Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!





  • ooooooh its maaaagic

    enter image description here

  • shit.. ;-;

    7 pm 4 me den ;-;

    Crips posted: »

    10AM San Francisco Time I think

    I just realized that I might not be able to play this game tomorrow if my Internet keeps crashing all the time!! ;A;

    This seriously can't be happening right now! My internet has never failed me before! Why must the universe punish me!!??? It was bad enough that I missed most of these posts today..

  • enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    ooooooh its maaaagic

  • Something else, Fiona's outfit is actually really similar to Rhys' future outfit, so maybe we will be getting the new outfits on Hyperion?

    I mean, it has the collar and buttons and everything.

  • that means the money we spent during ep3 is for nothing... good...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Something else, Fiona's outfit is actually really similar to Rhys' future outfit, so maybe we will be getting the new outfits on Hyperion? I mean, it has the collar and buttons and everything.

  • Yeah 7PM for me too

    shit.. ;-; 7 pm 4 me den ;-;

  • I was at a bar just 30 minutes ago (one that had wifi so I could come on here, on my phone), before I left to retreat to my hotel. On the way back, some people invited me to a bar to watch a football game. I kindly refused but they pulled me in anyways and started to punch and kick me. I told them I needed the toilet but I went to call my friend, who quickly saved me and walked me back to the hotel. I'm sitting in the foyer now, but my head hurts and I think I've got a cut on my arm.

    Lesson learned, don't walk past heaving pubs on the way home. My friends are with me now, and they're going to sleep on the couch to make me feel safer, thank gosh they're here with me. I'm feeling slightly better but I don't know what I look like. I assume I don't look too good because of the looks people are giving me, but my friend - who was the one I got to support Rhyiona - says he'll consider joining the community.

    I'll stay on the Internet for a while, just to talk to you guys. I hope Rhyiona will guide you to not make the mistakes I did. ;)

  • I hope your internet gets fixed in time ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    AAAAAAA I'M SO HYPED BUT ALSO DAMN SCARED!!! I just realized that I might not be able to play this game tomorrow if my Internet keeps cras

  • Woah, what happened to you sounds bad, but thankfully your friend helped you out. Those guys seem stupid, kicking your for no reason. I hope you feel better soon :)

    I was at a bar just 30 minutes ago (one that had wifi so I could come on here, on my phone), before I left to retreat to my hotel. On the wa

  • Thanks poogs, I'm really starting to panic here ;--;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I hope your internet gets fixed in time ;-;

  • Thanks, I'm sure I will but my head is pounding. I hope you have fun with episode four tomorrow! :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Woah, what happened to you sounds bad, but thankfully your friend helped you out. Those guys seem stupid, kicking your for no reason. I hope you feel better soon

  • edited August 2015

    They beat you up for not wanting to watch a football game? They are definetely psychopaths.

    I was at a bar just 30 minutes ago (one that had wifi so I could come on here, on my phone), before I left to retreat to my hotel. On the wa

  • i can feel the rhyiona in that trailer

  • a football game on monday? sounds suspicious...

    hope u feel better soon, i'm sure rhyiona will mend all of our wounds 2morrow <3

    I was at a bar just 30 minutes ago (one that had wifi so I could come on here, on my phone), before I left to retreat to my hotel. On the wa

  • ;)

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    i can feel the rhyiona in that trailer

  • Thank you, I'm sure I will! You have fun too. :)

    Thanks, I'm sure I will but my head is pounding. I hope you have fun with episode four tomorrow!

  • I was thinking more like drunk, angry people, they were slurring and staggering about. It was quite scary though, but I didn't support the teams that were playing, so I didn't want to sit in a stuffy pub for 90 minutes hardly enjoying myself.

    They beat you up for not wanting to watch a football game? They are definetely psychopaths.

  • can't wait for tomorrow...

    I'm going now, so good night then everyone (:

  • Damn, fucking drunks.

    I was thinking more like drunk, angry people, they were slurring and staggering about. It was quite scary though, but I didn't support the teams that were playing, so I didn't want to sit in a stuffy pub for 90 minutes hardly enjoying myself.

  • edited August 2015

    It's British football, and I think they're minor teams just playing for fun, but it's broadcasting in Malta for some reason. XP

    Thanks, buddy. I just hope Saturday comes soon because I can't wait to play! <3

    a football game on monday? sounds suspicious... hope u feel better soon, i'm sure rhyiona will mend all of our wounds 2morrow

  • laku noć! <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    can't wait for tomorrow... I'm going now, so good night then everyone (:

  • malta was a british colony for quite a long time.. so that's probably the reason :)

    It's British football, and I think they're minor teams just playing for fun, but it's broadcasting in Malta for some reason. XP Thanks, buddy. I just hope Saturday comes soon because I can't wait to play!

  • edited August 2015

    Good night Marija! <3

    I'm going to sleep as well.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    can't wait for tomorrow... I'm going now, so good night then everyone (:

  • edited August 2015

    I was going to post that 'don't be fucking rude' gif but then I realised that I secretly want her to fall too

    Green613 posted: »

    tbh i hope sasha falls

  • Alone time, or as I like to call it, Rhyiona Time :]

    enter image description here

  • Good night, Marija :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    can't wait for tomorrow... I'm going now, so good night then everyone (:


    Oh yeah... Rhysha shippers.

    Green613 posted: »

    tbh i hope sasha falls

  • rhys is like:"should we do it there....?"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Alone time, or as I like to call it, Rhyiona Time :]

  • [austin powers voice] YEAH BABY YEAh

    Poogers555 posted: »

    ooooooh its maaaagic

  • not awkward at all, i've always been a lil gay for fiona

    i think i might be a bit gay 4 u uhm... awkward...

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited August 2015

    enter image description here
    WAIT WHAT!? When does this happen!? How!?

    Can someone, please, give me answer
  • but i thought your son was...... forget i asked xD

    rhonu posted: »

    not awkward at all, i've always been a lil gay for fiona

  • yeah i'm kidding, fiona/me wouldn't work at all, i'd be thinking all the time about how she belongs with rhys instead

    but i thought your son was...... forget i asked xD

  • Long time ago, he posted a very lewd fan fic

    Eryka posted: »

    WAIT WHAT!? When does this happen!? How!? Can someone, please, give me answer

  • he reposted festive's nsfw fanfic ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    don't worry, he'll be back in september

    Eryka posted: »

    WAIT WHAT!? When does this happen!? How!? Can someone, please, give me answer

  • Ooooooh mmmmy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Also, this is under the crushing thing of death and stuff from the trailer, Rhys loses arm for Fiona, CONFIRMED?

    rhys is like:"should we do it there....?"

  • I'm just waiting for Rhys to compliment Fiona's new outfit like

    enter image description here

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