(GoT) Interactive story: Land of Hundred Princes



  • Vote closed! And Than will invite Chien to the Palace of Tigerport.

    I'm sorry for the long wait to the next part, I was away from home the weekend, and the small amount of writing I've been able to do went for the other story. I will now however concentrate on writing the next part for this story :) Hopefully it would be ready tomorrow, but I can't be absolutely sure.

  • If you dont mind me asking who's the next PoV.

    Vote closed! And Than will invite Chien to the Palace of Tigerport. I'm sorry for the long wait to the next part, I was away from home th

  • Vellera Essaar, she is a young sellsail :)

    xSensus posted: »

    If you dont mind me asking who's the next PoV.

  • Interesting, Looking forward to it :)

    Vellera Essaar, she is a young sellsail

  • edited August 2015


    It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning under her leather armor, but of course she couldn’t leave it behind. On her left opened the grand Jade Sea, and on her right was the vast jungle. When Vellera had arrived to the coast a week ago she had been wondering for a while where in the world was she. However, when she got her mind together she knew she had to be in Yi Ti - the mysterious land of princes, basilisks and monkey-tail hats. When the storm had surprised the fleet they had been near the eastern coast of Great Moraq, probably a days sailing away from the battle they were heading at. That night Vellera had been sure she would die.

    Vellera was gazing at the small fishing village couple hundred feet away from her - it was like a gift from gods, a salvation. But there was something weird at it. There seemed to be several soldiers on the village, and a warship anchored near it. Whatever, I have to go there.

    As Vellera walked to the village the local people – mostly small old women and skinny children – looked at her with an expression that could have been taken as unwelcoming. Vellera didn’t speak YiTish so she couldn’t understand what those people said to each other. The soldiers however weren’t YiTish, and they looked more like sellswords than soldiers of any prince or emperor. Some of the soldiers looked like they were from the Free Cities, some like they were from the Slaver’s Bay, some like they were from the Summer Isles, and couple even looked like Westerosi. Now Vellera also started to think she had seen many of these faces before.

    “You are not from our crew and you certainly aren’t a local. Who are you, girl?” One of the soldiers asked in High Valyrian, a tall one with skin as black as night and a face with rough features.

    “I guess I could ask the same from you.” Vellera said with a tired smirk, but as she saw that the soldier wasn’t amused she cleared her throat. “Alright, I’m Vellera Essaar of Volantis. I’m the captain of the ship named Flame Wind. Or at least I was.” Vellera had to let out a sigh as she said that. “You see, I was part of the fleet hired by some Pureborn of Qarth. We were supposed to have a battle at the eastern coast of Great Moraq, but a huge storm surprised us one night. My ship was wrecked and for all I know my whole crew died. I managed to escape with a boat with some water and food with me. Two weeks later the sea brought me to the coast of this land. And since then I have been traveling the coast.”

    “Interesting story.” The ebony-skinned sellsword said with a cold tone. “A young girl, probably at her early twenties, was a captain of a ship? Very interesting indeed.” The man made it clear with both his words and his expression that he doubted Vellera’s story.

    “Interesting things happen, old man.” Vellera answered strictly. “Like a warship with dozens of sellswords from around the world anchored to some small fishing village in Yi Ti.” Vellera could see that the man had an urge to chuckle for her words but he retained somewhat serious face.

    “Well, perhaps your story could be true, Vellera Essaar. Our crew was in that same storm, heading for that same battle.” As he spoke these words the man already had small grin on his face. “And if you truly were there, my captain will know you. Let me take you to him.” Vellera nodded to the man and they started to walk towards the beach. Vellera noticed that the ship had indeed taken some damage recently, but it was still in pretty good shape.

    “So, aren’t you going to tell your name?” Vellera asked casually as they jumped to one of the boats on the beach and started to row towards the ship.

    “My name is Shalaq, good lady.” The man answered with a friendly tone. “And this gorgeous ship here is The Beautiful Victory!” He yelled with a grin on his face. Beautiful Victory, Vellera thought, I remember that.

    “And your captain is Vyros Lassar, right?” Vellera asked and could see that Shalaq was clearly surprised.

    “Well, well, looks like you could really be what you say you are.” Shalaq said quietly. “Or you have just been spying on us.” They arrived to the ship and someone from the deck dropped the ladders for them. “Alright, you first lady.” Shalaq said and Vellera started to climb. As she raised to the deck she saw a familiar man standing in front of her.

