Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Also why are people liking this can you explain? (I am not offended just confused).

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Also, I need to say sorry for my bad spelling I have a...neurological complication when it comes to reading and writing.

  • You'll die of cuteness but you'll also revive yourself with that cuteness because there's no way your soul would give up like that and miss the other moments.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    you wanna kill me with cuteness?

  • It's okay dude

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Also, I need to say sorry for my bad spelling I have a...neurological complication when it comes to reading and writing.

  • Yeah, that's a good point... but if what the audio files Poogs found say are true then they had plenty of time to get over it. I'm just worried. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Me too... but somehow I don't think Rhys and Fiona would be so cool about finding it or about telling the stranger about her if something had happened.

  • Ok that makes more sense. Wait you don't think he is a potato because that would mean Vaughn produced him... :|

    No I'm saying that Rhys looks like a potato...

  • Don't worry about it! :)

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Also, I need to say sorry for my bad spelling I have a...neurological complication when it comes to reading and writing.

  • People here just like everything. :) It's courtesy I guess?

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Also why are people liking this can you explain? (I am not offended just confused).


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • LMAO I thought I was safe by now

    OH HELL YES ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • everything's fine, bruh. :)

    enter image description here

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Also, I need to say sorry for my bad spelling I have a...neurological complication when it comes to reading and writing.

  • To rethink your style and come up with something new... such a good way for improving your skills.

    Yep. Plus it's just fun to try different drawing styles. I mean, I still love my pastel brushes but I don't want to overuse them.

    On the other hand I have kinda lost my own style.. Currently I have like 4 different ways to draw and some of them feel natural but some of them feel still little forced..you know what I mean? I'm sorry if I explained this very poorly :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    That's so awesome, that's a great habit! To rethink your style and come up with something new... such a good way for improving your skills. I've never thought of something like this before.

  • But wouldn't they at least mention it? Like "Oh yeah, that's an important part of that little robot we were following... yeah, it's dead now." (I can not imagine that though...)

    All of this is just excuses so I can sleep peacefully tonight without worrying like sick over Gortys. It won't help, I'll worry anyways ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, that's a good point... but if what the audio files Poogs found say are true then they had plenty of time to get over it. I'm just worried.

  • I remember that christmas special x)

    everything's fine, bruh.

  • Oh that makes sense :) thanks guys

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    People here just like everything. It's courtesy I guess?

  • You're welcome buddy. <3

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Oh that makes sense thanks guys

  • Its feel so good to be open....indescrible even. Most people call me a F***tard

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Also why are people liking this can you explain? (I am not offended just confused).

  • I'm trying to keep hope, though! I mean it's just bothering me why it's just the two of them in the future. What the heck happened to everyone?! I'm so curious.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    But wouldn't they at least mention it? Like "Oh yeah, that's an important part of that little robot we were following... yeah, it's dead now

  • every christmas special with ten is awesome :)

    I remember that christmas special x)

  • That's not true! pauses to like new comment We don't like every comment at al- ooh new comment! Anyway, I was saying... it's pointless, isn't it?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    People here just like everything. It's courtesy I guess?

  • Page 569 is slowing getting near... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I almost forgot about that

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Page 569 is slowing getting near... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • lmao someone on twitter just mocked rhyiona with a tweet like "fiona hits rhys with a shoe and fandom is like OMG RHYS AND FIONA CONFIRMED!!" and i'm like... yeah...? i like asshole pairings? i like pairings who tease each other? i'm honestly tired and really not in the best mood for this after what happened yesterday and can this people just leave me alone

  • Don't pay attention to idiots who just want to hurt people.

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Its feel so good to be open....indescrible even. Most people call me a F***tard

  • When the hell will he just regenerate back into Tennant.

    every christmas special with ten is awesome

  • tell them to shove that shoe up where it hurts

    rhonu posted: »

    lmao someone on twitter just mocked rhyiona with a tweet like "fiona hits rhys with a shoe and fandom is like OMG RHYS AND FIONA CONFIRMED!!

  • Not at all, I think I get what you mean. Well, those 'forced' styles are like in the proccessing, probably...? You get used to some ways of drawing and other ways seem more experimental to you.

    And I don't think you lost your style! You always have it, it's just that you constantly improve it, which is great. And your style just happens to have several other different styles in it. 'Style' is like the whole mood and motive of your drawings (Ok, I think now I explained it poorly xD)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    To rethink your style and come up with something new... such a good way for improving your skills. Yep. Plus it's just fun to try di

  • i keep waiting for that to happen too ;-;

    When the hell will he just regenerate back into Tennant.

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    tell them to shove that shoe up where it hurts

  • edited August 2015

    They're just haters, and haters gonna hate, just ignore those losers.

    Because if they don' stop we're gonna need body bags.

    rhonu posted: »

    lmao someone on twitter just mocked rhyiona with a tweet like "fiona hits rhys with a shoe and fandom is like OMG RHYS AND FIONA CONFIRMED!!

  • edited August 2015

    i won't do that out of respect to my son's beautiful shoes but i swear to god

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    tell them to shove that shoe up where it hurts

  • ???

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Page 569 is slowing getting near... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • then tell them to just shove any shoe in general

    high heels would be perfect, I bet those would hurt a lot

    rhonu posted: »

    i won't do that out of respect to my son's beautiful shoes but i swear to god

  • Pages that end in 69 are very special to us around here.

    Yami_Wolf posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    you guys see the difference?;)

    • TPS Jack's intro

    enter image description here

    • TFTBL Rhys's intro

    enter image description here

    i love that they do that xD ha

  • I have to go somewhere, bye everyone (:

  • Guys we can just set Loader bot on them (Kick/punch them in there reproductive organs.) And as defence say they made me fall into a depression what I did is a poke compare to the scar they have left on me. I should really try this sometime I wonder...

    They're just haters, and haters gonna hate, just ignore those losers. Because if they don' stop we're gonna need body bags.

  • bye friend.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I have to go somewhere, bye everyone (:

  • vidimo se! :)

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I have to go somewhere, bye everyone (:

  • See you soon!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I have to go somewhere, bye everyone (:

  • can't move.. eveything hurts.. too tired..

    enter image description here

    but I catched up(more or less)! so, there was a lot of drama

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