The North Grove is a Haunted Forest



  • It's near Wellington.

    Alt text

  • With Episode 6 probably coming out in September what does everyone think of the theory collaborated in this thread? Is the North Grove located within the Haunted Forest and more specifically somewhere close to the Antler River and is it likely to be a hidden 'grove' of a stock of ironwood or at least Ironwood trees?

  • I'm still going with my theory which people weren't a fan of, is that the grove is where is in the show.

    Harian96 posted: »

    With Episode 6 probably coming out in September what does everyone think of the theory collaborated in this thread? Is the North Grove locat

  • edited August 2015

    Well in episode 3 Gared uses the necklace Talia gave him to figure out the location on the map. So if you look at the location revealed in the episode and compare it to the other map, you will notice that it seems to be in between the river that forks (the Milkwater) it's the one to the right and the Antler river.

    Also you will most likely have noticed that there isn't that much in the way of identifiable landmarks i.e. rivers, beyond the ones I've already mentioned. The only other identifier is the outline of the seashore. So even if episode 3 didn't point it out to us on the map Gared was given, I think this would have been a good way to narrow down the location.

    As to what the North Grove might be and why it must never be lost I don't really have any ideas that make any sense yet. What I'm wondering is this, throughout the game the message has been drummed into us that "the North Grove must never be lost". However:

    1) Gared doesn't know what the North Grove is.

    2) Gared doesn't know why it must not be lost (why is it important)

    3) Depending on what the North Grove is, Gared doesn't know what he's meant to do once he finds it.

    4) How is Gared supposed to stop the North Grove from being lost?

    5) How might the North Grove be lost?

    6) Also why did Gregor give Rodric, Ethan and Talia a necklace each? I imagine he gave one to all of his children, but why? What does Gregor expect any of his children to do once they reach the North Grove?

    Ok in a moment of inspiration I've come up with my very own crackpot theory! What if the North Grove literally is a grove of iron wood, but in the centre of this grove there is a secret clan! This clan essentially relies upon the Iron wood for their own protection rather than a means for profit. What if an agreement was made between House Forester and this Clan. I'm thinking that maybe however many years ago, someone from House Forester did something that helped this clan. So much so that they gave House Forester some seeds and knowledge about ironwood. I think they might have also have agreed that both the North Grove and the South Grove must never be lost. This would make sense in the fact that each grove could essentially act as a back up for each other. So if this is the case, it could imply that House Forest agreed to send men to help this clan protect their North Grove if need be and vice versa.

    So I'm thinking that maybe every so many years or so, the Foresters have to send someone on their behalf to reaffirm their vow and their alliance.

  • Hmmm... interesting theory. By now its already been established that whatever the North Grove could be it does appear to have a place in the myth and lore of Wildling culture, therefore its likely they were the original keepers of the North Grove. The Forresters hold the largest Ironwood supply in the Wolfswood but this dwarfed by all the ironwood trees lying beyond the Wall, so the grove has to be more than just a stockpile of ironwood that is already available everywhere else across the Wall.

    A part of me wants to imagine that if this Clan that you describe actually exists, then maybe even by bloodline perhaps the Forresters descend from them - their name is House 'Forrester' which they must have gotten from their skill with ironwood. In Episode 5 if Duncan is the traitor then there is an optional dialogue avaible where its revealed that Rodrik is aware of the North Grove, which appears to suggest that its knowledge would be passed down from Lord of Ironrath to their heir, probably for centuries but its unlikely the other Forresters are aware of it, given that Gregor didn't allow Gared to reveal its existence to Lady Forrester.

    I was kind of unsatisfied with how the cover for Episode 5 depicted a Whitewalker but instead we only encountered Wights, so there goes my hopes of the North Grove being related somehow to the Whitewalkers. Though its made me think... what about the Children of the Forest? Granted its unlikely Telltale would be allowed to use them unless it meant killing off Gared (by Season 5 the existence of Whitewalkers is confirmed among many but even Jon Snow hasn't encountered any of the Children yet so it would be odd if Gared did and lived to return to the Wall and spread this knowledge, which obviously doesn't happen in the show).

    From Sylvi's own account it seems that there is indeed some 'haunted' element to the North Grove since her story involves Wildling travelers seeking it out but never returning.

    Now, if it actually is the center for a Wildling clan, then I do find it difficult to picture them being able to help the Forresters against the Whitehills, since their weapons and resources wouldn't really compare.

    I'm scratching my head over this... episode 6 is so close yet I'm no closer to figuring out just what exactly the North grove is and how it naturally fits into the mythology established by GRRM... but since the episode is close now I wanted to revive this thread to renew discussion on this subject built upon previous speculations posted on this thread.

    Well in episode 3 Gared uses the necklace Talia gave him to figure out the location on the map. So if you look at the location revealed in

  • edited November 2015

    Spoiler screenshot from Episode 6 - but this image might be the closest physical representation of the North Grove we've seen yet:

    enter image description here

    It does appear to be something out of the ordinary hidden within the Haunted Forest - now I do find myself wondering if its related to the culture of the First Men or even the Children of the Forest - that blue glow cannot be natural so could it be magic?

    And the constellation in the night sky must be the Ice Dragon, under which the North Grove lies.

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