Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Away we go, my friend!

    sqvurl posted: »

    I'm dropping this, come with me! We can be furious together

  • lmao okay, I'm so angry but that made me laugh.... bitterly, with a bitter expression....

  • Seriously, that's the thing. I didnt like having to be rude to her but this thing of "you gotta be an arse" or "be cheesy" with her is unbearable to the point that it's making me side eye her when it's not even her fault. It's annoying.

    I still love Sasha, she remains my 2nd fave and it hurts for me to have Rhys treat her like this because honstley I really want them to be f

  • Guys... What's gonna happen to the thread now?

    I'm on Skype and I'm really concerned that the thread is now gonna die :'(

  • For me this is the last straw.

    Five months coming here every single day, saying stuff like "No way they'll ignore us, we're just as valid as anyone else". Making edits, stories, series whatthehellelse for this place and meeting great people with the same hopes as me. All of us taking time of our days to rejoice in something we love. Good times but always with that hope we'd actually be, y'know, worth something?

    We built a fantastic community here over one common goal and interest.

    But nah, our time and efforts and, above all, our opinions don't mean anything.

    And, you know, this thread is huge. They've noticed. They'll definitely read these -- they do check this out sometimes. And though they won't reply -- they never do -- we want to thank you for the bottom of our hearts for showing us we actually don't matter.

    Guess what, though?

    The thread is fucking staying.

    You all are the reason this place is golden.

  • edited August 2015

    i just trying... comfort you... u know.

    The canon is dead long live Rhyiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't care if they're trying to make it funny. They don't listen.

  • The thread is staying. Telltale isn't gonna destroy what we built.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Guys... What's gonna happen to the thread now? I'm on Skype and I'm really concerned that the thread is now gonna die

  • edited January 2017


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Guys... What's gonna happen to the thread now? I'm on Skype and I'm really concerned that the thread is now gonna die

  • I know, I didn't mean to sound snappy. </3 I'm just bitter we don't get jackshit.

    Vernaya posted: »

    i just trying... comfort you... u know. yeah. The canon is dead long live Rhyiona.

  • Good man!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The thread is staying. Telltale isn't gonna destroy what we built.

  • i'm very angry and sad too... i have a mess of feelings right now. i was going to sleep but now i can't. i guess i'm trying to laugh so i can rest... :(

    sqvurl posted: »

    lmao okay, I'm so angry but that made me laugh.... bitterly, with a bitter expression....

  • Please Green, you built something incredible for us all....

    Let it live on!

    Green613 posted: »


  • I'd actually prefer the first. It'd be fair, at least.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I wish they would either: 1) Make it so both options can be chosen (or none at all), so at least everyone can be equal and it feels like

  • This scene was pretty damn heart breaking, especially with the battle that happens afterwards.

    udc24 posted: »

    That freaking scene in Fates, man. That's why you don't play Hoshido.

  • You've just summed up the most important thing here. Character hate, for how this situation has been handled. Honestly, I really liked Sasha in the first episodes, now by default I feel nothing but anger with every interaction she and Rhys share. I'm just like an angry cat, ready to fight. I don't get why TT would do that to a character - a great character - just because they want to force feed us Rhysha?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Seriously, that's the thing. I didnt like having to be rude to her but this thing of "you gotta be an arse" or "be cheesy" with her is unbearable to the point that it's making me side eye her when it's not even her fault. It's annoying.

  • Hey Ray do you want too kill some TTG writers tomorrow? I won't get banned because THEY NEVER LISTEN TO US!!! (That's a joke that I will kill them because I can't and I don't want too)

  • edited August 2015

    Force feeding them printed Rhyiona fanart and stories sounds good enough.

    Eryka posted: »

    Hey Ray do you want too kill some TTG writers tomorrow? I won't get banned because THEY NEVER LISTEN TO US!!! (That's a joke that I will kill them because I can't and I don't want too)

  • I couldn't even handle episode 3 with the cheesy romance, I suffered so much embarrassment from the flower scene. So imagine ep 4, I'm actually don't think I want to play this episode.

    Telltale haven't disappointed me since Luke's death, so I haven't felt this salty towards them for a while.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Seriously, that's the thing. I didnt like having to be rude to her but this thing of "you gotta be an arse" or "be cheesy" with her is unbearable to the point that it's making me side eye her when it's not even her fault. It's annoying.

  • I am sorry, but hey, if you listen real close you can hear me should 'THIS IS AN OUTRAGE' at my PC screen. You are not alone, my friend.

    rhonu posted: »

    i'm very angry and sad too... i have a mess of feelings right now. i was going to sleep but now i can't. i guess i'm trying to laugh so i can rest...

  • I honestly think that's an overreaction. I don't think Telltale is the devil for writing a game the way that they've chosen to write it. You shouldn't be angry because you've built up expectations that haven't been met.