    Vyros Lassar was a fat man on his late forties. His head was bald, but he had a big and bushy black beard that covered his lower face. His dark eyes were small, just like his round nose. Vyros was dressed in colorful clothing and a curved sword hanged from his belt. Vellera had seen him before the fleet had left Qarth, and even had a small conversation with him then.

    “You look quite tired, good lady, but at least you seem to be alive. I remember congratulating you for rising so high so young when we were at Qarth. I feared that storm would have been the bitter end for you, dear Vellera.” Vyros’ voice was deep, and Vellera couldn’t read if his words were genuine or if he was mocking her.

    “Maybe it was.” Vellera answered tiredly. “My ship was everything I had, without it all I can be is a common sellsword.”

    “Unless you would find a new ship and crew somehow.” Vyros said with a small smile. “However, for now I’m afraid you indeed will have to be just a sellsword. And hey, you weren’t the only one who suffered from that storm. I had three ships, now I have one – I had three hundred men, now I have fewer than fifty.”

    “And I have absolutely nothing.” Vellera answered with a bored tone.

    “You have yourself and you have your sword. That should be more than enough to get started.” Shalaq remarked and Vyros nodded in agreement.

    “I could offer you a place in my crew. I am in need of good men… Or women.” Vyros said and scratched his beard. Vellera sighed, for over a year she had been the boss, the captain on her ship, but now it seemed like she had to step into serving others again.

    “And where will you head from here? Back to Qarth?” Vellera asked, making Vyros chuckle.

    “Oh no, I think it’s better to avoid Qarth for a while.” Vyros said with a carefree tone. “Yragh Yoxhon is probably quite angry at the moment, he paid a lot of gold for that fleet, just for it to get destroyed by a storm. And even more he is angry at the lost opportunity to strike against his enemy.”

    “So if you are not going to Qarth, where then?” Vellera asked impatiently. Vyros stayed quiet for a moment before answering, with a thoughtful look on his eyes.

    “I am not sure yet, but there is a war coming here in Yi Ti.” Vyros said with a pensive voice. “A war over the rule of Jinqi. I want to know the players first, their strengths and weaknesses, before I choose sides. But when I have learned more of the situation, I will take my ship and crew to this war.”

    “Great.” Vellera yawned. “I suppose my only option is to come with you.”

    “It would be a good option for you, but no, it’s not the only one.” Vyros answered. “The city of Asabhad is less than a day’s travel away to the west. It’s a big port city, ships from Qarth and further from west stop there, as well as ships returning to west from Yin, Jinqi or Asshai. A sellsword will surely find job from there.”

    “Oh, so stick with you or go to a city I’ve never been before to beg for someone to hire me? This is hard.” Vellera said with a grin, making Vyros frown at her. But really, which one is better?

    [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory] [Travel to Asabhad]

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory]

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory] 

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory]

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory]

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory]

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory]

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • edited August 2015

    [Travel to Asabhad]

  • [Join the crew of The Beautiful Victory]

    Vellera It was hot, and after Vellera had ran out of food yesterday she had grown more and more hungry. She felt like she was burning und

  • Vote closed. Aand Vellera will join the crew of The Beautiful Victory. I was pretty sure you would choose this, but I thought it was fair to give the choice not to join :)

    Anyway, next part will be another one from Yu. I have a couple busy days ahead so it might take a while, especially since I want to conclude the chapter 2 of my other story quickly. Don't worry though, the story will continue :)

  • edited August 2015


    It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his sister, wondering what her thoughts were.

    ”So, Captain Razi will soon be General Razi.” Ting said, sitting behind her desk and eyeing Yu. “I expected you’d choose him, we all have so much good memories with him. So, are you sure you made your choice with your head and not with your heart?” Ting’s lips formed a small smirk as she asked the question.

    “Heart is often just as important as head, my Princess.” Yu answered with toneless words. “And I am sure Razi is more than suited for the job. If you wanted Yohon to be General you could have just chosen him yourself – and of course you still can. Or Zan, if you really see him worthy of the job.”

