What Do You Think Gared Would Do?

As you know, the traitor is revealed at the end of episode 5. The traitor of course was determined by who you chose to be your sentinel. However for the purpose of this thread if you chose Ser Royland as your sentinel then Duncan would be the traitor.

So if Duncan turned out to be your traitor and of course depending on what you chose to do about it. If you killed him or spared him. How do you think Gared would react if he found out? This is assuming of course that he survives long enough or if he even manages to return to Ironrath.


  • Taking into consideration that Whitehill men killed his family and are the reason why he was sent to the Wall AND the reason he was almost executed by the Night's Watch, I think he would be pissed off at Duncan for working for the Whitehills. I don't think he would hold Duncan's execution against Rodrik. I know my Gared would be sad, but he would understand (my Gared won't have to, though, since Royland is my traitor).

  • I think, after being talked to, he'd understand.

  • edited August 2015

    If you kill Duncan, I think Gared will be upset for killing the last person that was alive in his family. But there are many things what Gared will do. I guess we will find out soon. Although it won't matter, since, even if Duncan is your sentinel, he will die cause the sentinel and the traitor are determinant characters so...

  • He'd understand because he's loyal to house Forrester risking his life beyond the wall to find the north grove that's definitely loyalty.

  • How is he going to find out, though? It's not like they can send a raven "north of the wall".

  • Go in a corner and cry.

  • If he's under our control when he's informed that the traitor is revealed to be Duncan, it'll cheapen the moment. Hopefully his reaction is from his own response and not the player's choice.

  • So far everyone has made some very good points. I think Gared would also be confused, I know I would be. When you consider that at the beginning Duncan tells Gared that he should go to the wall, as this is what would be best for the house and to protect Gared from the Whitehills and Boltons. He tells Gared that he must set out to find the North Grove, even though this means Gared would have to desert the Night's Watch, which carries a death sentence.

    So basically if I was Gared I'd probably go through a range of emotions, confusion, denial, grief and anger. Angry because he has been and is loyal to House Forest (at least my Gared is) and Duncan essentially told him to risk his life for the sake of the house, only to later discover that Duncan has betrayed House Foresters!

    For the record I picked Duncan as my sentinel, so obviously my traitor was Ser Royland.

  • I was thinking more along the lines of, Gared being told this face to face i.e. if/when he returns to Ironrath.

    MsDanceALot posted: »

    How is he going to find out, though? It's not like they can send a raven "north of the wall".

  • Shit, imagine if Asher/Rodrik can be killed by Gared if you killed Duncan.

    Imagine if that happened because of that choice, oo.

  • I think they will at least survive season one. Maybe not in season two-

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    If you kill Duncan, I think Gared will be upset for killing the last person that was alive in his family. But there are many things what Gar

  • edited August 2015

    If he manages to come back to Ironrath somehow then they will probably just make a similar scene like they did with Luke when he hears about Nicks death: Just one sentence about him and 3 seconds after that they go back to business. Something like: Rodrik/Asher: "Gared, its good to have you back." Gared: "But wheres my uncle, I havent seen him around?" Rodrik/Asher: "He worked for the Whitehills... and paid for it in the end. But we have more important things to talk about right now. What did you find out about the North Grove?"

    They would probably make Rodrik/Asher say the same sentence indifferent if you killed Duncan or not. But I think Gared wont return this season.

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