The Feels...

Hope I'm not the only one who sobbed/cried/bawled at Scooter's demise. Felt like I've should have seen it coming but shit that hit me really hard. As sad as it is, that was one hell of a way to go. May not have played Borderlands 1 but during Borderlands 2 he was one of the few people that made my solo playing enjoyable and loved his character from the get-go. Haven't cried this hard from TTG since Kenny's death. How did you guys feel about him this episode?

R.I.P. Scooter :(.



  • edited August 2015

    Sickened, saddened and horrified. Like Roland's sudden death, this came out of nowhere and was heartbreaking.

    But I'm much more worried on how Moxxi is going to take this, and how the residents of Sanctuary and the other Vault Hunters will receive the news.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I also thought it was sad, i honoured his memory by putting his satellite into space so he will always be remembered :'(

    enter image description here

  • That's exactly what I felt and shit you're right it is like Roland again. Haven't even considered that yet, oh boy wouldn't want to be the messanger. Maybe if/when they find out they'll have a statue of him like Roland and would definitely mourn him.

  • Saving this pic thanks. When I get the chance to play I'm definitely honoring his death, I think he wouldn't want it any other way.

  • As if the Bearer of Bad News mission wasn't sad enough already...this one's gonna be WAY worse.

    Rexarik posted: »

    That's exactly what I felt and shit you're right it is like Roland again. Haven't even considered that yet, oh boy wouldn't want to be the messanger. Maybe if/when they find out they'll have a statue of him like Roland and would definitely mourn him.

  • Never again will we hear funny jokes about chicks or cars...

  • edited August 2015

    I feel you that was friggin tough and depressing. Poor Ellie/Moxxi and whoever is going to tell them if anyone can after finding the vault and coming out alive.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    As if the Bearer of Bad News mission wasn't sad enough already...this one's gonna be WAY worse.

  • edited August 2015

    Those were always so awkward yet funny. Loved the missions in B2 him trying to woo that girl's heart and help his girlfriend :(.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Never again will we hear funny jokes about chicks or cars...

  • At least Ellie has Axton to comfort her.

    I don't think Moxxi has anyone now, unless Mordy decided to reconcile with her (he expressed interest in it.)

    Rexarik posted: »

    I feel you that was friggin tough and depressing. Poor Ellie/Moxxi and whoever is going to tell them if anyone can after finding the vault and coming out alive.

  • Heh at least so. I'd like to think so after Moxxi realizes how crazy Jack is and after losing Roland(she was almost tearing up hearing the news in-game). I'll headcanon now whomever tells Moxxi the news she goes to Mordecai knowing they both lost someone they cared about before and help each other once more.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    At least Ellie has Axton to comfort her. I don't think Moxxi has anyone now, unless Mordy decided to reconcile with her (he expressed interest in it.)

  • Mordy stopped drinking for good, as of The Son Of Crawmerax, which solved all his problems straightaway.

    Rexarik posted: »

    Heh at least so. I'd like to think so after Moxxi realizes how crazy Jack is and after losing Roland(she was almost tearing up hearing the n

  • edited August 2015

    I love Scooter to bits, and when I saw Scooter's hand was stuck I swore out loud. I still can't believe that they would have possibly killed Scooter! It's Scooter, man! I teared up a bit, clicked the 'See you, Space Cowboy option', and then teared up some more. (Then laughed at Steve Blum deriding the Cowboy Bebop in-game anime reference, A+.)

    It's interesting that now both Jack and Moxxi have lost a child. Poor Moxxi, and poor Ellie.

  • Well, the wooing was fun, the helping was...a pretty annoying mission, because I keep on almost dying there.

    Rexarik posted: »

    Those were always so awkward yet funny. Loved the missions in B2 him trying to woo that girl's heart and help his girlfriend .

  • edited August 2015

    Ya that's right so he could take care of Talon(thats his name right? Haven't played in awhile). It's a nice thought the three of them(with Ellie) helping each other becoming a little family heh.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Mordy stopped drinking for good, as of The Son Of Crawmerax, which solved all his problems straightaway.

  • Psst! Spoiler your post, quick! Before anyone starts complaining!