    “Zan?” Ting’s smirk had turned to especially mocking one. “Gods no, I only sent him to you because I had promised him the chance when I… spent some time with him.” Yu had an urge to sigh for his sister’s sly words, but he suppressed it. The princess raised her cup. “Thanks to you I can tell him now that I trust my brother’s judgement and he’ll have no reason to complain to me.” Ting gave Yu a smile that was apparently meant to be a kind one, but Yu could see the coldness behind it. Sometimes it’s hard to remember she is the loving big sister I had as a child.

    “Is there something else, my Princess?” Yu asked coldly, which seemed to turn down his sister’s smile. She put down her cup and sighed.

    “For obvious reasons I can’t trust my council, makes it that much harder to rule when you know there are traitors in the court. The only ones I know I can trust are you and the Snake.” The princess spoke with tired and genuinely worried words.

    “And are you sure you can trust the Snake?” Yu asked calmly. “She is suspicious all the way from her name to her mannerism. Why would you put your trust to someone like her, dear sister?” Ting just gave her brother a bored look and took another sip from her cup.

    “I have my reasons to trust her. The Snake is spawn of the shadows, she knows how to play the game and dance this poisonous dance.” Ting shifted her look away from Yu and sighed. “And she is also the only real friend I have.” This time Yu didn’t see any coldness or arrogance in his sister’s expression, she truly seemed to have love for this mysterious woman from Qarth.

    “I’m sure we’ll find a way to survive all this.” Yu said, trying to sound comforting, but the princess just let out a weak and cynical laugh.

    “Oh, I forgot to tell, the Snake was right about Zu and Thi. Sondor’s connections confirm that they have indeed arrived to the Golden Palace of the God-Emperor.” Ting said and Yu could see both anger and sadness in his sister’s eyes. “We have already enough problems with Than. And now, if Zu manages to get God-Emperor on his side… I don’t know if we can survive both Than and Zu attacking.”

    “Our brothers are enemies with each other just as much as they are enemies with us.” Saying this felt painful, in their childhood Yu would have never believed that he would be on war against any of his siblings. “And why would the God-Emperor even help Zu?”

    “You know the damn Bu’s, they still dream of the days they ruled over the whole realm. For the God-Emperor this is an opportunity to gain some of that power back.” Ting rolled her eyes. “And knowing Zu he will become a total lackey for the God-Emperor. To be honest I pity him, he is already under the feet of his bitch wife, as ridiculous as that is, and now he will be forced to kiss the boots of Huynh Bu.” For a while they were both silent. It was an awkward moment for Yu, because in his mind he knew that if it wasn’t for Thi he would right now be fighting on the side of Zu – the rightful heir. Only the manipulative and scheming wife of his oldest brother had made Yu choose Ting over Zu.

    “I have been thinking about something lately.” Ting said suddenly, with tone that seemed less arrogant than usually. “I’ve been trying to find something to help us at this war. There is something... I know you may not like it, and I’m not going to force you to anything, but I hope you would do it.”

    “Do what?” Yu asked, feeling unsure. His sister closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

    “Saetrus, come in!” Ting yelled as she opened her eyes again, and the door behind her opened with a creak. Inside the room stepped a red priest, Saetrus the Blessed, a bald old man with face that made one think again before angering him. Saetrus was from Asshai, just like Sondor, and even if he always seemed to be calm and polite there was certain darkness to him, and him being a priest of R’hllor only made Yu more skeptical about the man.

    “If there is a god that can help us win the war it is the Lion of Night, not the fire god he preaches.” Yu said, giving a stern look to his sister. The princess’ expression told that she was annoyed by Yu’s words.

    “Are you a priest now? If his god can help us, why should we not listen to him?” Ting’s words were loud and angry, and her stare even more so.

    “Do not worry, my Princess.” Saetrus said with calm and gentle words as he stepped closer to Yu. “This young man hasn’t yet seen the light - the gift - that I can give. But I can show him the light of the lord. For almost thirty years I have faithfully served Jinqi, your father often came to me with his troubles.” Yu narrowed his eyes as he heard this. Did father really trust the council of this man?

    “All you would need to do is to look into his fire, brother.” Ting said, sounding almost like she was pleading. “That’s all, let his god give you a glimpse and that’s it.” Yu looked at his sister with skeptical eyes.

    “And why aren’t you the one to look into his fires?” Yu asked, and Ting turned her look down to the desk.

