The Stranger

So there was a thread on the Steam forums and I think they might be onto something. They thought that the Stranger was the vault, but I'm more along the lines of thinking he might be the Traveller, hunting down anyone who got too close to his vault.



  • Not a bad theory at all. I wonder why he dosn't just kill Fiona and Rhys? Maybe he needs their help to get rid of all evidence of his existance. Why hide his appearance though? Unless he's an alien and trying to make his appearance less questionable and not have anyone freaking out/keeping them in the dark about his plan.

    I realize I'm answering my own stupid questions.

  • Zer0 is the masked stranger.. Why? He speaks in haiku, he has a very expensive gun, he's tall, he has a weird voice (sounds robotic) and most importantly- he told Rhys to tell him if he found a Gortys core and that he really needs it and the stranger is looking for Gortys parts.. Probably hunting the new vault..
    Mind blown! :D

  • I really don't think its Zer0. MAYBE it's the character people are referring to as 0ne, maybe it's Timothy, Handsome Jack's double, maybe it's Vaughn....

    I'm not entirely convinced by any of them, we don't have enough to go on with any of these characters! I can't wait to find out though.

  • That makes sense. That would be one hell of a twist.

  • Yup, me too. :D
    I think that 60% it could be Zer0 (plenty of evidence to confirm this), 20% Vallory (the person is kinda big and he/she sounds robotic which could imply that Vallory could be using a voice changer), 19% someone new and 1% Vaughn (cause why would Vaughn do that stuff to Rhys and Fiona, or look for the Gortys pieces?)

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    I really don't think its Zer0. MAYBE it's the character people are referring to as 0ne, maybe it's Timothy, Handsome Jack's double, maybe it

  • Lol I can just imagine Rhys and the Stranger talking like:

    "Gortys is bad business! We couldn't even succeed in getting to the Traveler!"

    "You don't get to the Traveler. The Traveler gets to you."

  • enter image description here

    Lol I can just imagine Rhys and the Stranger talking like: "Gortys is bad business! We couldn't even succeed in getting to the Traveler!" "You don't get to the Traveler. The Traveler gets to you."

  • Well sort of. The guy on steam suggested that the stranger was the vault itself, and obviously that can't be true. But that made me think of the Traveller.

  • edited August 2015

    But then said traveller would also have to be some sort of weird Eridian monster because all the Vaults are named after the monsters that reside within them:

    Vault of the Destroyer

    Vault of the Sentinel

    Vault of the Warrior

    Ergo, The Stranger is actually some weird all-powerful monster - now, all we have to do is find its crit spot!

  • edited August 2015

    That's actually what I was thinking too. We're not even entirely sure if he's human. And as for the critical spot, it's probably his face, and that's why he wears the mask. And maybe the vault moves because the stranger takes it with him, and he moves. It would also explain why when Rhys was tracking down the vault in the opening scene it led him to the Stranger.

    But then said traveller would also have to be some sort of weird Eridian monster because all the Vaults are named after the monsters that re

  • I was actually joking but I suppose it could be some type of Erdian who can take on a more human-esque form? I mean, I don't see The Watcher fitting into that suit but we still don't know a lot about the Eridians themselves (just their weapons of mass destruction).

    That's actually what I was thinking too. We're not even entirely sure if he's human. And as for the critical spot, it's probably his face, a

  • Yeah I mean there are really only three vaults we have to go on as well. It's not enough to make a completely accurate prediction for all of them.

    I was actually joking but I suppose it could be some type of Erdian who can take on a more human-esque form? I mean, I don't see The Watcher

  • True, and this Vault has already proven to be 'special' (or at least different) with the whole teleporting thing.

    Yeah I mean there are really only three vaults we have to go on as well. It's not enough to make a completely accurate prediction for all of them.

  • I actually haven't played the rest of the Borderlands games yet, so I'm just going based on minor research I did on them, so do they say if there are more Vaults out there, or if they're very rare, because I'm getting the vibe that there's hundreds but they're really hard to find.

    True, and this Vault has already proven to be 'special' (or at least different) with the whole teleporting thing.

  • Well we start off thinking they're really rare, but then it turns out there's more than we think. That being said that number is unlikely to be in the hundreds (the most that we've sort of "seen" is around 6?). They're also seemingly spread out a lot more, i.e. on multiple different planets in the galaxy.

    Sorry if that makes no sense, I'm trying not to be super spoilerly even though its not really a spoiler.

    I actually haven't played the rest of the Borderlands games yet, so I'm just going based on minor research I did on them, so do they say if

  • Also, another clue that it might be August:

    "Clearly, I can't trust you two."

    And August seems to be the type that knocks people out. Timothy's too nice for that...right?