  • edited August 2015


    You know, once I even said Sasha was one of my favourite characters. You know, back when episode 2 was all we had. She was cool, sassy, trigger happy but fun. We weren't forced to interact in ways we didn't want to -- we could just be friendly.

    But now? It's not her fault, she's the same character I always liked.

    But my dialogue options changed. I'm not allowed to talk to her how I want and that irritates me to no end. Therefore I get irrationally angry at her presence and just want her to leave. It's not even her fault.

    sqvurl posted: »

    You've just summed up the most important thing here. Character hate, for how this situation has been handled. Honestly, I really liked Sasha

  • Love you, guys. You are awesome. This thread is awesome.

  • The thread is fucking staying.

  • You know what else Fates does that this game doesn't? Let's you pick your love interest.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    This scene was pretty damn heart breaking, especially with the battle that happens afterwards.

  • This is something that doesn't affect the plot. At all.

    It would have taken them very little to make everyone happy. They're aware we exist and they're aware of the complaints episode 3 had (not even just from us -- non shippers were the majority) but they still choose to ignore a big chunk of the fandom.

    I think we have the right to be salty.

    Piggs posted: »

    I honestly think that's an overreaction. I don't think Telltale is the devil for writing a game the way that they've chosen to write it. You shouldn't be angry because you've built up expectations that haven't been met.

  • SO! Anyone out there good at the old tubes of you's? I will pay you in backrubs to put together all Jack scenes, minus the BS in between. I'm just in it for the Jackass at this point.

  • Yeah that's good too!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Force feeding them printed Rhyiona fanart and stories sounds good enough.

  • enter image description here

    spacebomb posted: »

    Love you, guys. You are awesome. This thread is awesome.

  • Coming from the person who called Fiona "difficult to stomach" this sentiment means next to nothing.

    Piggs posted: »

    I honestly think that's an overreaction. I don't think Telltale is the devil for writing a game the way that they've chosen to write it. You shouldn't be angry because you've built up expectations that haven't been met.

  • I feel the same way, man :(

    I just can't comprehend how so many staff members read this thread and gloss over our feelings. Hell you don't even need to read it since it's usually the most commented on and active thread on the whole TFTB Forum. You just need to glance at it and you can tell how many people are fans of this pairing.

    I don't mean to sound whiny and overly sensitive but it honestly feels kind of dick-ish for them to do this when they know how we feel. I'm not saying completely go all out Rhyiona since it's unfair to the Rhyshas but at LEAST give us something to an equal amount to what they have been given.

    It just seems a tad insensitive you know?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'd actually prefer the first. It'd be fair, at least.

  • I'm letting the real big bad wolf out today.

  • Yep, and not just for Corrin/Kamui/Avatar, but for every character too.

    udc24 posted: »

    You know what else Fates does that this game doesn't? Let's you pick your love interest.

  • What's Fates? Is it good?

    udc24 posted: »

    You know what else Fates does that this game doesn't? Let's you pick your love interest.

  • It's the most active thread in the whole forum. It's not the biggest -- there's a bigger one -- but it's the most active by far.

    It's very insensitive of them to just ignore our existence. We've dedicated ourselves to this because we love it. Are we really not worth a second of attention?

    xValkyx posted: »

    I feel the same way, man I just can't comprehend how so many staff members read this thread and gloss over our feelings. Hell you don't

  • edited January 2017


  • I really don't care for those who get all butt hurt and depressed when their ship doesn't seem to becoming canon (almost as much as those who celebrate their canon ship by taunting others regardless of if it made sense............but that's for another rant).
    Is that really all you all had tying to this story? And you haven't even played it through yet?
    Do I have to remind people that Borderlands has never been about romance. It's fun, absolutely, to ship pairings but I won't damn a videogame because the pairing I want doesn't become canon.
    Now, yes it's complete bs that the choices don't matter in the big picture (so far, all I can recall actually affecting is aesthetics and whether or not Felix died). That does seriously piss me off. And if anything this growing lie of player impact (maybe it will matter in the end but I'm not holding my breath) did steer me away from Rhysha because instead of developing a bond between the two it just sat them down in a forced situation that really wasn't needed for actual plot.
    You should be mad that this is a guided tour not a interactive adventure, not that the pairing doesn't seem to be getting attention from writers. Cause hell, there is still one (two) episodes left to decide. And if you really are that immature about this, here's a nasty treat: there's no reason yet to imply Sasha is alive at the end of this........

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I'm not going to play either. I just cant bring myself to enjoy an episode that is pushing me towards something I really don't like

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm letting the real big bad wolf out today.

  • Whereas I'm on the floor kicking and screaming, biting all who approach

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm letting the real big bad wolf out today.

  • Are you really going to let them win, Green? They've "won" but they haven't broken us. They've kicked us, sure, but we've worked really hard to make this what it is now and it just isn't the same without you. Don't let a community you created from scratch go to waste.

    Green613 posted: »


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