    “I already did.” She answered with a weak tone. “I saw a memory from the childhood… It was me, Than and Zu bickering at the gardens. We were shouting to each other, not even hearing the words. And you… You watched us from the side, you were the one to see it all and hear it all without being part of it yourself. I took that as a sign… I should trust your council more often… And I also thought you should be the one to look into the fire.”

    Yu looked at his sister, who now had a weak and sad expression on her face. Saetrus the Blessed kept on his subtle and polite smile as he gazed at Yu. So far Yu had tried to stay away from foreign gods, but perhaps he should do this for his sister. For Jinqi.

    [Look into the fire] [Don't look into the fire]

  • [Look into the fire]

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Look into the fire]

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Look into the fire]

    Sure, what is the worst thing that could happen? Jokes aside, this should be interesting.

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Don't look into the fire]

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Don't look into the fire]

  • [Look into the fire]

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Look into the fire]

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Look into the fire] I hope we won't end up like Shireen.

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • [Look into the fire] For Jinqi!

    Yu It was already dark outside, but Princess Ting’s office had warm lighting due to the candles the servants had lit. Yu looked at his si

  • edited August 2015

    Vote closed!

    Yu will look in to the fire and perhaps R'hllor will show him something ;)

    The next part will be Darren. Expect the kind of part that's more to flesh out the characters than to further the plot much. :)

    edit: I have also added a Google docs link to the opening post so you can read the story from there! I put earlier a wrong link, but now it should work! :D

  • edited August 2015


    The ship had sailed along the eastern coast of the Narrow Sea for over a week now. It was a clear day and the sea was calm. Darren stood silently on the deck, gazing towards west, seeing only the sea that from here looked endless. Somewhere there were the lands that he had once considered home. Well not exactly, since it was the North that had been the home for him, but for most of the world he was simply a Westerosi. And during his years around Essos Darren had also learned that for most of the world Westeros was nothing but a backward land of barbarians and dragons. I can’t say they are entirely wrong.

    Darren’s memories from the North weren’t good. He had once been a part of a noble family that owned its small piece of land to rule over. Only his last name, Spyre, was left of that. Those terrible days long ago had forced Darren to battle against his own brother, and later to flee as the keep of the Spyre’s was burned down by their liege lords. Darren let out a small sigh, it wasn’t often that he remembered those days, but the long days at the sea did their job.

    “Darren!” A jolly voice called behind him. Jaeron walked next to Darren with a smile on his face. “Are you trying to see your home?” He asked with an amused tone.

    “Westeros is not my home, hasn’t been for a long time.” Darren answered tonelessly. “We two, we don’t have homes. Or do you consider Tyrosh to be your home? Slaver’s Bay? Braavos?”

    “Well, I did grow up in Tyrosh… I think it is the closest thing to a home for me. But anyway, what do you need home for when you can see the whole world, ride and sail to battles and have beautiful ladies for the nights?” Jaeron had a confident smirk on his face as he spoke.

    “You’ll learn at time that all those things will be lost when you grow older, unless you die before it.” Darren said with a serious tone. “And when those things are gone you will need a home, somewhere to settle down.”

    “You really are getting old, my friend.” Jaeron answered with carefree tone. “Perhaps a little depressed too. Maybe you need something to drink?” Darren let out small laugh for his friend’s words and shook his head.

    “No thanks, I already tasted the ale they have here – I’ve drank piss that tastes better than that.” Darren said, letting a smile form to his face.

    “Must have been good piss!” Jaeron answered and they both laughed. As they were laughing someone walked behind them.

    “Oh, what are we laughing at?” Toleo, the captain of the ship, asked with a mocking tone. Toleo was a thin man on his early fifties, he always had sour expression on his face and his black hair had started greying.

    “Do you have a problem, captain?” Jaeron asked with annoyed tone and the captain gave him a cynical smirk.

    “A problem? Oh no, I just love wasting my time shipping Otynaro’s dogs around Essos.” Immediately after these words Jaeron rushed towards Toleo and gripped him from the neck with furious expression on his face. For a while he just kept the captain on his grip without saying a word and gazing him with rage in his eyes.

    “Call me a dog once more and you’ll find yourself from the bottom of the sea.” Jaeron spoke finally with intimidating words and Darren could see fear in the eyes of the old captain. As Jaeron let go of Toleo the old man took a couple of steps backwards and then spat in front of them.

