't enemies at the time just bitter rivals. I imagine it started out as a pretty girl Asher wanted to bang but fell for her afterwards.

  • I never asked when they met to fall in love?!? I just said it didn't make sense in my head for the two to fall in love!

    ShampaFK posted: »

    When and why did they even meet to fall in love? It's not like they went to the same high school or church or what have you. Did the two houses attend similar functions?

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