Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Hi Jane

    enter image description here

    I'm so excited!! :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Casually bumps up favourite thread after one day of absence Hey guys, how are you holding up? Tomorrow is the thread's birthday and Ep 4 is going to be released in two days! WOOO!

  • Nothing much, gonna do some housework and then return here to chat with you guys. Wbu?

    By the way the thread wasn't so ded after all, I returned to see 943 comments, not bad, eh?


  • Hey, Kim! ^-^ Yeah, me too. Only two days left, holy moly...

    enter image description here

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hi Jane I'm so excited!!

  • Wbu?

    just f5ing the thread, gonna have to go in 10 minutes :\

    By the way the thread wasn't so ded after all

    tbh, the activity was pretty sporadic :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Nothing much, gonna do some housework and then return here to chat with you guys. Wbu? By the way the thread wasn't so ded after all, I returned to see 943 comments, not bad, eh?

  • Hey :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Casually bumps up favourite thread after one day of absence Hey guys, how are you holding up? Tomorrow is the thread's birthday and Ep 4 is going to be released in two days! WOOO!

  • How are you Jane? :D

    I'm going out in awhile though, been going out a lot these days .-.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hey, Kim! ^-^ Yeah, me too. Only two days left, holy moly...

  • I have to go now too, see you later then. (:

    And let's hope today we'll be more active. The thread's birthday, new Ep, all this HYPE, man!

    Wbu? just f5ing the thread, gonna have to go in 10 minutes By the way the thread wasn't so ded after all tbh, the activity was pretty sporadic

  • I'm good, glad to be back and see that you guys are still alright. ^-^

    been going out a lot these days

    But that's a good thing, right? Summer's going to its end, you need to go out while you still can.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    How are you Jane? I'm going out in awhile though, been going out a lot these days .-.

  • Ah that's good ^-^

    Yeah (I feel kind of bad-ish for the thread ._.)..but my aunt is bringing me and my mum to her place for dinner..and karaoke .-. lmao

    enter image description here

    welp g2g now bye chat with you guys later...

    buntingsir posted: »

    I'm good, glad to be back and see that you guys are still alright. ^-^ been going out a lot these days But that's a good thing, right? Summer's going to its end, you need to go out while you still can.

  • Good morning :\ It's waaay to early to be up (11:10). I guess it's that kind of day. Welcome back! :)

    enter image description here

    Yes! I'm excited! Hope I can play it right away if school doesn't mess up my plans.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Casually bumps up favourite thread after one day of absence Hey guys, how are you holding up? Tomorrow is the thread's birthday and Ep 4 is going to be released in two days! WOOO!

  • Morning, Jojo! 11.10 pm is usually considered as the middle of the day for me, haha (I'm used to wake up really early). And thank you.

    I hope you'll be able to play it too, it'll be fun discussing it the same day here, like we did last time. Your school starts tomorrow?

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Good morning It's waaay to early to be up (11:10). I guess it's that kind of day. Welcome back! Yes! I'm excited! Hope I can play it right away if school doesn't mess up my plans.

  • That sounds fun. :D

    Hope you'll have a good time.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Ah that's good ^-^ Yeah (I feel kind of bad-ish for the thread ._.)..but my aunt is bringing me and my mum to her place for dinner..and karaoke .-. lmao welp g2g now bye chat with you guys later...

  • Oh, I wake up early too (sometimes) but today was just a sleepy day. I hope I can get through the term with an alarm xD

    The episode should be available around 7pm for me, so after I get back from school (yes, it starts tomorrow ;-;). The only problem would be going to bed late, and I dunno what my schedule is yet so I might have to get up at six the next day.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Morning, Jojo! 11.10 pm is usually considered as the middle of the day for me, haha (I'm used to wake up really early). And thank you. I

  • You can do it! Remember that Shia alarm we talked about the other day? JUST DO IT

    At least it's only the beginning, you probably won't have many assignments to do yet. The episode is usually available around 10 PM for me, good thing I'm still on holidays, I can stay up all night after playing xD

    Getting up at six is tough. I hope you'll get lucky with your schedule.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh, I wake up early too (sometimes) but today was just a sleepy day. I hope I can get through the term with an alarm xD The episode shoul

  • That's a good one lmao

    Crips posted: »

    Looks like Green died. I guess you can say... Green blacked out! YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH

  • Yes! I will do everything in my power to make that happen.

    Yeah, thank god. When do your holidays end?

    I'll have a day or two where I have to get up at six anyway, just hope it won't be Wednesday. Or Friday.

    buntingsir posted: »

    You can do it! Remember that Shia alarm we talked about the other day? JUST DO IT At least it's only the beginning, you probably won't ha

  • Most of the universities and schools always start on the 1st of September in our country. But as I'm going on vacation and will return on the 3rd, I'll have to skip first three days.

    Yeah, let's hope so.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yes! I will do everything in my power to make that happen. Yeah, thank god. When do your holidays end? I'll have a day or two where I have to get up at six anyway, just hope it won't be Wednesday. Or Friday.

  • Skipping the first days can be hard :\

    buntingsir posted: »

    Most of the universities and schools always start on the 1st of September in our country. But as I'm going on vacation and will return on the 3rd, I'll have to skip first three days. Yeah, let's hope so.

  • Yeah... I hope I'll be able to pick things up pretty soon though. Well, I'll have no other choice but do it. :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Skipping the first days can be hard

  • I'm sure it'll work out :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah... I hope I'll be able to pick things up pretty soon though. Well, I'll have no other choice but do it. :P

  • Thread ded like my social life

  • Hi :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thread ded like my social life

  • OH

    Hey there Marija!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thread ded like my social life

  • Rhyiona confirmed

    enter image description here

  • So everyone died :/

  • I was here for a bit, but no conversations were started. Anyway, I'm going out with a friend to mourn our last day of freedom.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So everyone died

  • Well, I gotta go to bed. It's 7:13 AM over here and I spent all night playtesting a game then I played a short round of Cards Against Humanity with you guys. (I was the winner!)

    Anywaaaayyy, I'm going to head off and get some sleep. I'll be up at some point today! Sweet Rhyiona dreams everyone! :)

  • I had a lot of fun playing CAH with the Skype chat people on this thread :)

  • Mine was better

    enter image description here

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Rhyiona confirmed

  • Well, I wasn't the one choosing! :P

    Mine was better

  • Time for a bbq in the UK!?!?!

  • Goodnight Kristi :)

    You were up all night?! Wow...

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, I gotta go to bed. It's 7:13 AM over here and I spent all night playtesting a game then I played a short round of Cards Against Humani

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, I gotta go to bed. It's 7:13 AM over here and I spent all night playtesting a game then I played a short round of Cards Against Humani

  • Oh yeah, you start school again tomorrow don't you?

    You'll be ok :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I was here for a bit, but no conversations were started. Anyway, I'm going out with a friend to mourn our last day of freedom.

  • Night Kris!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, I gotta go to bed. It's 7:13 AM over here and I spent all night playtesting a game then I played a short round of Cards Against Humani

  • Lol XD

    Hey, Marijaa :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thread ded like my social life

  • It's a nice day today :)

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Time for a bbq in the UK!?!?!

  • edited August 2015

    I'm gonna be the next Max Caufield...probably not

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    The butterfly is half dead and the quality is **** but, I can dream!

    It looks more like a drawing

  • Max Caulfield*

    Nah. I already have Max's powers cause I'm her son. XD

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    I'm gonna be the next Max Caufield...probably not The butterfly is half dead and the quality is **** but, I can dream! It looks more like a drawing

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