    “You’ve got some nerve threatening me on my own ship.” Toleo muttered. “No respect, I say.”

    “Respect is something that needs to be earned.” Darren answered calmly and the captain gave him a glare.

    “And sailing you all the way from Braavos to Volantis isn’t something that earns the respect, huh?” Toleo shifted his gaze from Darren to Jaeron and then back to Darren again. “What if I’ve had enough of Otynaro and his commands? What if I just leave you to the closest port and sail to wherever the fuck I please?” With these words Toleo turned away from them.

    “Looks like you made him quite angry.” Darren said to Jaeron with tired tone, but his friend just shrugged.

    “Not my fault, I don’t take shit from someone like him.” Jaeron said and turned his gaze to the sea. “Besides he is not going to do what he said, it would take him years to get the amount of costumers he has from Otynaro.”

    “Didn’t know you are an expert on being a captain of a merchant ship.” Darren said with a sigh, and again Jaeron just shrugged with a bored expression on his face. For a while they were both silent, looking at the sea.


    “I wonder what kind of women do the YiTish have.” Jaeron mumbled with bored tone. “Or what do they drink… I wish we were there already. I’d like to get to swing my sword again.”

    “This is a job that could offer us more than that.” Darren said. “We could become rich, find something new.” He looked at Jaeron, who still had his bored expression on.

    “New? What new?” Jaeron asked “Do you mean we would start a sellsword company?” Darren sighed. He knew that Jaeron was a man who had learnt to be violent to survive. Darren understood that Jaeron’s past had been hard, but often he found himself hoping that his friend could see that there is more to the life than fighting and fucking.

    “Do you remember what I said earlier, about finding a home? I think that is what I should do after this job is over.” Darren spoke seriously and Jaeron frowned at him.

    “Stop that shit, Darren! Now! We are fucking warriors! We don’t settle down, we keep fighting! This job and many more to come.” Jaeron was clearly irritated. He is still too young to understand this. “Promise me Darren, when this job is done, you will stick with me and stay a warrior!”

    Darren looked at Jaeron, feeling unsure. Can I promise something like that?

    [Promise] [Don't promise]

  • [Promise]

  • [Don't promise]

    In my eye this is just too big of a promise and shouldn't be given that easy. I think Darren should decide later, perhaps after this job is finished. But if he promises it now and then decides to settle down later, he would hurt Jaeron even more.

    Darren The ship had sailed along the eastern coast of the Narrow Sea for over a week now. It was a clear day and the sea was calm. Darren

  • [Promise]

    Darren The ship had sailed along the eastern coast of the Narrow Sea for over a week now. It was a clear day and the sea was calm. Darren

  • [Don't promise]

    Darren The ship had sailed along the eastern coast of the Narrow Sea for over a week now. It was a clear day and the sea was calm. Darren

  • [Don't promise]

    Darren The ship had sailed along the eastern coast of the Narrow Sea for over a week now. It was a clear day and the sea was calm. Darren

  • [Don't promise]

    Darren The ship had sailed along the eastern coast of the Narrow Sea for over a week now. It was a clear day and the sea was calm. Darren

  • Vote closed! And Darren doesn't promise anything to Jaeron :)

    Next part may be posted later today, it's a Than part and finally introduces another sibling from the family of Choq's.

  • Than

    Than sat at his throne, the Throne of the Tiger it was called. The young prince tried to keep a calm and strong face as the rebel prince Chien Choq marched to his throne room with handful of armed men. Zador stood on the right side of Than and Taga on the left, both of them silent as grave. Chien Choq walked in front of the throne and gave Than a small and lazy bow.

    “Good day, Prince of Tigerport.” Chien said sternly, and Than could hear the man had no respect for him. Of course not. Chien was a warrior, known for his skills in combat, and there he stood in his magnificent armor – it made Than feel like he wasn’t the real authority in this palace.

    “Good day to you, Prince Chien Choq.” Than answered, trying to keep his voice calm and determinate. “I heard you broke our trading connections to Jinqi.” Than could see anger flashing in Chien’s eyes and it made him gulp.

    “Jinqi will be mine in no time, and the trade between Tigerport and Jinqi will continue. Now however, I must ask of you, Prince Than, to aid my effort by temporarily closing the trade. I also would have need for a place for my army to stay for now, and I also wouldn’t mind you helping in providing supplies and forces.” Chien had a very commanding tone in his words, which made Than feel weak. I have to submit to him.