  • True getting the supplies was quite annoying. For me playing Krieg I went 'Leroy Jenkins' on those crystal fuckers, that and occasional running haha. Always laugh and feel sad for Scooter at the end.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, the wooing was fun, the helping was...a pretty annoying mission, because I keep on almost dying there.

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah, that's his name.

    This automatically becomes somewhat awkward when you realise that if Axton and Ellie get married, Axton will be now Mordy's son-in-law.

    Rexarik posted: »

    Ya that's right so he could take care of Talon(thats his name right? Haven't played in awhile). It's a nice thought the three of them(with Ellie) helping each other becoming a little family heh.

  • edited August 2015

    I still can't believe it. I's scooter. I had a strange feeling about him coming with us, but I never thought it would end like this. seeing how scooter simply accepted his death, hearing his last words...that broke me. I wonder how the people of sanctuary will take the message, and if he doesn't get a statue, I'm gonna blow the whole place up. for the first time in this forum, I actually don't know what to say. that scene killed me. but at least we could show scooter our respect. if anyone tries to get that satellite down, he shall choke on his own guts.

    Goodbye, Scooter. You can't be replaced, but we will never forget your sacrifice. You died as Hero. And so you shall be remembered.

    wow, I actually started crying a bit while writing this. I've heard someone say about mass effect: "If a character dies and it feels like you just lost a good friend, then the writers did everything right." I wish they would've done it wrong.

    R.I.P Scooter. Catch a Riiiide!

  • On the plus side, you get to battle Smash-Head for XP and it's one of the best places for loot, PERIOD.

    Rexarik posted: »

    True getting the supplies was quite annoying. For me playing Krieg I went 'Leroy Jenkins' on those crystal fuckers, that and occasional running haha. Always laugh and feel sad for Scooter at the end.

  • Argh! Thank you so much, I mind-blanked!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Psst! Spoiler your post, quick! Before anyone starts complaining!

  • edited August 2015

    I appreciate your dedication (and I would fistfight everyone at once if they tried to stop me from torching the whole place), but spoiler your post. It won't take long.

  • You're welcome!

    Also, Cowboy Bebop.

    blue_pen posted: »

    Argh! Thank you so much, I mind-blanked!

  • edited August 2015

    Oh was that a reference to that, heh nice catch. Oh my goodness same here was chanting 'nononono!' when we see his hand. Part of what makes it worse is everything that happens in the game is canon and just that feeling he really is gone no joke is fucking depressing. Poor Ellie and Moxxi indeed, do wonder if any of the gang comes out alive who will tell them? I'd think Fiona most likely.

  • edited August 2015

    Then ya that would become awkward heh. Wonder how'd that work out for them?

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Yeah, that's his name. This automatically becomes somewhat awkward when you realise that if Axton and Ellie get married, Axton will be now Mordy's son-in-law.

  • Is it really? Didn't know that, sweet then I'll start mining there out in my TVHM with Krieg thanks.
    Ahh yes Smash-Head, good yet short times(kill him pretty quick heh).

    LawmanZero posted: »

    On the plus side, you get to battle Smash-Head for XP and it's one of the best places for loot, PERIOD.

  • sorry sorry sorry, thought the spoiler for the thread would be enough. changed it

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I appreciate your dedication (and I would fistfight everyone at once if they tried to stop me from torching the whole place), but spoiler your post. It won't take long.

  • edited August 2015

    I've been tearing up responding to you guys and when making this discussion heh. That's a very good and true quote, loving and mouring a character is the same as loving and mourning a person.
    I still can't believe it either, ya the game did give us subtle hints about his fate(also with his VA's tweet basically saying 'it's been a pleasure, one hell of a ride').
    His whole attitude about his death and telling Fiona not to be sad was the final straw for me as well, it kinda reminded me of Kenny's and how he had a similar attitude as well.
    We better see at least a scene with a Scooter statue, maybe next to Roland's, or I'll join you as well heh.

  • It seemed this may have been planned all along- at least since ep2 with the whole giving over the business to Janey Springs thing.

