Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • You dont know that!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you jinxed it ;-;

  • Haha true. I was tempted to say that maybe school started for some of us when I remembered that the only country here with outrageously early starts is Sweden :P

    That shouldn't be too difficult, seeing as we've gotten used to talking about anything these days.

    buntingsir posted: »

    We're silently all returning to our daily routines apparently... It's funny how we got used to having so many comments, when a few months be

  • This looks f*cking amazing! :)

    Terrible Art 10/10 -IGN

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Welp..doodled these little sisters stuff. .-.

  • Me too! That beat...

    So this is becoming a daily thing I guess :P I love this song though enter link description here

  • Good night Kimmy <3

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Welp..its kind of late..gotta wake up early Goodnight guys

  • Always happens to me :,[

    buntingsir posted: »

    When you suddenly realize that it's already Tuesday and not Monday as you thought all along And I still can't draw anything </3

  • this always happens to me during summer

    And I still can't draw anything </3

    you can't force inspiration, jane. you just have to wait for it to happen :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    When you suddenly realize that it's already Tuesday and not Monday as you thought all along And I still can't draw anything </3

  • It always feels like summer is so short :( Are you excited for a new year in school? :D

    Yep, and I like it that way, a lot.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Haha true. I was tempted to say that maybe school started for some of us when I remembered that the only country here with outrageously earl

  • Yeah, I know, it's just a bit annoying to me, because I want to draw... but I can't. It'll pass surely, but the question is when.

    this always happens to me during summer And I still can't draw anything </3 you can't force inspiration, jane. you just have to wait for it to happen

  • that's what happens 90% of the time tho

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You dont know that!

  • I like this song! Wanna dance again?

    enter image description here

    So this is becoming a daily thing I guess :P I love this song though enter link description here

  • Once I freaked out that my father wasn't home by two o'clock, he travels a lot to work so he goes to bed early, and I thought something happened. It was only the next day that I found out that it was Saturday and that he'd decided to spend the night at a friend's place. :P

    Don't worry, your inspiration will come back, and anyhow you don't need to draw anything right now :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    When you suddenly realize that it's already Tuesday and not Monday as you thought all along And I still can't draw anything </3

  • I'm starting my first day of high school tomorrow and, I was wondering if you guys had ANYTHING good to say about high school because I'm really nervous. I've been going to the same school, with the same people my whole life and now there all gone because they all went to a different school so now I literally have no friends at all. Everyone just complains how horrible and miserable it is, so is there anything good that comes out of it, because I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack just thinking about it! :(

  • i'm sure it'll pass quickly :)

    enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, I know, it's just a bit annoying to me, because I want to draw... but I can't. It'll pass surely, but the question is when.

  • enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    I like this song! Wanna dance again?

  • Quality over quantity. Our thread isn't a chat. We have a chat for the crazy talking.

    I've never realized how truly active this thread is! I mean, I've been lurking this other one and the last time someone posted was Thursday! We are on fire!

  • No one said anything about your thread :P

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Quality over quantity. Our thread isn't a chat. We have a chat for the crazy talking.

  • Everyone just complains how horrible and miserable it is

    Yeah, in middle school the teachers built up high school to be this incredibly difficult challenge and that basically it would be horrendous and there would be so much work

    it was e z a f tho

    they were lying

    I'm starting my first day of high school tomorrow and, I was wondering if you guys had ANYTHING good to say about high school because I'm re

  • Tomorrow? Already? woah, that kinda sucks :/

    I hate first days of school and new meetings, and I was pretty much weird the whole first week when I got in a new class. But you eventually learn things about other people and you have a lot to talk about. I tried to be talkative though, so I could make some friends and it kinda worked. Just don't stress too much and try to take it easy. It's okay if you don't become 'best buddies' with somebody immediately, you'll befriend somebody eventually.

    Good luck <3

    I'm starting my first day of high school tomorrow and, I was wondering if you guys had ANYTHING good to say about high school because I'm re

  • I'll trust your judgment sir Doctor. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    i'm sure it'll pass quickly

  • Perhaps our definition of quality isn't the same as yours. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Quality over quantity. Our thread isn't a chat. We have a chat for the crazy talking.

