Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • aka la Suerte Está Echada

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    aka die Würfel sind gefallen

  • I'm sure they will... right? Right?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'm not sure if fathers are gonna forgive you

  • Well I didn't go to bed so I feel like a pile of horse crap Xb ( I accepted a challenge that I have to stay awake until it's 10:00 PM and I'm not backing down from it. )

    BRO FIST <3

    Current time:1:34 PM

    rhonu posted: »

    i'm great, what about you, bro?

  • I know what we should offer her.

    Tyrion's head! :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Let's see... let's find a weapon to use against Telltale... in case they sink Rhyiona. I KNOW! CERSEI LANNISTER

  • edited August 2015

    Well, what can I saw, I love the kid AU. Might as well try to write something for it, right? It's kinda crappy to me so...welp. Excuse the typos and stuff. :P


    Rhys has never been to Pandora. All he heard about it was from Hyperion employees walking by him and his friend, Vaughn, as they played in the hallways. The talk intrigued the young boy, so, against his father and Vaughn’s wishes, he snuck onto a trip going there. He was greeted by a town called Hollow Point. He sees bandits mugging another civilian which causes him to settle right in the outskirts of the town so he doesn’t end up like that. To distract him from the violence, he decides to take his favorite sock, Mr.Froggie Wiggles. Though, that only lasted a few minutes until a couple of bigger boys showed up.

    One of the boys has long black hair, chubby but obviously has enough body strength to knock someone out. The other boy was skinny and has messy brown hair with a few scars on his face. Rhys gulped, this isn’t going to end well.

    “Hey, look at this freak!” The two Pandorian boys point at Rhys as they try to hold back their laughs. Rhys tense up as one of the boys grab his right sleve and tugs on it hard, “Doesn’t even have an arm!” The much more heavier looking boy marches his way and takes away Rhys favorite sock puppet.

    “NO! Give me back Mr. Froggie Wiggles!” Rhys reaches out with his only arm but the boy backs away quickly.

    “Oh god, Connor, he named it too!” The skinny boy now-named Connor laughs pretty evily for a kid. “Hey freak, where are your REAL friends?”

    Rhys kept quiet. At that moment, he remembered the dangers of living on Helios, being automatically labeled as Hyperion ‘trash’, as his dad told him. He didn’t want the teasing to get worse, knowing he had no chance against these guys. What, with one arm and little to no body strength, he was screwed.

    “Hey, Matt asked you a question! Fuckin’ answer him!” Connor pulled Rhys towards him, with a menacing look on his face.

    “I-I...” Rhys couldn’t get the words he needed out. The boy quickly throw Rhys down to the hard ground and began to kick him.

    “You’re so pathetic!” Connor yelled out, the pain matching up with the intensity of his voice.

    Tears began to roll down Rhys cheeks as he shields his face from any harm as best as he can. Will anyone even help him? Anyone smart can reconizge he’s not from Pandora and will automatically think Helios. No...no one will help him. After all, he’s just trash to them all.

    “Picking on someone else...again?” An unknown voice called out to them.

    “Shit, it’s Fi!” The kicking stopped, but Rhys continued to have his eyes closed, afraid of what might happen next.

    After a few minutes though, all Rhys heard was two loud thuds. He slowly opened his eyes.

    “You okay?” A young female voice asks him.

    Rhys tries to wipe the tears away as he looks up to see a girl in a white hat with long brown hair stand before him. “Oh geez...don’t cry! See, I’ve took care of them!” Fiona moves out of the way to show off the two knocked out bullys. Rhys sniffles and nods.

    “I see them...but...They took my sock!” Rhys cried out, continuing to make his hoodie sleeve soggy from all the tears and snot.

    “Oh, you mean this?” Fiona inquired, picking up the frog looking sock off the desert ground right next to knocked out Matt and handing it over to Rhys. “I was wondering why they had a weird-”

    “YES! MR. FROG WIGGLES!” Without thinking, he instantly hugs the stranger tightly, “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING HIM BACK!” Rhys is screaming out in joy, while the Pandorian girl is getting an earful of it. Annoyed with the possibility of going deaf,

    “Okay, back off. You’re getting too comfortable.” Rhys immediately lets go at her request. She sighs and scans Rhys over, “You might wanna get out of here, go back where you came from, y’know?”

    “W-Wait!” The young girl turns around, looking at the curious looking one-armed boy.

    “What’s your name?”

    “Fiona, yours?”

