GoT vs Life is Strange



  • okay i'm out i've had enough.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    So attacking you = disagreeing with your opinion? I thought the thread was meant for this debate.

  • edited August 2015

    I definitely prefer GoT.
    The dialogue in LiS is very unrealistic and I found most of the episodes to be really boring. I couldn't give two shits about the characters if I tried. The whole game just has a very artificial and trying-too-hard-to-write-teenagers feel to me.

  • Once again, they are both different games and they are hard to compare. I love both games, simple as that.

  • Game of Thrones by far. Never liked teenagers games that much, even though LiS is a really good game.

    edited August 2015

    He could have been talking about the show just as equally, I thought he was talking about the universe in general.

    Your choices don't change the main storyline? How about Kate, pretty sure that has some big differences, including whether or not you get another scene with her or not.

    Still doesn't change the main storyline and the place the plot is going. The scene is extra, and doesn't change the course of the story. Besides, some different dialogue options doesn't change the fact that the story goes the exact same way it does whether she dies or not. In fact, whether Kate commits suicide or not, the scene that opens episode 3, her room is covered with a "do not cross" tape whether she's dead or not. I found that kind of funny. The episode pretty much starts the same too.

    you were able to know the voices and personalities of all the characters just by looking at them? Wow, if you have that kind of foresight you outta play the lotto.

    No, I said that the VAs make them sound that way, the fact that their VAs match their character, and that they're all really more of an embodied stereotype than a human individual is turning me off. I don't feel like I'm interacting and speaking with humans. I don't feel like they're conflicted, I feel like they're scripted.

    The characters don't go any direction, they barely develop, and stick to the annoying personalities that were stuck to them to serve their initial purpose in the story. For example, David doesn't change, he's not going through anything, he just keeps being a nosy dick. Warren is just being a thirsty ass motherfucker with a "piss-me-off-and-I'll-show-you-my-true-colors" character and gets into quarrels with the "bad boy" (who barely changes his attitude at all as well) when Max is in trouble.

    You don't seem to understand; I don't say the writing and VA is bad because I hate the game, I hate the game because those things are bare shit. That's how it goes, I don't hate a game for the hell of it, there's no fun in hating a game, I want to enjoy that game, especially because I paid money for it. I just can't seem to because of said things.

    That's the point, for you to get a hint as to what may or may not happen, some are obvious sure, but all of them? I don't think so. And again no, the option to rewind is just that, an option. You can either use it or not to go back on your choices, I personally have never used it when making a big decision, but it's there to use or not to. You are still perfectly able to make a meaningful choice because you don't know what the final outcome will be.

    So I'm supposed to get hints of what the outcome will be when I make a choice? Fuck that, I don't want the game indicating me what direction I should go, I'm not some goddamn child that needs his hand to be held throughout the choices of the game. In fact, it pisses me off that they think I do. Sure it's an option, but they guilt trip you into rewinding, and don't tell me that they're not doing that. Chloe keeps being a bitch about your choices and Max keeps being insecure about them and they're all pointing out the supposed consequences of what they just did for you to understand that you probably should rewind, not matter what you choose.

    So by your thinking... TWD S2 was a game made for eleven year old girls?

    You seem to fallaciously understand what I'm trying to say; this game is mostly made for the people of a certain age and gender, because the setting of the game, the trailer, the writing and the marketing all appeal to a certain group of people, a certain age group. The Walking Dead does not do that in the least, they are not appealing to a specific group of people; firstly because the game is a sequel to the first season, and secondly because the story has nothing to do with tweens crying about their school problems and their edgy journey to find some girl, as seen through the eyes of a teenage girl. Clem is pretty young at the time, and the focus is in the least of her teenage problems. She's not even in her teens, she's trying to survive, the emphasis isn't on her problems as a teenage girl - it's of her problems as a human - the struggle to survive. And her problems appeal to all people. Max's problems never appealed to me, the characters in that game never appealed to me. Her problems are usually told with far-fetched slang words and revolve around disputes with bitchy rich white girls in a photographing lesson and avoiding creepy security guards, or catching up with some know-it-all girl who used to be your best friend. How am I supposed to feel integrated into this? Do you see the pattern here? Girls can relate to it much more than guys, simply because our experiences differ as we differ, and our struggles in life are different as we are different. Though there are those that are common to all of us, I do not see them in Life is Strange, I do not see the human heart in conflict with itself.

    I'm not saying you can't get into the game if you're a grown man, I'm saying you won't be as likely.