    I literally teared up. The feels... ;^;

    Rexarik posted: »

    I've been tearing up responding to you guys and when making this discussion heh. That's a very good and true quote, loving and mouring a cha

  • He caught the ultimate ride...

    It's really bad, but when I'd finished pressing my button and Scooter called me over to his side I was muttering "Goddamn, NPC's gotta do everything myself!" and then I saw his hand and in that moment everything made sense. Janey being introduced - Janey moving to Hollowpoint - Janey taking over the business - Scooter coming on the flight - THE OTHER ENGINE DRIFTING OFF INTO THE VACCUUM OF SPACE. His fate had been sealed...

    But there was still some part of me thinking it was another fake out like Sasha's (which I totally fell for) - it was brilliant, it made it hurt so much more.

    I cried - like - a lot.

  • Oh fuck didn't get that, that makes me sadder.

    xValkyx posted: »

    It seemed this may have been planned all along- at least since ep2 with the whole giving over the business to Janey Springs thing. I literally teared up. The feels... ;^;

  • There are several Loot Chests and the Rats drop money. Also, those poor frozen people are great for getting vehicle skins (from my experience, anyway.)

    Rexarik posted: »

    Is it really? Didn't know that, sweet then I'll start mining there out in my TVHM with Krieg thanks. Ahh yes Smash-Head, good yet short times(kill him pretty quick heh).

  • I'm still in denial about the whole thing happening, like he could have easily detached from the rocket as it entered Pandora's atmosphere and landed safely(?)
    I'm not taking the death of such a major character well. See ya space cowboy ;_;

    He caught the ultimate ride... It's really bad, but when I'd finished pressing my button and Scooter called me over to his side I was mut

  • edited August 2015

    He went out with a smile, though.

    And yes, even Big Brother has to have a good cry every now and then.

    He caught the ultimate ride... It's really bad, but when I'd finished pressing my button and Scooter called me over to his side I was mut

  • edited August 2015

    I didn't realize why Janey was there for That reason shit that also makes it worse. You're right all those little damned clues sealed his fate and he did indeed caught the ultimate ride.
    What's sad now for me is the intro song, To The Top by Twin Shadow, will remind me of intro as well as his scene for now on :(.

    He caught the ultimate ride... It's really bad, but when I'd finished pressing my button and Scooter called me over to his side I was mut

  • August, if he is not the Stranger, will possibly die a hero's death, horrifically injured, covered in blood, saving the gang and letting them get to the treasure inside the Vault.

    No, wait, I've already exhausted my feels supplies...

    Rexarik posted: »

    Oh was that a reference to that, heh nice catch. Oh my goodness same here was chanting 'nononono!' when we see his hand. Part of what makes

  • edited August 2015

    We all cried ...

    Scooter was the happiest character - always wanted to help ... He was the real hero of the story

    He caught the ultimate ride... It's really bad, but when I'd finished pressing my button and Scooter called me over to his side I was mut

  • Those Rats were a good source for cash. Guess I didn't look in the area hard enough will do next time. Those poor people and those Rats give me the creeps dunno about you.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    There are several Loot Chests and the Rats drop money. Also, those poor frozen people are great for getting vehicle skins (from my experience, anyway.)

  • Ahh man puns, guess you can't help it with his name especially now heh. I'm with you think he'll die like a hero and Sasha will be saddened by it. Think(whats the characters Bigby/Lee play here called?) will die as well since Fiona said 'Scooter was the first casualty' to their plan implying of course more people'll die.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    August, if he is not the Stranger, will possibly die a hero's death, horrifically injured, covered in blood, saving the gang and letting them get to the treasure inside the Vault. No, wait, I've already exhausted my feels supplies...

  • I am putting the poor people outta their misery by smashing them and releasing their trapped souls into the heavens. Also, I have zero problems with killing Rats. Stealing loot is NOT OK.

    Rexarik posted: »

    Those Rats were a good source for cash. Guess I didn't look in the area hard enough will do next time. Those poor people and those Rats give me the creeps dunno about you.

  • Well, they didn't get married, they just hooked up.

    But yes, it is nice to wonder.

    Rexarik posted: »

    Then ya that would become awkward heh. Wonder how'd that work out for them?

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