"Escape Plan Bravo" - your choices

Post your choices of the penultimate episode here!

(penultimate means second to last)

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    I just want to point out that I didn't knock Yvette out, freakin' Jack did! I tried to talk her down but it didn't go so well and Jack took over.

    I knew I should have used Dumpy... At least I knew he was non-lethal!

    I claim full responsibility for the tour group, though. MY JACK HISTORY WAS PERFECT AND THEY STILL COMPLAINED!

  • I tried to talk her down but it didn't go so well and Jack took over.

    Well, looks like I'm a smooth-talker. B-)

    I just want to point out that I didn't knock Yvette out, freakin' Jack did! I tried to talk her down but it didn't go so well and Jack took

  • "Rule hyperion"

    High five

    I just want to point out that I didn't knock Yvette out, freakin' Jack did! I tried to talk her down but it didn't go so well and Jack took

  • I farewell'd the space cowboy, defaced a painting, managed to talk Yvette down, and told my Rhys to make an atrocious life-choice. (On the bright side, he's now besties with a sentient space station, so he's got that going for him. ...until he is inevitably betrayed horribly.)

    (I ruined the aesthetic of the thread with my lazy Playstation ways, I'm so sorry.)

  • Fiona: I didn't honor Scooter, I thought it was too risky

    I made the entire tour group die, they pushed me over the edge

    I shot Butt Stallion

    Rhys: Told Fiona and Sasha that I was searching my database

    I stunned Yvette with the baton (couldn't resist the temptation, and also the "I am Rhys" line and her reaction to it is too great to skip)

    I rejected Hyperion, i had a very hard time with this one, at first I told Jack that I was in, and then at the last second I withdrew. Doing my second playthrough i saw that if you accept things go more smoothly than I thought, so I really don't know if refusing was the right choice.

    P.S. Can any of you tell me what happens if Rhys talks Yvette down? I can't resist the impulse of stunning her, not even to find that out

  • Fi:

    I honored Scooter with the "Catch-A-Ride!"

    I tried to stop the tour group.

    I... I made Butt Stallion to... to bleed :(


    I told the girls about HJ

    I talked Yvette down (altough I reloaded, because I tried to tell her the truth first, but that didn't end well)

    And I rejected Hyperion.

    Have to go back with another save file and make a difference.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My Choices

    enter image description here

  • Hey what happens when you tell yevet your ryse?

  • edited August 2015

    She gets all scared and either tries to knock you out if you have the stun baton or tries to run away if you use Dumpy. You should really see by yourself, it gets much anger off the system.

    E-knight posted: »

    Hey what happens when you tell yevet your ryse?

  • She just gets surprised and then angry and shit and starts walking towards you

    E-knight posted: »

    Hey what happens when you tell yevet your ryse?

  • edited August 2015


    Honored Scooter with his catchphrase.

    Let the tour group get vaporized.

    Defaced a priceless painting.


    Claimed to search your database.

    Knocked Yvette out.

    Chose to rule Hyperion

    Normally I oppose Jack, except when talking with him on the caravan in episode 3. But since he takes over Hyperion anyway...well if I'm going down I'm going down with a bang.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni


    • Honored Scooter as a Space Cowboy (I freaked out when this option came up, probably my favorite little easter egg in the series)

    • Let the tour group get vaporized

    • Defaced a priceless painting


    • Claimed to search your database

    • Brought Dumpy out to dance

    • Rejected Hyperion

  • Apparently I was in a minority for all but one of this episodes.. or two. I was honestly surprised.

  • P.S. Can any of you tell me what happens if Rhys talks Yvette down? I can't resist the impulse of stunning her, not even to find that out

    Well, she leaves you and gives you time to do whatever you've been doing. Cause she's afraid that you'll do the same to her as you did to Henderson.

    Fiona: I didn't honor Scooter, I thought it was too risky I made the entire tour group die, they pushed me over the edge I shot Butt S

  • Lol, that pic. :D If looks could kill.

  • That's pretty cool actually, thank you.

    DeityD posted: »

    P.S. Can any of you tell me what happens if Rhys talks Yvette down? I can't resist the impulse of stunning her, not even to find that out

  • Yeah, I thought so myself - I prefer talking over shooting cause in the end it looks cooler... at least for me.

    That's pretty cool actually, thank you.

  • wow it's so great to see trusting Jack still matters.


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  • I'd normally agree with you, but Yvette really got on my nerves, as much as Felix did back in Ep 1.

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah, I thought so myself - I prefer talking over shooting cause in the end it looks cooler... at least for me.

  • edited August 2015


    1. Honored Scooter (CATCH A RIDE TO HEAVEN!!!!!)(even tho he killed Lucky but still)

    2.Let the group get killed (lmao no regrets)

    3.Shot Butt Stallion (I'M SO SORRY)


    1.Claimed search database

    2.Knocked out Yvette

    3.Chose to run Hyperion (Won't change, nope)

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah well I was paranoid after Vaughn's betrayal and I assumed she also can't be trusted so I was just slightly irritated and disgusted. I don't want her to know that Rhys is alive or compromise the mission in any way so I decided to act more "professional" this time.

    I'd normally agree with you, but Yvette really got on my nerves, as much as Felix did back in Ep 1.

  • Does the same thing happen if you choose to run hyperion?

    Fiona * Honored Scooter (CATCH A RIDE TO HEAVEN!!!!!)(even tho he killed Lucky but still) 2.Let the group get killed (lmao no regre

  • I dunno I didn't chose the reject Hyperion option. All that happens is Jack goes on the intercom and talks about Rhys being Hyperion's new president.

    Does the same thing happen if you choose to run hyperion?

  • enter image description here


  • he takes control of Rhys' body, jacks the machine in his head, and then he says that he is really glad to be out of Rhys' head and that he is now a space station in a menacing tone.

    Does the same thing happen if you choose to run hyperion?

  • Wow we Jack-maniacs really are in the minority...

    enter image description here

  • And the only one's thinking. Once you have control of Hyperion you are holding all the chips. Vallory would be totally screwed over, and handing over Vaughn safely is the only thing that would say her son, and avoid getting a moon shot to the face. Seriously, I don't see any reason not to with what we know at this point.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Wow we Jack-maniacs really are in the minority...

  • Thats the spirit buddy

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Wow we Jack-maniacs really are in the minority...

  • I love your avatar lol

    Dapnee posted: »


  • well, technically Jack's holding all the chips. It might be good, it might be bad, who knows...

    And the only one's thinking. Once you have control of Hyperion you are holding all the chips. Vallory would be totally screwed over, and han

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