    “And why should Prince Than support a rebel?” Zador spat out with bitter tone, making both Than and Taga quickly shift their attention to him. Chien’s expression stayed cold and calm as he turned his eyes to look at Zador.

    “Because if he doesn’t I’ll burn this wretched town to the ground.” Chien’s words were quiet and calm, but Than could hear from them that the man meant what he said. The atmosphere on the room was tense as Chien looked at Than and his advisors with intimidating eyes and Zador looked to be boiling of anger and trying to suppress himself from attacking this rebel prince.

    “Our meaning here is not to start a war against you.” Said a bald and sturdy man with a halberd sheathed to his back, standing next to Chien. “I am Xharrar Dor and I was the General of Jinqi’s elite guard for years. After all those years knowing the whole family of Choq’s I can assure you that Chien is the right choice to rule Jinqi. So offer us your help now and you’ll have our gratitude once the war is over.” After the man had spoken Taga stepped forward and cleared his throat.

    “That is exactly what I have recommended to our young prince.” Taga said, trying to sound friendly, which didn’t suit him at all. “He made the wise decision on inviting you here, Prince Chien, and I can assure you he has no opposition against your claim on the rule of Jinqi.” After speaking Taga gave a quick glare to Zador, who shook his head in anger and rushed out of the room. As the doors closed behind Zador, Prince Chien subtly cleared his throat.

    “It seems we have come to an agreement… On some things at least. I’ll find myself to the courters you have offered for me now. And I expect we’ll see at dinner and get more into the details of this alliance of ours.” Chien’s words were strong and Than couldn’t do anything but to give a timid nod to him. And so the rebel prince turned and walked out of the throne room, his men loyally following him. Than looked as the doors closed behind Chien and noticed how fast his heart was beating.

    “As I said earlier, my Prince, it was a wise decision to invite him.” Taga said, his voice was now cold as usual, but Than could hear that he really meant what he said. Than thought that he might have finally got at least some respect from Taga Vetez. Zador however…

    “I’m sure Chien will be reasonable with us. His interest is in Jinqi, not here.” Taga continued and Than nodded to him in agreement.

    “I will go and spend some time with my sister now.” Than said quietly. “Send someone for me when I need to come.”


    Than sat tiredly at a couch on his chambers, looking at his sister Mi reading a history book about a God-Emperor who had ruled Yi Ti with a Valyrian lady as his wife and a dragon on his court. Than had read the book too, and thinking about it now he felt like having a dragon would really help with all these problems. But those were just silly dreams – He had no dragons nor anything else that he could use to resist Chien’s power with. Whether he wanted it or not he was now part of this war – Tigerport was part of this war.

    “Why aren’t there dragons anymore, brother?” Mi asked suddenly, closing the book. Than raised his eyebrow for the question.

    “Actually there are still dragons, sweet sister, just not here.” Than answered, giving his sister a friendly smile. Mi looked at Than doubtfully.

    “Where?” She asked, her voice telling how anxious she was to learn more, which made Than chuckle.

    “I think we have a book somewhere here that mentions the last surviving dragonlords of Valyria… Targaryens, if I remember correctly.” He answered, trying to remember what he knew. “They rule over the Kingdoms of Sunset now with their dragons. I’ll find that book for you so you can learn more yourself.” Mi nodded at him with a smile on her face. It’s good to see her happy. The smile didn’t last long however as Mi’s face turned a little more serious, even scared.

    “Brother, I saw those people who came here today… Why are they here?” Mi asked with a shy tone. Than let out a small sigh, he had to think what to say – Mi was still just a child and shouldn’t hear the whole truth.

    “It’s nothing important… It’s about our connections to Jinqi.” Than answered, trying to tell half the truth, but his sister frowned at him.

    “It’s about that war, right?” Mi’s strict words surprised Than. How does she know? “Don’t even ask, I’m not an idiot, nor deaf, I can hear what people speak around me even if they don’t realize it.”

    “Well, yes, Prince Chien is here because of this… war of his. But don’t worry, little sister, it shouldn’t mean any danger to us.” Than said with comforting words, but his sister didn’t look convinced.

    “I’ve read about wars… They do seem pretty dangerous to me.” Mi answered and turned her look down. Just as Than was about to go and comfort his little sister the door was knocked.