  • I have a theory, wich is probably wrong, but it's just a theory. I think maybe the purpose of the stranger is essentially to give an original way to narrate the story and we will know his identity only at the very end, what made me think that is, why kill one of the most emblematic NPC of the license (scooter) for no really a good reason, seriously? So it was maybe to have a good way to introduce the character of the Stranger, and his main motivation is to know what happened exactly to Scooter. So the stranger is maybe Moxxi or more probably his sister Ellie, because i can't really imagine moxxi using violence aor at least using a moxxi weapon (but at the same time that would spoil her identity). I am probably wrong but it's just a theory that crossed my mind i wanted to share.

  • God, I'll miss that creepy little bastard...

    Pleeease don't let him be The Stranger though - such a cop out!

  • "aw wassup man hows it been y'all glad to see you're okay fiona is this guy botherin' yew?"

    God, I'll miss that creepy little bastard... Pleeease don't let him be The Stranger though - such a cop out!

  • edited August 2015

    "Heeeey, thanks fer the story! Sorry about the whole badass thing, I think that's how Vault Hunters talk, right? Also, Fiona, I founda great restaurant I can take ya too. Then we can go home, and get boozed, and I will make sweet, sweet love to you under a car AND IT WILL BE AWESOME I PROMISE YA! Also, Rhys, STAY AWAY OR I'LL TIE YOU TO A VENDIN' MACHINE AND SET YOU ON FIRE! YEEEAH!"

    Etc, etc.

    God, I'll miss that creepy little bastard... Pleeease don't let him be The Stranger though - such a cop out!

  • Being the stranger seems very OOC for Zer0. Plus, Zer0 has four fingers

  • I'm 99% certain the Stranger is someone we've seen in TFTB. All the clues lead up to that.

    Citronette posted: »

    I have a theory, wich is probably wrong, but it's just a theory. I think maybe the purpose of the stranger is essentially to give an origina

  • Well he said that in reference to something they had just done

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Also, another clue that it might be August: "Clearly, I can't trust you two." And August seems to be the type that knocks people out. Timothy's too nice for that...right?

  • I think I'm the first person to suggest it's Sasha. Vaughn is also a strong possibility. Its definitely someone we've seen on TFTB.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2015

    IIRC, doesn't one of the loading screens mention that no Vault is the same in how it functions/what's inside/etc or something like that?

    I think having a vault that doesn't have a monster in it -- or at the very least, a monster/being that isn't actually hostile -- is possible. Everyone else has just had preposterously bad luck with them (and because you obviously need a final boss fight)

    But then said traveller would also have to be some sort of weird Eridian monster because all the Vaults are named after the monsters that re

  • edited August 2015

    Yes my theory has some big flaws i already know, for example what fiona said about the outfit of the stranger, but that doesn't necessary mean it is somebody who is in tftb, we don't really know all her story, maybe she know ellie or moxxi prior to the story and she already saw something on her or a poster, a photo etc that was similar apparence but she can't remember exactly (that could be also something related to felix in the past), and i don't think there is a clue about the outfit that we directly saw during the episodes, somebody already had found it anyway. But as i said it's just an hypothesis that crossed my mind.
    There is also the fact that it is curious that a major character like moxxi doesn't appear at all, if you know borderlands she is absolutely in all of them, even in the dlc there is at least audio references to her, i will find curious we don't ever see her other than on pizza's boxes.
    Anyway In a telltale game the stranger can be practically anywho.

    BigDoktor posted: »

    I'm 99% certain the Stranger is someone we've seen in TFTB. All the clues lead up to that.

  • edited August 2015

    I just don't see Scooter being that able to control himself around women. He would have already said something creepy or dorky by now. But one holds out hope for Scooter, Eridians do have a habit of providing divine intervention.

  • Zero has only 3 fingers. The Stranger has 4

  • Sry, didnt red fast enough xD

    BigDoktor posted: »

    Being the stranger seems very OOC for Zer0. Plus, Zer0 has four fingers

  • Also there's the fact that Fiona can deduce that the stranger knows her and Rhys

    Citronette posted: »

    Yes my theory has some big flaws i already know, for example what fiona said about the outfit of the stranger, but that doesn't necessary me

  • I think there's still always something guarding it/defending it, though (regardless of the contents).

    The Destroyer and The Warrior, were the 'reward' in their respective Vaults, but the reward in The Vault of The Sentinel was the magic floaty vault symbol of unimaginable foresight and power - but it still had a monster (The Sentinel) guarding it.

    Deltino posted: »

    IIRC, doesn't one of the loading screens mention that no Vault is the same in how it functions/what's inside/etc or something like that?

  • That makes sense. Does that make sense?

  • it will probably be someone we don't mention on the forum I bet telltale check all these theories and may either pick the best one or make a completely different plot twist

  • Nah, Telltale has a million ways to make Zer0 the stranger.. They brought Kenny to life after he got raped by 30 zombies, why couldn't they make Zer0 some masked dude? xD

    BigDoktor posted: »

    Being the stranger seems very OOC for Zer0. Plus, Zer0 has four fingers

  • I was thinking August or Vaughn maybe or someone minor. But this, the stranger being the traveler, is freaking genius. What have they been doing the entire time? Traveling! What a twist, I love it. We might be onto something here.

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