    “Rhys!” Rhys climbed to his feet and offered out his hand along with a bright smile on his face. Fiona studies him. She already knows that this boy from Helios, but from the way he’s been acting he looks totally harmless. Especially with the missing arm. It’s a welcomed change, and it causes her to show off a small smile in response.

    She puts out her arm and shakes his. “It’s nice to meet you, Rhys.”

  • aka коцка је бачена bc I don't know any other languages lel

    enter image description here

    aka la Suerte Está Echada


    aka de Beslissing is Genomen :P

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    aka коцка је бачена bc I don't know any other languages lel

  • LMAO

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I know what we should offer her. Tyrion's head!

  • this is so awesome, Kristi <3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, what can I saw, I love the kid AU. Might as well try to write something for it, right? It's kinda crappy to me so...welp. Excuse the t

  • Thank you Marija!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    this is so awesome, Kristi

  • What? It's for the best to save Rhyiona with a cost of a very great character's life. Besides, Cersei can be very useful. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I actually know serbian cyrillic irl it's just that I don't have it on keyboard but it's still considered as a different language, amirite? :D

    enter image description here

    CHEATER! YOU USED CYRILLIC JUST TO BE SMART >.< aka de Beslissing is Genomen :P

  • kocka je bačena, bre

    eto ga, i ja znam srpski :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I actually know serbian cyrillic irl it's just that I don't have it on keyboard but it's still considered as a different language, amirite?

  • pa svako ko zna hrvatski zna i srpski bre O:)

    kocka je bačena, bre eto ga, i ja znam srpski :P

  • If Cersei is a Rhyiona shipper then count me in. :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    What? It's for the best to save Rhyiona with a cost of a very great character's life. Besides, Cersei can be very useful.

  • istina :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    pa svako ko zna hrvatski zna i srpski bre O:)

  • This is very good!


    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, what can I saw, I love the kid AU. Might as well try to write something for it, right? It's kinda crappy to me so...welp. Excuse the t

  • This is amazing, really clears the air after that last one. :P

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, what can I saw, I love the kid AU. Might as well try to write something for it, right? It's kinda crappy to me so...welp. Excuse the t

  • tačno tako :)


  • hehe, ta ti je dobra, bre :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    tačno tako

  • She is not a Rhyiona shipper. So she doesn't care.

    I won't stand seeing the ship sink.

    kills himself


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If Cersei is a Rhyiona shipper then count me in. :P

  • don't even fookin remind me of the last one...

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is amazing, really clears the air after that last one. :P

  • aa, naravno da je dobra, teBra, nisam ja bre od juče :)

    hehe, ta ti je dobra, bre :P

  • That's some mighty fine writing there great work! ^‿^

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, what can I saw, I love the kid AU. Might as well try to write something for it, right? It's kinda crappy to me so...welp. Excuse the t

  • ajdemo sad malo proćakulat na hrvatskon, dosta mi je otog srpskog jezika. ća kažeš na to, šinjorina? :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    aa, naravno da je dobra, teBra, nisam ja bre od juče

  • Idk, I am not your father :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm sure they will... right? Right?

  • ma i ja mislin da je bilo i vrime, dojadilo vako :)

    ajdemo sad malo proćakulat na hrvatskon, dosta mi je otog srpskog jezika. ća kažeš na to, šinjorina?

  • You must live. ;-;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    She is not a Rhyiona shipper. So she doesn't care. I won't stand seeing the ship sink. kills himself

  • MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Idk, I am not your father


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    oh wow you actually did it.. I love you!!

  • I am not sure in anything anymore, my so-, I mean brother.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Or are you. enter link description here


    don't even fookin remind me of the last one...

  • edited August 2015

    Death is SO MUCH BETTER! :'(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You must live. ;-;

  • Thank you so much Wolfenus! <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    This is very good! RHYIONA FTW

  • Thank you Wolf! :D

    Shhhh...we don't need to remind them that they need to get us for that one still!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is amazing, really clears the air after that last one. :P

  • Thanks Goofy! :D

    That's some mighty fine writing there great work! ^‿^

  • Yw


    BTW, right now I'm dead cause I don't want to see Telltale sinking Rhyiona. ;-;

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Thank you so much Wolfenus!

  • Wolfie...

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is Kristi's story that I'm gonna continue Rhys was scared. Scared of the possibility Jack would take over. Yes, he's done it befo


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I like my new status :)

    joey is a time lady , she's excused.. you two however...

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