    And I also never said they are incomparable, now you're just pulling stuff right out of the air amigo

    I'm not saying you said that, I'm saying you implied it. You said that unlike Telltale's GoT, they are not based off of an existing universe and that it's one of their first games, both those points lead us to the conclusion that the comparison is unfair. But the OP made it, and I stated in my first comment on this thread that it's hilarious how someone even thinks of comparing them, because of the things you said and because I think that it is a much worse game.

    You're obviously fine to have your opinion and all, but you seem to be playing this game for all the wrong reasons now, you only get joy from actively mocking the game as you play it as you said because you're unable to get in-tune with the characters. To each their own but why play the game at all if you're not enjoying it? Trying to justify your disdain for the game because you can't relate and just saying "I can't enjoy this since I'm not a teenage girl" is BS. Just play something else.

    The wrong reasons? In my opinion, the only way I can play this game is by mocking it, and it's only about 3 hours of my life for every couple of months for a good laugh, so why not? I'm not justifying my disdain because I'm not a teenage girl, I can get attached to any kind of game if the game is actually good, I just don't think that it is, in any way, close to good. The game is much more relatable if you're female, and if you're around the age of the protagonist, but that is not the main reason why I cannot enjoy it. I can enjoy any game that is well-delivered, this one just isn't. And the fact that it's harder for me to relate to it just makes it worse.

    Well I'd figure most people could use their common sense to figure out he meant TellTale's series, last I checked, Game of Thrones was just

  • edited August 2015

    "the only way I can play this game is by mocking it,"

    please don't be angry if i insulted TTG next time

    GOT is trash

    you seems angry????? that how we feel if you insulted the game

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He could have been talking about the show just as equally, I thought he was talking about the universe in general. Your choices don't

  • GOTY really ?! With Arkham Knight and The Witcher 3 that both came out in 2015 ?

    Life is Strange by a huge margin for me. Life is strange is actually probably my pick for GOTY so far. Not to say GOT is bad though. I have really loved the last 2 episodes, but the first 3 episodes were Mediocre to Okay

  • If that were ever to happen and that's how TT would react than they deserve no "flipping out". If a company's past products are surpassed by another companies new product, and the first company throws in the towel, then good riddance. What in fact should, and I would hope would happen, in that case, is TT would work harder to pump out better quality => a better season 3 of TWD than the first season.... so there would be no flipping out.

    johnpas749 posted: »

    Okay since this whole thread is going to be a complete shitstorm between these two companies i REALLY want a defentive answer to this:IF by

  • Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a teenagers game.

    Game of Thrones by far. Never liked teenagers games that much, even though LiS is a really good game.

  • LiS is superior to GoT story-wise and atmosphere-wise. I don't care much about how GoT ends anymore.

  • They are not different games. They are same genre games. It's great that you love both of them, but they are very much comparable.

    Once again, they are both different games and they are hard to compare. I love both games, simple as that.

  • I'm not angry, you're allowed to dislike the game, I just don't see how it's even fathomable.

    Why are you trolling everyone here? Your baits are really bad.

    "the only way I can play this game is by mocking it," please don't be angry if i insulted TTG next time GOT is trash you seems angry????? that how we feel if you insulted the game

  • edited August 2015

    The characters barely develop? lmao You need a serious reality check there man. Almost every character aside from the jock nobodies has some development. David who can first be seen as an asshole actually reveals himself to be quite the caring person, as made evidence through his letters to his wife, how much he's trying to find out about Rachel, and especially if you got him kicked out of the house. And I really don't understand your whole line about Warren so I'm just going to bypass that.

    And that's your opinion about the voice acting and writing, personally I think both are fine and I just don't get your hate towards any of it. We can just leave that with you don't like that since we'll just go in circles otherwise.

    Well I got news for ya, games have been giving hints about possible outcomes in choice/rpg related games long before this, the only difference is here you can take a step back momentarily to think it over. It's not like the game is showing you 100% what will happen, just hinting at it. And again, it's your choice to rewind period, it's not the game's fault for making you think something else, it's simply making you think about possible consequences!

    No, you're point was simply that it was a female teenaged protagonist and that was going to be it's main draw. That's why I mentioned TWD S2. You can't go by what you simply what you think the game is and think that's going to be the main populace. COD games are supposed to be aimed for people in their mid-teens and up, but there's a higher populace of 10 year old there. Same for pokemon, the game is designed to bring in more kids, people in their 20's and up are playing them. And again, these are all things anyone of any gender can relate too, I agreed that some aspects may be easier for females to get on board with, but that's ignorant to think just because of the person we're playing as that makes it harbor more towards one side of the spectrum. All I'm saying is that it's just not working for you.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He could have been talking about the show just as equally, I thought he was talking about the universe in general. Your choices don't

  • edited August 2015

    Perhaps I should have used a different word. What I meant by different game, I meant that they are different stories.

    endoftimes posted: »

    They are not different games. They are same genre games. It's great that you love both of them, but they are very much comparable.

