EP4 SPOILERS = The Stranger's Identity? (UPDATED)



  • i'm doing a marathon of the 3 episodes too xD to keep my memory fresh! plus i sensed from ep1 that the stranger favoured fiona over rhys. he always give her a pass on things while keeping rhys in line! i cant wait to play EP4 and discuss it with you!!! regarding timothy, his name has been thrown A LOT. but somehow, i dont think its him. he's WAY MORE silly and out there to be the stranger. the stranger is awkward and straighforward, also he ''impatient'' a lot of the time when fiona OR rhys seem to ''embellish'' the truth or something.. meanwhile, tmothy... is just funky and silly. i have a feeling that it aint him, but we'll see! we'll talk more when ep4 comes out! OR now?? lol.

    blue_pen posted: »

    Oh, man, that release date! So close! I started a replay (yet another, damn you, Telltale!), and was going back and forth with the identi

  • edited August 2015

    ahahaha.. i always took zer0 as a ''i'm not interested, lets move along.. get to the point'' but yeah, he's nice. unless he wants to kill you.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Z is a killing machine who's pretty arrogant, but yes, he is way nicer. And has 20000% more Metal Gear references.

  • We'll see if he redeems himself in Episode 4. If he dies, make it dignified at least.

    Although yeah, Timothy would be cool with a beard. Or stubble.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i dont like august that much, if if the stranger was august, i would be like... ummmmmmmm... ok..... now fxck off xD

  • ugh cant wait to talk EP4 with you xD i bet we will all be wrong and t will be buttstalion in disguise xD

    LawmanZero posted: »

    We'll see if he redeems himself in Episode 4. If he dies, make it dignified at least. Although yeah, Timothy would be cool with a beard. Or stubble.


    But how will Butt Stallion fit?

    Mercyva posted: »

    ugh cant wait to talk EP4 with you xD i bet we will all be wrong and t will be buttstalion in disguise xD

  • that's the trick, you'll never know. meanwhile it will cut off right into the credits..

    LawmanZero posted: »

    PLOT TWIIIIIIIIST TO THE MAAAAAX. But how will Butt Stallion fit?

  • Post Credit Scene: Yvette eating lunch for 5 minutes.

    Mercyva posted: »

    that's the trick, you'll never know. meanwhile it will cut off right into the credits..

  • Did someone say Douglas Reyhnolm??

    enter image description here

    Plus infinity points for use of Douglas Reynholm/Matt Berry gif.

  • i think ...... we did xD

    nursethalia posted: »

    Did someone say Douglas Reyhnolm??

  • The Traveller is a Blue Dragon that breathes Bacon and the Vault key is the necklace Talia gave Gared, it all makes sense now.

    The Stranger is Gared Tuttle. The North Grove is a Vault.

  • is that you jon snow? you know nothing, /reply671

    reply671 posted: »

    The Traveller is a Blue Dragon that breathes Bacon and the Vault key is the necklace Talia gave Gared, it all makes sense now.

  • Bacon from Ice!

    reply671 posted: »

    The Traveller is a Blue Dragon that breathes Bacon and the Vault key is the necklace Talia gave Gared, it all makes sense now.

  • i cant with ya'll ahahaha xD

    Bacon from Ice!

  • Even though I'd love the Stranger to be Timothy, I do agree with you, I'd also be really surprised if the Stranger = Tim! It'd be a shame if he doesn't show up either in TftB or BL3 in some capacity. I have to admit I quite like the irony of Handsome Jack being dead, but Jack's mind technically living on via Rhys, whilst Jack's visage lives on via Timothy. Timothy would be a good foil for Rhys is that regard.

    I'm way too excited for Episode 4! Bring it on, Telltale!

    Mercyva posted: »

    i'm doing a marathon of the 3 episodes too xD to keep my memory fresh! plus i sensed from ep1 that the stranger favoured fiona over rhys. he


    (I'll stop now mods, sorry...)

    nursethalia posted: »

    Did someone say Douglas Reyhnolm??

  • I mean..... I can't complain really xD

    FAAAAAAAAATTTHHHEEEEEEEEER!!! (I'll stop now mods, sorry...)

  • U No Nuttin, Jun Sno.Jk

    Mercyva posted: »

    is that you jon snow? you know nothing, /reply671

  • edited August 2015

    I love timothy too! I think he's so underrated considering how the other VH's are used or mentioned..Even aurelia ( i love her ) .. But regarding timothy, i think his situation is very..bad. Because we have HJ who's dead, but somehow is an AI. Then we got tim, who looks just like him. I think people who are not familiar with Borderlands, will get so confused.. AND Us long fans who know exactly what tim is, will get dissapointed i think, because they did not properly introduce him in a way that makes sense? Like i want tim to be on tales, but i want his story to matter just like what they did for athena/brick etc.. I dont know, thats how i think. I think timothy deserves more.. It will feel to me really cheap if the strager was him, i will be like WTF, from where did he come from? There is zer0 mention of him. Thats how i feel about timmy, but it may differ based on others, who knows what telltale has in mind! :) and i cant wait to play ep4 and then talking to you xD we will either be surprised or feel stupid because we had already figure things out xD

    blue_pen posted: »

    Even though I'd love the Stranger to be Timothy, I do agree with you, I'd also be really surprised if the Stranger = Tim! It'd be a shame if


    FAAAAAAAAATTTHHHEEEEEEEEER!!! (I'll stop now mods, sorry...)

