Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • She stabbed Vaughn in the kidney on my game :P

    Yet he takes it like a boss!!! XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    what the heck, does Vallory always hurt Sasha in the beggining? That's fucked up, I hate this woman.

  • True... But I just thought about something else as well.

    How does Yvette know Gortys's name? Assuming she was the one calling over Gortys while Fiona was holding the lever, someone had to have told Yvette her name.

    Ugh, I don't know. Probably just a lazy telltale plothole. It seems out of character for Sasha to betray Fiona and Rhys.

    Pipas posted: »

    I don't think she betrayed the group, her cover was probably just blown. But eh, who knows?

  • Nope

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Can I get a hint? ;3

  • Can I get a lil hint? a liiiiiiiil hint?

    Leluch123 posted: »


  • ,,CC" that all you get

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Can I get a lil hint? a liiiiiiiil hint?

  • I totally flirted with her last episode and it didn't make me do anything this episode. You have the option to apologize to her if Jack made you slap her ass in the last episode, but even then there were no options to flirt with her and she never flirts with you other than the (hilarious) musical intro glance.

    OreoAnarchy posted: »

    Am I the only one who didn't suffer from 'forced Rhysha moments' this episode? Apart from the glance they had in the musical intro and jealous Fiona butting in, everything was platonic.

  • Hmmm, well after things got heated last night I went and played the episode and I think the amount of Rhysha in it was vastly oversold by the first people to see it. Maybe it's different if you give her the flower, but honestly what little time Sasha spent with Rhys was just her (and FIona) pissed because I told them about Jack. The only genuine shipping moment is the glance in the OP which is played for comedy and also part of an unalterable cinematic. After that there was nothing.

    The Fiona/Scooter stuff was a little odd, but totally optional as well. I'm kinda mad I quickly chose the "Catch a Ride" option instead of the Cowboy Bebop reference, though. The conversation timers seemed especially strict in this episode.

    Sadly, no real Rhyiona to speak of either, but at least they got to spend some time together. I'd say chances of us getting a canon Rhyiona option at this point are very, very low. But I guess there's a slight, slight, slight chance. More than likely the options will be to go forward with Rhysha or just ignore romance altogether.

    Still, it was a really solid episode, even if it was a bit short and I'm worried episode 5 won't really have enough time to wrap everything up. I'll be honest, I thought ep 4 would basically be bringing us back to the present. So now that isn't happening, I'm a little weirded out.


    But... Nolan North is his voice :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Except Batman is actually cool. :^)

  • I need a punching bag.... I'll end up breaking my knuckles if I keep punching the metal table at my workplace :P

    LawmanZero posted: »

    But really, I do have an actual punching bag. It's for anger management.

  • When you dont see the Rhyiona

    enter image description here

  • Well, you can apologize to Sasha later.

    Sasha calls Rhys an asshole and says she thought he was her friend, and Fiona looks like she was punched by someone she loved. Needless to s

  • every time I look at it, I have a question: what happened with Fiona's left hand?

    MichaelBP posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    So I just made it through episode, and I really liked it.

    Feeling shitty bc of Scooter. He deserved his kiss on the cheek, so I gave it to him.

    I have 2 saves - one with trusting Fiona and being pretty good boy searching for BIG AND BRAVE Fiona to help and the other one with trusting Jack and being badass. Played them both with different choices. And I liked the ending where you choose to rule Hyperion. I freaking love Jack (played all BL and knew he was a jerk) inspite of him being pscyho. The idea of making some things in this corporation or on Pandora better makes me a little more happier.

    This moment when Gortys hugs Fiona and says "He said hold tight" IS THE CUTEST MOMENT I'VE EVER SEEN.

    Foock Rhysha moments, it only depends on how you interpret them. Rhyiona is my only true love.

    The "Jack Hole" moment was funny. Good for lewd rhack guys.

    So, yeah, I love this episode. And Rhyiona confirmed for me for-freaking-ever.

    enter image description here

    Author's tumblr

  • edited August 2015

    I think its still there but in a position we can't see it

    Houpps posted: »

    every time I look at it, I have a question: what happened with Fiona's left hand?

  • Yoooo...

