Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Telltale could uh...

    Give us the option.

    As Fiona, probably, Rhys is a baby. :P

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Now we need somebody to kill Vallory. Prefably her son for added irony.

  • Well we had a choice to break his heart lol

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    EXACTLY. And she was so nice, too! "But I like you so much!" August has no heart.

  • pages 666 and 669 are coming soon.. yaaaaaaay, i guess...

  • Rhys could you know, just send some moonshots since you know, he controls Hyperion now

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Telltale could uh... Give us the option. As Fiona, probably, Rhys is a baby. :P

  • I blew his mind though so he should still have a heart.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Well we had a choice to break his heart lol

  • Please don't destroy my hopes and dreams. </3

    dpetersz posted: »

    Rhys could you know, just send some moonshots since you know, he controls Hyperion now

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Well we had a choice to break his heart lol

  • rhys doesn't have any control over his body anymore, and i doubt jack would care that much about fiona and the gang

    dpetersz posted: »

    Rhys could you know, just send some moonshots since you know, he controls Hyperion now

  • Then he wasn't thinking straight when he said that.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I blew his mind though so he should still have a heart.

  • Well he does for me since I accepted to rule Hyperion

    rhys doesn't have any control over his body anymore, and i doubt jack would care that much about fiona and the gang

  • He'll develop one, don't worry. Once he stops being Mr. Grumpy Pandoran Black Mask.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    EXACTLY. And she was so nice, too! "But I like you so much!" August has no heart.

  • Either:

    "F**k you, mom!" (BANG)

    "F**k you, Vallory!" (BANG)


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Telltale could uh... Give us the option. As Fiona, probably, Rhys is a baby. :P

  • It's not like you aren't allowed to, but I just know that if it had been the other way around, people would have said the same shit to us...and we would have had to suck it up because of such bullshit reasoning such as "being the minority" and crap like that.
    I am also feeling confused because I don't feel like having attained a victory, so why does Rhiona still make it sound so much as if they had suffered defeat? It's just whining at this point.

    rhonu posted: »

    i think we reacted that way because from the spoilers we got, it seemed like there was a ton of forced rhysha, but there wasn't. i was sad a

  • I think he's the type to look angry even when he's being tickled.

    It's that serious.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    He'll develop one, don't worry. Once he stops being Mr. Grumpy Pandoran Black Mask. DEAR AUGUST: STOP BEING MR. GRUMPY PANDORAN BLACK MASK. GORTYS, TICKLE HIM OR SOMETHING.

  • So, will I be the Lich King now?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    GASP you're dead to me too, King.

  • He's gonna be like Batman then?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think he's the type to look angry even when he's being tickled. It's that serious.

  • again-- yesterday we were upset because people said there were forced rhysha scenes. we were NOT reacting to the episode because we still hadn't played it yet, we were reacting to the first information we had. honestly it doesn't make me feel good to see people get angry at us because we were sad :( if rhysha were forced like we first thought because of those early vague spoilers, i would still be sad and i would complain, and what about it? i don't know about you guys but i can't be happy all the time. we are allowed to be sad sometimes and it's okay, and i don't see the point of getting angry at us for that when we've seen the episode is not what we thought it was. i hope you understand that yesterday we were so excited for the game and there were a lot of emotions involved and it's normal that we panicked at that thing, but today is another day and we're playing the episode and we see it's not that bad and it's cool. so i don't know why are you still angry at us and saying we're overreacting? we reacted to a wrong idea, now we are reacting in a positive way to the episode, why are you still angry? :(((

  • edited August 2015

    Page 666 is here, but don't worry, I have investigated the depths with my submarine, and your battleship should have no trouble, AND WHAT IS THAT NOISE COMING FROM THE HOLD:

    Wave 666, everybody. GET READY TO BUST SOME HEADS!


  • now we are reacting in a positive way to the episode

    ... speak for yourself... :\

    rhonu posted: »

    again-- yesterday we were upset because people said there were forced rhysha scenes. we were NOT reacting to the episode because we still ha

  • Says Gortys in Episode 2

    Calls Gortys a thing in Episode 3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    August called Gortys a "thing". You're dead to me, August.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • even if you're the minority, i don't think you're less valid at all for that. i'm usually in the minority in terms of shipping and i don't agree with bothering you rhyshas at all whatever happens.

    we made it sound like we had suffered defeat yesterday, when we hadn't played the game and some people were saying rhysha was forced in this episode too. now we're playing the game, seeing it's not forced at all, so we're not whining anymore. it was a misunderstanding, and the end? why making us feel like crap for feeling like crap?

    It's not like you aren't allowed to, but I just know that if it had been the other way around, people would have said the same shit to us...

  • i meant the mood around here is not as negative as yesterday at all, of course there will be people who don't like the episode, and it's okay.

    now we are reacting in a positive way to the episode ... speak for yourself...

  • Except Batman is actually cool. :^)

    LawmanZero posted: »

    He's gonna be like Batman then?

  • I hate it that the name of this thread isn't Rhys x Fiona confirmed anymore... it's just the Rhys x Fiona thread...

  • If you want. :P

    So, will I be the Lich King now?

  • What a jerk. ;-;

    Says Gortys in Episode 2 Calls Gortys a thing in Episode 3

  • I'm actually seeing the scenes and the only thing really Rhysha is in the intro and I gotta say it was kinda funny so I'm not really that upset anymore. :P

    I'm salty we're still being ignored (I'll be saltier in episode 5 if nothing happens tho ;P) buuuuut I can live with this.

    rhonu posted: »

    again-- yesterday we were upset because people said there were forced rhysha scenes. we were NOT reacting to the episode because we still ha

  • I don't even know!!! Someone just tell me that it was the confirmation of S2

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    What am I looking at

  • sadly, it's the truth we have to accept ;-;

    I hate it that the name of this thread isn't Rhys x Fiona confirmed anymore... it's just the Rhys x Fiona thread...

  • 666 PARTY!!!

  • edited August 2015

    And can actually smile.

    August did smile at times in the previous episodes, though. I wonder why he's so grumpy now?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Except Batman is actually cool. :^)

  • You'll be fine! In our hearts it's confirmed. Green's heart have changed, that's why he change the thread name.

    I hate it that the name of this thread isn't Rhys x Fiona confirmed anymore... it's just the Rhys x Fiona thread...

  • My heart still aches for Scooter. ;___________;

  • Who wouldn't be grumpy with Vallory for a mother, anyway? :P

    LawmanZero posted: »

    And can actually smile. August did smile at times in the previous episodes, though. I wonder why he's so grumpy now?

  • Even though I've already had this spoiled maybe spoilers should be spoiler tagged.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    My heart still aches for Scooter. ;___________;

  • Hopefully if we get to kill his mom some of the grump will go away.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Who wouldn't be grumpy with Vallory for a mother, anyway? :P

  • Green already told us not to spoiler tag anything since there's a warning in the title.

    Even though I've already had this spoiled maybe spoilers should be spoiler tagged.

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