    “Come in!” Than yelled with tired tone and the door opened slowly. Inside stepped seneschal Gulya, a small smile on his old and wrinkled face.

    “I am sorry to interrupt, my Prince, but it’s time for the dinner.” Gulya’s voice was quiet and calm. Than nodded tiredly.

    “I understand… Time to hear what the rebel wants.” Certain amount of bitterness could be heard from the words of Than, this wouldn't be a pleasant dinner. Gulya nodded, still his small smile on.

    “Can I come too?” Mi pleaded, and Than had to let out a sigh before answering.

    “I’m sorry Mi, but this isn’t a dinner I want you to take part in… The servants will bring you a meal here.” Than said and Mi didn’t answer, but he could see her disappointment. Sighing again and trying to clear his head Than walked out of his chambers with the seneschal, leaving his sister alone.

    “Remember not to call Chien a rebel or a pretender when you are with him, my Prince.” Gulya said with his thin and polite tone as they walked the corridor, making Than shake his head subtly.

    “I am not an idiot, but thank you for reminding.” He answered sternly, but Gulya just kept smiling.


    As they entered the great hall Than could see Prince Chien already sitting on the table with his general sitting on the right side of him, and a handsome young man with short black hair and azure eyes sat on the left of him. Taga was sitting on the opposite side of the table, already talking to the rebel prince and his friends – Zador, however, was nowhere to be seen. Than walked quickly to the table and took his seat next to Taga, and Gulya sat on the other side of him. Chien set his stern gaze at Than, who tried to keep his expression hard and calm.

    “Nice to see you Prince of Tigerport.” The handsome man on the left of Prince Chien said with a friendly and polite tone.

    “And who are you? If I may ask.” Than spoke coldly, as the servants started to bring food to the table.

    “My name is Kai Thonu.” The man answered. “I am an old friend of Prince Chien, and his personal guard and councilor.”

    “A loyal and good man.” Chien said sternly. “I value loyalty, Prince Than. Be loyal to me, and you’ll be rewarded.” Under the hard gaze of the rebel prince Than could only give a weak smile.

    “I’ll try to remember that.” He said, trying to sound carefree, but Chien didn’t look to be amused.

    “We’ll be loyal, Prince Chien, you can trust that.” Taga said with a submissive voice. He is starting to annoy me. Prince Chien let out a cynical chuckle.

    “I am starting to wonder who is the prince here, the young boy or you.” He said to Taga, who seemed a little shocked, struggling to find words. “If you don’t mind I’d like the prince himself to talk from now on.” Chien added coldly and Taga nodded hastily.

    “So… What are your… suggestions, Prince Chien?” Than asked and a cold smile was formed to the face of Chien.

    “As I said earlier, I need food supplies for my army.” Chien started. “Your Commander, Cupa, told you have almost thousand men in your guard here in Tigerport. I’d take half of them - and this Cupa to command them. And I would also raise levies from your smallfolk. I’ll leave some of my men here to make sure you will continue the embargo to Jinqi. So, what do you say to these suggestions, Prince Than?” Chien’s expression was as commanding as always, but there was also a small smile.

    “It’s a fair offer, I recommend you to accept it.” Taga whispered to Than, making Chien chuckle mockingly. If I accept this, there is absolutely no turning back. Than gulped, this was even harder than he had thought.

    [Accept the offer] [Make a counteroffer] [Say no to helping Chien]

  • [Accept the offer]
    I don't know, It's to far to refuse for sure, but I also think Chien is not a guy for counter offers, even thought he will probably return the favor after the war.

  • [Accept the offer]

    Than Than sat at his throne, the Throne of the Tiger it was called. The young prince tried to keep a calm and strong face as the rebel pr

  • [Accept the offer]

    Than is definitely not in a position to outright refuse the offer. While a counteroffer could work, it could also anger Chien, which is certainly unwise.

    Than Than sat at his throne, the Throne of the Tiger it was called. The young prince tried to keep a calm and strong face as the rebel pr

  • [Accept the offer]

    Than Than sat at his throne, the Throne of the Tiger it was called. The young prince tried to keep a calm and strong face as the rebel pr

  • [Make a counteroffer]

  • [Accept the offer]

    Than Than sat at his throne, the Throne of the Tiger it was called. The young prince tried to keep a calm and strong face as the rebel pr

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