  • edited August 2015

    I quite thought that the first season was the best one and even now most people say that s1 was the best game the they ever loved but now LiS it mostly won their heart.

    endoftimes posted: »

    If that were ever to happen and that's how TT would react than they deserve no "flipping out". If a company's past products are surpassed by

  • GoT > TFTB > LiS

    Thank you.

    ps LiS sucks

    kaza125 posted: »

    Explain why then Let me see your arguement for it

  • Wooooow. I thought that Ryona/Rhysha fans were annoying but you beat them all.

    you really don't see why people hate LiS? it's simple. if you go to the GoT forum and see topics comparing LiS with GoT and saying that GoT sucks and LiS is better and there are SO MANY similar topics about this, don't be surprised that people are pissed.

    me????? hahahaha..... since the release of LIS all of TTG forum is hate on life is strange???? really?????

  • pathetic XD

    okay i'm out i've had enough.

  • edited August 2015

    Eh, that's a hard question. I do like the story more in GoT, but I like some of the gameplay aspects more in LiS.

    In specific examples...

    You can wander around for a long time without bothering to continue the story in Life is Strange, checking out pretty much everything and opening a bunch of drawers or looking at every flyer, or finding things to take pictures of. And you can do it over and over, It rarely feels like they're rushing you. And you can stumble into little side quests this way. A story progressing scene typically won't trigger unless you leave the area you are in, or deliberately trigger the scene with an action. In GoT you can do everything once, and sometimes you can just wander into the next scene by virtue of just walking in the wrong place or waiting around too long. It's a little frustrating sometimes, when you want to explore the environment and accidentally trigger a scene.

    The world seems a lot bigger in Life is Strange too, there's a bunch of things you can only figure out if you find all the stuff to click on, and investigate everything and there is so much stuff to look at and interact with. And there's even some stuff that's not useful at all in progressing the game and is just there to make it seem like the world is bigger. In GoT you see some stuff like that but there's a lot less.

    Finally I'll find in GoT sometimes the stem of a dialogue response can trick you and then the response won't be what you intended. For instance when Mira talks to Sera in episode 5 the options are "But I need you Sera...", "You're making a mistake..." and "That's fine by me..." logically all three options should be different and I assumed that the first one was an attempt at a guilt trip, the second was a threatening and/or bitter response and the third one is the understanding one that Sera is doing what's best for Sera. But really the second one is almost a kind warning (I'm worried about who will look out for you) and the third one is the bitter one (Fine! Screw off then! I don't need you!) Life is Strange has these too sometimes, but at least there you can rewind and pick another option that is more in line with what you meant to say.

  • ok

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Wooooow. I thought that Ryona/Rhysha fans were annoying but you beat them all. you really don't see why people hate LiS? it's simple. if

  • like you

    brbsmoking posted: »

    pathetic XD

  • K

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm not angry, you're allowed to dislike the game, I just don't see how it's even fathomable. Why are you trolling everyone here? Your baits are really bad.

  • Humm... The main characters are 18-19 years old and act like teens so I think that even the fans know that is a teenagers game...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a teenagers game.

  • This ^^

    The characters barely develop? lmao You need a serious reality check there man. Almost every character aside from the jock nobodies has some

  • look in the mirror. you're everywhere, insulting people who disagree with you, insulting the game they love and, when they are reacting, you play the victim.

    how else can i describe it?

    like you

  • Well, if you'd look at the first page, there is someone who thinks it's not a teenager's game, lol.

    Humm... The main characters are 18-19 years old and act like teens so I think that even the fans know that is a teenagers game...

  • Reading some of the arguments is a lot of fun.

    enter image description here

  • they started it,,,, deal with it.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    look in the mirror. you're everywhere, insulting people who disagree with you, insulting the game they love and, when they are reacting, you play the victim. how else can i describe it?

  • ?????

    brbsmoking posted: »


  • and you can't be the smart one who's gonna finish it, can't you?

    they started it,,,, deal with it.

  • TTG fans can't get enough making funny and stupid comments about LIS.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    and you can't be the smart one who's gonna finish it, can't you?

  • i get it. but there are a lot of people who are insulting GoT too. no need to incite.

    TTG fans can't get enough making funny and stupid comments about LIS.

  • Srsly? How can someone deny that they are teenagers? Tf?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well, if you'd look at the first page, there is someone who thinks it's not a teenager's game, lol.

