Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • F£ck Wall Street, I mean Fu¢ktales

    Eryka posted: »

    There is also B!tchTale

  • yes! all of their interactions made my heart beat faster... <3 (i should probably go see a doctor)

    Yay. Green is back. Rhyiona is confirmed (even in title of the thread). Ya know, maybe it's just my rhyiona-addicted imagination, b

  • I know :) got some comics here! :D and I think its totally cool! They COULDN'T make anything else happen. because in the future they have kids n stuff. but in this case they have the freedome to change it like they want but decide against it. despite the fact that more people support this ship

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Bigby x Snow is different... the ship is literally canon so putting something else would break canon. These are all original characters in a choice based game so yeah. ;P

  • I forget about SμckTale

    F£ck Wall Street, I mean Fu¢ktales

  • D!cktale...

    Eryka posted: »

    I forget about SμckTale

  • Yeah, it's not much work at all. Few dialogue chance and boom, done. :P

    Kruzii posted: »

    I know got some comics here! and I think its totally cool! They COULDN'T make anything else happen. because in the future they have kids n

  • Also, to shed some light on why I'm still angry, and not really forgiving of anything Telltale did with Rhyiona this episode. The reason I'm pissed is because the only option was Rhysha or nothing. Why can't it be Rhysha, Rhyiona, or nothing. Why does our only choice for romance have to be with Sasha? This is what infuriates me, like at least give us a little something Telltale, it doesn't have to be a kiss, or for them to have sex in front of everyone. Just give us SOMETHING, like FFS you gave Fiona the option to kiss Scooter, give us the ability to at least have a small romantic something something between Rhys and Fiona that is all I ask for. You did it for Rhys and Sasha, why can't you do it for the other?

  • ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We were legit upset, it sounded like they made out and there was no way to stop it or something. Then I saw the episode and went

  • got the feeling they writing their stuff in the lunch break

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, it's not much work at all. Few dialogue chance and boom, done. :P

  • I'm gonna be honest here, the option to kiss Scooter felt like it was there just to spite. 'Cause you know... Fiona was going to be able to kiss Rhys back in episode 3, before they removed it, and they must've seen how salty we were about that.

    Green613 posted: »

    Also, to shed some light on why I'm still angry, and not really forgiving of anything Telltale did with Rhyiona this episode. The reason I'm

  • edited August 2015

    Yeahhhhhhh it's literally one tiny dialogue option. Won't take a bite outta ya, telltale. And you'd make a ton of people happy.

    Green613 posted: »

    Also, to shed some light on why I'm still angry, and not really forgiving of anything Telltale did with Rhyiona this episode. The reason I'm

  • edited August 2015


    "So how should Rhys gets to Helios?"

    " munch munch RHYSQUEZ!"

    "You motherfucking genius. Pass me the salt."

    Kruzii posted: »

    got the feeling they writing their stuff in the lunch break

  • CokeTale (or if you prefer Co€kTale)



    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm gonna be honest here, the option to kiss Scooter felt like it was there just to spite. 'Cause you know... Fiona was going to be able to kiss Rhys back in episode 3, before they removed it, and they must've seen how salty we were about that.

  • edited August 2015

    Maybe not :)

    @ABigBadWolf secretly works for Scrub-tales. DUN DUN DUN.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe not.

  • Hey,I saw people shooting PMs around that contain certain...content.Are those people still doing that?

  • i was happy with the episode, but i still feel like they see rhyiona as the plague or something and they don't want to touch it, i don't understand why. they're like "but rhyiona would be awkward because it's like romancing yourself!!!" (like the flower scene wasn't awkward at all?). a little optional scene could mean the world to us, but i guess it seems that's too much to ask... :(

    Green613 posted: »

    Also, to shed some light on why I'm still angry, and not really forgiving of anything Telltale did with Rhyiona this episode. The reason I'm

  • Who knows. ;)

    Maybe not @ABigBadWolf secretly works for Scrub-tales. DUN DUN DUN.

  • edited August 2015

    Sup. I exist.

    Edit: I think he lived.


  • edited August 2015

    I'll never forget or forgive for removing the kiss. >:(

    HazzatheMan posted: »


  • NOT everyone /:(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeahhhhhhh it's literally one tiny dialogue option. Won't take a bite outta ya, telltale. And you'd make a ton of people happy.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'll never forget or forgive for removing the kiss. >:(

  • I was really pissed of 'cause despite I was ignoring sasha in the game as much as possible I got the Jack dialoge with 'taking selfies with sasha' and stuff. I got the feeling that even if I set her on fire they would be still kinda forcing this two together

    rhonu posted: »

    i was happy with the episode, but i still feel like they see rhyiona as the plague or something and they don't want to touch it, i don't und

  • You know it, but it seems like **** and ***** are already at the new ***** and ***** is doing *** own thing, but come on telltale, you could be missing out on something great, but of course, it seems like its too major for bl3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Or maybe we could just tell ******* that we don't want ******* but we really want ******* You know what I mean, bruv?

  • That's why there'd be a choice. :P

    NOT everyone /:(

  • There's one for the songs...

    Here's another,


    Eryka posted: »

    CokeTale (or if you prefer Co€kTale)

  • Cocktail

    Clever /:)

    Eryka posted: »

    CokeTale (or if you prefer Co€kTale)

  • I better write down though, just in case old me forgets about it.


  • Did you give her the flower? I never got that dialogue from him.

    Kruzii posted: »

    I was really pissed of 'cause despite I was ignoring sasha in the game as much as possible I got the Jack dialoge with 'taking selfies with

  • even if I set her on fire

    I'm sorry but this was too funny.

    Kruzii posted: »

    I was really pissed of 'cause despite I was ignoring sasha in the game as much as possible I got the Jack dialoge with 'taking selfies with

  • Your's is harder for me to interpret :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You know it, but it seems like **** and ***** are already at the new ***** and ***** is doing *** own thing, but come on telltale, you could be missing out on something great, but of course, it seems like its too major for bl3

  • nope, was the biggest asshole to her

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Did you give her the flower? I never got that dialogue from him.

  • Ill just pm ;3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Your's is harder for me to interpret :P

  • I swear, I didn't give it to her and I NEVER GOT THE DIALOGUE.

    Kruzii posted: »

    nope, was the biggest asshole to her

  • edited August 2015

    God, just thinking about this makes me mad! Seriously... >:(

    Kruzii posted: »

    I was really pissed of 'cause despite I was ignoring sasha in the game as much as possible I got the Jack dialoge with 'taking selfies with

  • I just love exaggerations<3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    even if I set her on fire I'm sorry but this was too funny.

  • It's weird how I never got the dialogue from Jack about taking pictures with Sasha. I'M THE 1%!

    Seriously though, not once did Sasha's name pop up from Jack...weird. I'm assuming this is from not giving her the flower and trusting Fiona at the end, which in turn made sure Jack didn't smack any ass that day.

  • edited August 2015


    MichaelBP posted: »

    I better write down though, just in case old me forgets about it.

  • You can ask @ABigBadWolf about it.

    Hey,I saw people shooting PMs around that contain certain...content.Are those people still doing that?

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