Episode 6 and Season 2: Hopes and predictions

Why all the negativity people? I've seen most people think that nobody is making it out alive this season, well i seriously hope that our 3 remaining characters make it. We've had enough deaths already, and for the game to remain true to GRRM's world, it has to stop being predictable in that sense. If someone were to die, i think it would be Gared, after giving the N. Grove proper closure. But as for Asher/Rodrik, and the sentinel/traitor, i really hope they give us quality scenes and endings that DO pay-off for these characters, not just have them die and make our choices feel empty. I know it might get complicated having 2 lords for the next season, but if they can't do that, well, you could just have them as off screen characters, mentioned in the background but still making you feel you DID change something.

So for season 2, my playable characters would be either Asher/Rodrik, Mira and Gared (continuing their respective stories and their path home or the reconstruction of a home) or something new like Beshka, Malcolm, Gwyn and Talia, and their struggle to keep on keeping on by their perspectives (with an occasional choice that might affect the other character's POV)


  • As spectacular as that would be - its quite obvious the surviving sibling will be killed off in Episode 6 allowing TTG to more or less start over with the next Season (kind of like what happened with TWD S2). While theoretically it probably could be possible to publish individual episodes with the final choice of Episode 5 determining who is lord of Ironrath I think TTG would find it easier if there was just one stable character in those specific segments regarding the Ironrath storyline.

  • Yeah, there's a high possibility for Asher/Rodrick to die on the finale and with that way, Talia may be a PC in season 2.

  • It's not obvious. Please stop posting your opinions as facts.

    Harian96 posted: »

    As spectacular as that would be - its quite obvious the surviving sibling will be killed off in Episode 6 allowing TTG to more or less start

  • I'm not sure why but I don't think Asher/Rodrik and Mira are going to die. Can't say the same about Gared though.

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