  • sigh i really like GOT but i've had enough.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    i get it. but there are a lot of people who are insulting GoT too. no need to incite.

    edited August 2015

    Almost every character aside from the jock nobodies has some development.

    Don't see how. I don't really know if you can call David's development a "development", since he doesn't particularly go through a character arc or changes his ways in any shape or form, only our narrow, forced view of him is changed if you look hard enough. He himself doesn't change, our opinion of him changes.

    Well I got news for ya, games have been giving hints about possible outcomes in choice/rpg related games long before this, the only difference is here you can take a step back momentarily to think it over.

    Then they're just as stupid for doing that, in my opinion. Although I've never seen a game that goes this far, do you have an example?

    That step back completely ruins the "your choice" thing, you suddenly learn more about what the implications of your actions may be from the characters' reactions around you and Max's inner thoughts. You are suddenly making an informed choice, which is not very realistic when speaking of impulsive choices like deciding whether to let Warren beat Nathan up some more or stop him. You suddenly see that if you do, he doesn't get his gun, which inevitably leads some to the conclusion that it's better if he won't get to keep the gun. Suddenly the choice is less about "should I spare Nathan more beating?" and more about the consequences. I'm not sure if it went that way or the opposite way, but my point doesn't change. I found those hints more than enough, and I'm not very good when it comes to predicting things in stories.

    And again, it's your choice to rewind period, it's not the game's fault for making you think something else, it's simply making you think about possible consequences!

    It quite actually is, they are deliberately doing it no matter what you choose in order that you rewind. I don't think there's one person who didn't rewind his choices, and that's mostly the result of the things Max says to herself: "Oh I really shouldn't have done that, stupid Max! Now Chloe is going to be sooo pissed!" She says things like this, and then you start questioning your own judgment. It's a pretty simple mind trick that the writers calculatedly integrated into the game to make the decisions harder. You can actually see it in TWD and Telltale's other games as well, but the difference is that in those games, there is no option to turn back time and change your choice. They don't just inform you of consequence, they pressure you into thinking your decision was wrong, that's how I felt while making a major choice in the game.

    I don't really understand what you're trying to say in the last paragraph. Pokemon was never designed for children, COD is a bad example, it was never marketed as a mid-teen+ game, and it's a simple, addictive massive multiplayer game that even stupid little kids can play. In either instance, there is some kind of meat in there, something that you can grab onto and something that will keep you hooked. There's nothing like that in LiS. The game is going to appeal to certain people more than others.

    I never said that just because the protagonist is unrelatable to me the game is bad, I clearly said that if the story and other aspects of the game were good, I wouldn't give a shit that I'm playing as a character that I don't find any common ground with. It's not working for me in that aspect, but it is also, in my opinion, a horribly executed game, which is why I could never find it anything more than mediocre at best and laughable at worst.

    The characters barely develop? lmao You need a serious reality check there man. Almost every character aside from the jock nobodies has some

  • I don't think they are denying the main characters are teenagers. They are arguing that just because the main characters are teenagers doesn't mean that the game's target audience is teenagers.

    I mean by that argument only pro athletes would buy sports games and only racecar drivers would buy racing games.

    Srsly? How can someone deny that they are teenagers? Tf?

  • edited August 2015

    How do you foresee that hiding the truth at the beginning of episode 1 could get you suspended at the end of episode 2? Honestly, the rewind feature is no different than replaying the scene if you're not happy with the outcome, except it's a nice way to integrate some puzzles. Plus, as it's been mentioned, it allows you to explore every immediate outcome and choose whichever one defines you, while saving the long-term consequences for the future.

    About choices mattering, how is this even a discussion? In GoT, just off the top of my head, we have Bowen, the letter, the knife, the marriage and many other things that have changed maybe one line of dialogue. In LiS, choices you've made in the first episode are still brought up multiple times in episode 4 and even combine to shape some characters' stories (Kate, David, Frank). About story branching, I think multiple endings have been confirmed and as someone who read the location spoilers... we'll see.

    As in any internet argument, neither of us will change their opinion about the game, so this whole thing is pretty useless. It's just that if all you're saying is "NO NO THE WRITING IS BAD LALALA", while refusing to acknowledge the obvious (objective, I'd say) improvements, it seems like hating just because it's popular or because it's not Telltale.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Excuse me, but he said "GoT", not "Telltale's GoT", so if he would make it clear, then I would stop comparing it to the other medias. Either

  • GOT is trash

    i really like GOT

    Make up your mind ;)

    sigh i really like GOT but i've had enough.

  • Shhhh, come, give me a hug!

    sigh i really like GOT but i've had enough.

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