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    I just want to tell you guys that Telltale staff are watching this thread with great interest. ;)

  • You make really valid points, because as we stand at Episode 3, The Stranger = Timothy doesn't really have any build-up, outside of the audience going, 'wait, another Jack?' (If Episode 4 has mention of Jack's body doubles whilst the gang is on Hyperion, there would at least be some foreshadowing. I'll be curious to see why the Hyperion employees are all wearing Handsome Jack masks.)

    Fingers-crossed for Tales from the Borderlands' totally awesome sequel - Timothy from the Borderlands! Five episodes just on Timothy, sitting on a rock, regretting all of his life choices. Poor kid, he needs a vacation.

    Mercyva posted: »

    I love timothy too! I think he's so underrated considering how the other VH's are used or mentioned..Even aurelia ( i love her ) .. But rega

  • To put myself out of my own misery, I'm going to assume the true identity of the Stranger is TK Baha, returned to bless us all with his light. Nailed it.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I just want to tell you guys that Telltale staff are watching this thread with great interest.

  • Ohh lauraa........... i know we probably all wrong and ya'll just laughing xD

    enter image description here

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I just want to tell you guys that Telltale staff are watching this thread with great interest.

  • edited August 2015

    isn't TK dead? or i'm wrong? :O

    blue_pen posted: »

    To put myself out of my own misery, I'm going to assume the true identity of the Stranger is TK Baha, returned to bless us all with his light. Nailed it.

  • yeah! i love timothy! but i hope and i know, if telltale wanted him all along to be the stranger, they must give us something in EP4 regarding him! otherwise it will make no sense and will make people like me think 'that makes no sense, love ya timothy, but this is random.'

    • about the masks, its funny because when i saw them i first thought that maybe its a handsome jack cult? after all, buttstalian is in a museum somehow xD, but then again, after seeing the screen shot so many times, it could also be that Fiona is ;''embellishing'' her side of the story! and that would be so hilarious ahaha, its like things never change. fiona will forever be my favourite if that happened xDD
    blue_pen posted: »

    You make really valid points, because as we stand at Episode 3, The Stranger = Timothy doesn't really have any build-up, outside of the audi

  • enter image description here

    reply671 posted: »

    U No Nuttin, Jun Sno.Jk

  • You're probably just loudly laughing at everyone for their silly theories while you already know who it is, aren't ya? :p

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I just want to tell you guys that Telltale staff are watching this thread with great interest.

  • Stranger got some tall shoes tho....

    Plot twist, it's Rhys from the past!

    Nah, got nothin'.

    A height chart to help you all with your speculating. Original post here. Edit: More charts Source Source All Links

  • I just remembered something...they could be using a hologram-kinda thing. That way they could be literally anything and blow all theories based on the looks over. Dayum.

    Mercyva posted: »

    Damn, The Stranger is tall... yuuupppppp... you see where i'm coming from? lol.. i told ya he was way too tall to be vaughn. plus he's chubbier..

  • all we know as a fact for now, is that the stranger ''Know'' fiona and rhys. and was with them at the ''dome'' part, OR he was hired to kidnap them by someone who was with them. plus he never wanted to actually kill them. just like the stranger said, but it might change... i think the ''wager'' he was going to make with fiona will come into play in next episode. maybe even we will have the option to take the deal or not. just a theoryy..

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I just remembered something...they could be using a hologram-kinda thing. That way they could be literally anything and blow all theories based on the looks over. Dayum.

  • is this LIS? ahahaha... but c'mon now.. it has to make sense xD dont give them ideas /SCR4P-TP

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Stranger got some tall shoes tho.... Plot twist, it's Rhys from the past! Nah, got nothin'.

  • Ah, you forgot:

    Dramatically takes off sunglasses


    Cue slapfight with priest

    FAAAAAAAAATTTHHHEEEEEEEEER!!! (I'll stop now mods, sorry...)

  • A game theory! ....doo doo doo

    Mercyva posted: »

    all we know as a fact for now, is that the stranger ''Know'' fiona and rhys. and was with them at the ''dome'' part, OR he was hired to kidn

  • I'd love if they'd just pull some random shit and troll us all though.

    Mercyva posted: »

    is this LIS? ahahaha... but c'mon now.. it has to make sense xD dont give them ideas /SCR4P-TP

  • Could at least give us a teeny tiny little hint on the Strangers' identity?

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I just want to tell you guys that Telltale staff are watching this thread with great interest.

  • enter image description here

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Ah, you forgot: Dramatically takes off sunglasses FAAAAAAAATTTTTHHHHHHEEEEEERRRRRR!!! Cue slapfight with priest

  • just..... no. i'm WAY TOO invested in this xD

    enter image description here

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I'd love if they'd just pull some random shit and troll us all though.

  • i think EP4 will give us more hints, and maybe a tiny bit of chance of a reveal... or maybe it could cut off to credits right after he/she removes the mask xD now that would be a sad day .... O_o

    matteso586 posted: »

    Could at least give us a teeny tiny little hint on the Strangers' identity?

  • Have you played the Claptrap DLC for TPS? Timothy's character is a lot less silly, he starts to get a little more cynical and bitter as the story goes on, and at times he really sounds like Jack. It's pretty sad :(

    Mercyva posted: »

    i'm doing a marathon of the 3 episodes too xD to keep my memory fresh! plus i sensed from ep1 that the stranger favoured fiona over rhys. he

  • I just started my second playthrough of the DLC and just noticed this...it made me very sad too :(

    nursethalia posted: »

    Have you played the Claptrap DLC for TPS? Timothy's character is a lot less silly, he starts to get a little more cynical and bitter as the story goes on, and at times he really sounds like Jack. It's pretty sad

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