  • Yes and no... Yes for the people, no for the classes. You?

    I wouldn't want it any other way.

    buntingsir posted: »

    It always feels like summer is so short Are you excited for a new year in school? Yep, and I like it that way, a lot.

  • I would freak out too if I were you. You must've felt terrible... That's really strange when you confuse days on a week. And even more strange when you discover your confusion :D

    I hope so, thank you.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Once I freaked out that my father wasn't home by two o'clock, he travels a lot to work so he goes to bed early, and I thought something happ

  • Yay! News confirmed to come out this week. Screenshots tomorrow maybe? Hopefully a trailer. I really dont want another: Who wants a trailer to be hyped when you can watch it 30 mins before you play and be hyped for 30 mins?

  • hehee, I only needed 1 1/2 hour for this upgrade :D didn't needed it though, I'm not using any of the changes win 10 brought me (except for doing random sh*t with cortana when I'm bored), but hey...I have it now...yay.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    tfw it's been "working on it" for the past 30 minutes... I'd understand if it was the actual upgrade, but this is just configuring settings to get me to the license agreement page. It said it'd take about 10 seconds... gullible me.

  • Yeah it's true though, it feels like it's going to be really hard but... I'll just have to do my best for now. Thanks father! <3

    Green613 posted: »

    Everyone just complains how horrible and miserable it is Yeah, in middle school the teachers built up high school to be this incredi

  • what the heck

    Poogs is a wizard confirmed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yay! News confirmed to come out this week. Screenshots tomorrow maybe? Hopefully a trailer. I really dont want another: Who wants a trailer to be hyped when you can watch it 30 mins before you play and be hyped for 30 mins?

  • holy fucking shit I literally just looked up the date because of this post, and them BAM! it was really tuesday and not monday! what kind of sorcery is this? are you some kind of a magican? speak now, witch, or the holy inquisition will burn you!

    buntingsir posted: »

    When you suddenly realize that it's already Tuesday and not Monday as you thought all along And I still can't draw anything </3

  • That's a bit early :P

    Good luck!

    I'm starting my first day of high school tomorrow and, I was wondering if you guys had ANYTHING good to say about high school because I'm re

  • we were so blind and naive

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    what the heck Poogs is a wizard confirmed.

  • Well, I'm going back to university and the only new people I'll meet are the lecturers, because every year courses which we attend are getting changed. So... I'm excited to find out what kind of new subjects we'll have and at the same time I want to rest a bit longer x) But I also kinda miss my classmates.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yes and no... Yes for the people, no for the classes. You? I wouldn't want it any other way.

  • Thanks for the words of encouragement. I've just never been that much of a social person and I was just now finally accepted into a good group of friends, and it feels like they were immediately ripped away from me. But, yeah I shouldn't think that much about. Just be myself and I'll eventually find a friend. Thank you for this. I just felt like I was going to explode. :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Tomorrow? Already? woah, that kinda sucks I hate first days of school and new meetings, and I was pretty much weird the whole first week

  • Remind me to never doubt papa Poogs again.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    we were so blind and naive

  • I have boundless imagination when it comes to those things :(

    I'm sure of it :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    I would freak out too if I were you. You must've felt terrible... That's really strange when you confuse days on a week. And even more strange when you discover your confusion I hope so, thank you.

  • Thanks buddy! Good luck, at whatever it is you do! :)

    That's a bit early :P Good luck!

  • As someone who is almost done with high school, I can tell you that it isn't as bad as teachers make it seem. It’s just more annoying considering some people believe they're adults at that point.

    I'm starting my first day of high school tomorrow and, I was wondering if you guys had ANYTHING good to say about high school because I'm re

  • No problem, I know how you feel. I'm not a social person either but I always tried to befriend somebody new in the class. I learnt that you just gotta be relaxed (or at least look so). <3

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I've just never been that much of a social person and I was just now finally accepted into a good gro

  • never doubt your parents, wolf

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Remind me to never doubt papa Poogs again.

  • Introverts unite! Separately, in their own homes! ;)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    No problem, I know how you feel. I'm not a social person either but I always tried to befriend somebody new in the class. I learnt that you just gotta be relaxed (or at least look so).

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