Well, Max seems to be more of her own character instead of a player avatar. We're just give her a little push on what she should do in certa… morein situations. I'm not sure if Dontnod's upcoming game Vampyr will even have choices, since they haven't talked much about it.
The video's description does give some good details on the game, and it does confirm that it will have a form of decision making:
Explore the darkly atmospheric streets of early 20th century London, and interact with a multitude of characters with their own identities and importance. Accept and fulfill the missions they give you, but don’t forget: sooner or later, you will have to feed, and make a difficult choice... who will be your prey? Absolutely all characters in the game are potential victims of your vampiric lust. Carefully study the habits of your next victim, his or her relationships with other characters, and set up your strategy to feed, unnoticed: seduce them, change their daily habits, or make sure they end up alone in a dark street…
Be careful who you choose to hunt, as they will be gone forever, and their death will impact in a meaningful way the world that surrounds you.
Am I the only only one who finds Max adorable. Her shortness, her voice, her one liners. I cracked up when she said
"Last time I got a flu shot I got the flu..... Fuck you...."
Does anyone know if there is a updated soundtrack on spotify? Im trying to find one I can play in the background on my ps4 but they all seem to only be songs up to e2 or just have loads of completly random songs thrown in.
I want one that has tracks from e1-4 and I cant make one on the crappy PlayStation app >:[
I think that the poem from Alyssa in episode 4 is a foreshadowing of what would happen with Max in the final. Before the Max will be the har… moredest choice, she would do it and it will lead to the effects even better than she expected.
I hope that we can come back and save Rachel and Chloe Т_Т
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Does anyone know if there is a updated soundtrack on spotify? Im trying to find one I can play in the background on my ps4 but they all seem… more to only be songs up to e2 or just have loads of completly random songs thrown in.
I want one that has tracks from e1-4 and I cant make one on the crappy PlayStation app >:[
Am I the only only one who finds Max adorable. Her shortness, her voice, her one liners. I cracked up when she said
"Last time I got a flu shot I got the flu..... Fuck you...."
Victoria is 20 years old. I did not know that. In Max's file they say she was born in 1995. I guess that makes her 20 years old too, but wait isn't Max 18 years old. I'm so confused
Victoria is 20 years old. I did not know that. In Max's file they say she was born in 1995. I guess that makes her 20 years old too, but wait isn't Max 18 years old. I'm so confused
I think that the poem from Alyssa in episode 4 is a foreshadowing of what would happen with Max in the final. Before the Max will be the har… moredest choice, she would do it and it will lead to the effects even better than she expected.
I hope that we can come back and save Rachel and Chloe Т_Т
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
I replayed Ep2 last night and I noticed something when Jefferson got the call. I really think it was Sean Prescott who called him, since his presence is widely there just behind the scenes. The other possible suspects I once thought can't be involved in that call. Some say Wells is involved but I don't think so, since he wasn't on the phone when I walked back to him. Nathan? Nope. Stella? Nope. Frank? Nope, since he has literally no clue about Rachel atm. Samuel is trustworthy. So that leaves to Sean Prescott. Who has control over a lot of things, trying to take complete control over Arcadia Bay, sends passive aggressive threats when the player makes things public (ranting on Nathan over the gun), and a long bad history in the family line. Sean Prescott is all about control and making money, so I think he is the puppet master.
I could be wrong but ya never know (I hope I made sense, I'm a little tired at the moment).
Vampyr ...hmm..
enter link description here
Looks interesting.
It does pretty interesting
The video's description does give some good details on the game, and it does confirm that it will have a form of decision making:
Am I the only only one who finds Max adorable. Her shortness, her voice, her one liners. I cracked up when she said
"Last time I got a flu shot I got the flu..... Fuck you...."
I dunno, I rolled my eyes when I heard her say that.
The way she says 'eff you' sounds...off.
Does anyone know if there is a updated soundtrack on spotify? Im trying to find one I can play in the background on my ps4 but they all seem to only be songs up to e2 or just have loads of completly random songs thrown in.
I want one that has tracks from e1-4 and I cant make one on the crappy PlayStation app >:[
Whos alice?
He means Alyssa
Same with me and Dana's birthday.
Me: July 13th
Dana: July 11th
For a second I though he was talking about Kate's bunny, Alice. xD
Oh you... :Р
Rabbit can talk, r-right?
It's on youtube also
enter link description here
Plot twist! :O

I do like her. Although there was one time I felt like strangling her...
I swear to Dog.
The worst part about that was that they capitalized dog in the subtitles (and I know it wasn't an accident).
So maybe I'm late to the party, but did anyone else on XBOX One or another console get an update for life is strange? I did no idea why
Damn 5 endings possible that's crazy. I hope that's true and hope one of the endings involve saving Chloe and them traveling the world or something
Victoria is 20 years old. I did not know that. In Max's file they say she was born in 1995. I guess that makes her 20 years old too, but wait isn't Max 18 years old. I'm so confused
Keep in mind that the events of the game take place in 2013.
Snitches get stitches bitches..
Sweet he was beaten like the bitch he is. Know where there are anymore unused lines?
yea, theres one more Nathan one i know of.
I'm pretty sure the hospital scene is the one with Kate. They put it into ep 4 instead.
Funny coincidence, isn't it?
Remember when everyone thought that an NPC was Rachel?
Good times, good times.
Yeah, it is. But I like it since Dana is my fav minor character. Who's yours?
I guess I'd have to choose either Kate Marsh or William Price.
Girl on 'End of the World'?
Kait - main character.
If this guy posted it im pretty sure its not.
enter link description here
It's not even close to the real thing, so stop trying.
There's nothing and nowhere that specifically states that chapter names.
How do you know? have you personally looked through every single file yourself.. if not.. then don't talk.
then this guy just lied to nearly 1000 people
I dunno. I always thought Alyssa to be a bumbling idiot complete with talking like she has marbles in her mouth.
I replayed Ep2 last night and I noticed something when Jefferson got the call. I really think it was Sean Prescott who called him, since his presence is widely there just behind the scenes. The other possible suspects I once thought can't be involved in that call. Some say Wells is involved but I don't think so, since he wasn't on the phone when I walked back to him. Nathan? Nope. Stella? Nope. Frank? Nope, since he has literally no clue about Rachel atm. Samuel is trustworthy. So that leaves to Sean Prescott. Who has control over a lot of things, trying to take complete control over Arcadia Bay, sends passive aggressive threats when the player makes things public (ranting on Nathan over the gun), and a long bad history in the family line. Sean Prescott is all about control and making money, so I think he is the puppet master.
I could be wrong but ya never know (I hope I made sense, I'm a little tired at the moment).
And thanks for spoiling stuff for us...
Can't believe that the next episode is the end...
Times sure fly by.