He means he should be there but isn't. They've done that before, if you've played TWD S2 just look at the official episode 3 screenshots they put out, a certain someone was missing from the screenshot when in game they were in that scene.
I kinda like going in blind. Since I didn't know about the forums between episodes 1 and 2, the hype I got from episode 1 passed after a while and I knew nothing of episode 2 until I found out the release date, so I hadn't seen the trailer for that. And then episode 3's trailer came out so late that I didn't watch it. So I'm used to no trailer, might stick to that.
They released the trailer for Cry Wolf about 3 days before the Episode released...
It confirmed Bigby would become The Big Bad Wolf and I was so freakin' hyped!!! XD
Well, I'll go with your professional opinion. I haven't played TWD S2 though :P
It is Though I'm afraid most people will ignore it due to A18.
[inzert a smartazz ansr hir] lel
Nah, man, I'm an awesome kangaroo xD Though I see why you'd think that. Is that in the US?
Wow, that guy is good! :O
[insert rendom fect hier] oh mah gawd dis is so fun
[inzert shokd reeaction giff hier] yah
So I missed a lot! XP
August 18th confirmed!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!
[ insert sumthing inspirationel hier] hav ur cousinz left yet
I kinda like going in blind. Since I didn't know about the forums between episodes 1 and 2, the hype I got from episode 1 passed after a while and I knew nothing of episode 2 until I found out the release date, so I hadn't seen the trailer for that. And then episode 3's trailer came out so late that I didn't watch it. So I'm used to no trailer, might stick to that.
What A18?
Edit: Never Mind release Date got it.
[insert sumthing doktah who related hier] nawt yewt, deyre goun leev 2moro morning
Yup xD
Still hyping inside
[insert sumthing smert hier] k min left ayy
We are, I've been talking to Rabbit mostly but I've just accepted Hazza as a friend :P
[insert sumting fun hier] u lukee baestrd
so you're just chatting, not video-talking or whatever? :P
[insert sumtheing perfekt hier] i thoght dey wer guna leeve on sunday but life is life i gess
No we've been using messger. I don't want to show my face/anyone to hear my voice xD
[insert paig 600 cellabrytion giff hier] laif iz streing bruh
hah same, my voice is pretty dumb x)
where's page 600 damn it
[insert 666 page hype hier] ur rite m8
xD You guys are blocking my computer.
Tfw your ecstatic for the release of episode 4 but you remember you play on Xbox...
[innsert page 666 and 669 dobl hype hier] of cors i am, im da doktah
it's close, I can feel it
[insert sumthing kool hier] shiet i keep 4gettin bruh, soree
[insert a raendom sawng hier] it oke, nobodeh knouws hoo i am, xept u n me
Now let's hope the episode doesn't get released earlier again for some people.
[insert sumtheing bout chairs hier] i'll keep ur seekret, mai leepz r sealed
The red is meant to represent his tie
Yeah, the moment I spoiled myself last time I was kinda gutted .__.
[insert sumthong bout hou fassinaitin delphens ar hier] ur lower or ur uppr leepz lel
[insert sumtheing bout piggz hier] dammit john i didnt ekspekt dis kind uv a question
[insert suthing bout indeena jawns hier] baht ai want an ansr pls lel