    I found audio of Felix for ep 4, like he came along, anyone who didnt kill him confirm?

  • In my playthrough, past Fiona is really indifferent to Rhys now...

    But present Fiona seems ok with him :)

    Clumsy-Croc posted: »

    That depends on how you view their interactions. I was happy with them.

  • Sasha.... >:)

    i just realized... remember when fiona was talking to stranger about scooter's death? she said:"he was our first fatality during the heist." or something similar. what does that mean? who else is gonna bite the dust?

  • THE diamond pony. Show some respect.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    but...a diamond pony :P

  • nooo

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yoooo... I found audio of Felix for ep 4, like he came along, anyone who didnt kill him confirm?

  • Nah, I didn't kill him and there was no Felix in my walkthrough.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yoooo... I found audio of Felix for ep 4, like he came along, anyone who didnt kill him confirm?

  • He survives, and you can have him run away from Finch and Kroger... But then you lose contact with him.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    whaaaat, I didn't even know that could happen. ;__; what happens to him later?

  • I said it as well cuz I was expecting Jack to stop Rhys like he did with Athena... But nope!

    Sasha calls Rhys an asshole and says she thought he was her friend, and Fiona looks like she was punched by someone she loved. Needless to s

  • Can you give us a link with this audio?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yoooo... I found audio of Felix for ep 4, like he came along, anyone who didnt kill him confirm?

  • soo.. did anybody else laughed at the 'tassiters beard smells like fish' thingy?

  • I chose Butt Stallion!

    But why the fuck was it bleeding? The guard was really nervous and SCREAMING at Fiona to not look at it or ask questions... Any Borderlands experts gonna explain?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Is that what happens if you go for Butt Stallion instead of the painting?! LMAO GORTYS

  • Can you give us a link with this audio?

  • Those credits as well.... Handsome Jack laugh :/

    buntingsir posted: »

    I was laughing the whole episode and then this happens and I'm just sitting here with my jaw dropped to the ground... like What wut no why w

  • Tbh, Fiona can say to him "I wish we had more time together"

    ... WTF IS THAT ABOUT?! >:(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What happens if you kiss him? I just gave him a hug.

  • I have no idea how we're going to get out of this one, but somehow we manage (considering they're both alive in the present), but it doesn't make the situation any less nerve racking and terrifying, especially with Jack in control of the entire fucking station, but hey, at least he isn't inside of Rhys anymore.

    OreoAnarchy posted: »

    HOLY SHIT, I KNOW RIGHT?! I felt so helpless during that scene. It was horrible. I was terrified. When you try to warn Fiona, and then you

  • Doesn't have to be to include something as minor as this lmao

    TheQuebecer posted: »

    Ohhh that yeah, but it only kind of gets pinged twice? And its not like (at least anymore) anyone really expects choice from Tell Tale, this isn't Dragon Age right?

  • It looks like she's clutching her stomach, to me.

    Houpps posted: »

    every time I look at it, I have a question: what happened with Fiona's left hand?

  • I don't think he shows up anyway, but maybe if you choose to blame Felix in everything in ep3 Vallory will bring him?

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • No idea but it should be something big...

    Kruzii posted: »

    hmm, I just wonder what happened if she doesn't die and doesn't betray them, what else could be possible happen?

  • Aww, why did they take him out of the episode? >:(

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Did you stun the bitch? >:D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I was extremely disappointed in Yvette.

  • I took the Fiona/Scooter thing as him having a slight crush and the hug/kiss on the cheek just to give him something to make him happy before he died, to be honest.

    udc24 posted: »

    Hmmm, well after things got heated last night I went and played the episode and I think the amount of Rhysha in it was vastly oversold by th

  • edited August 2015

    "No wonder you're single."

    Well, you could


    Change that. ;)

  • Yeah she could, by allowing Rhys to date her sister and not look at him all funny.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "No wonder you're single." Well, you could idk Change that.

  • better than a cousin


    DeityD posted: »

    Well ya know, it's better than nothing. And uh... better than a cousin.

  • Trying to make him feel better? He's about to die, man, I'd say the same.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Tbh, Fiona can say to him "I wish we had more time together" ... WTF IS THAT ABOUT?! >:(

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