Episode 4 "Escape Plan Bravo" Discussion Thread



  • Definitely not betrayal, i mean sure she was very happy with the view of pandora from that tour lady, but that lady could have easily asked her with who she was talking. I bet she noticed that and she captured her and probably took her to Yvette. Sasha simply going around and betraying her sister and a potential love interest out of freaking nowhere just because she loved the view is pretty much out of character for an anti-hyperion pandoran girl.

    That and she is ashamed when Fiona looks at her; of course. A con artist that let a con go wrong? I'd be very ashamed of myself. Specially since she probably got tortured/threatened for information.

    My bets on captured, there's no way Sasha would betray her own sister to the company she loathes unless she's pulling a very elaborate con, so it's either that or she was captured.

  • Well, he did feed people to the Grinder in Overlook if they uttered a curse word.

    Well, you know...hypocrite. But executes for swearing? Where?

  • Well, in all fairness being cursed by someone with the skull shivers is extra annoying.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, he did feed people to the Grinder in Overlook if they uttered a curse word.

  • It's definitely my favourite line, the delivery was perfection, and the way Jack looks at you when he says "you're sick" is hilarious.

    Rock114 posted: »

    That might have been the funniest moment in the Episode for me. Dark, but I couldn't stop laughing. Jack even knows how to make face peeling hilarious.

  • That is incredibly offensive to Archer - this guy has none of Archer's brooding dark looks and sartorial panache!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    That guy kinda looks like Sterling Archer.

  • It's also slightly more funny (IMO) because Rhys is doing his crazy zigzag run while The Stranger and Fiona just keep walking and share this kind of exasperated "this guy, amirite?" moment.

    Pipas posted: »

    Soo, anyone knows what happens if you don't try to run at the beginning from the Stranger? Does Fiona still end tied up?

  • Holy fuck man when scooter died I cried like a baby

  • I'm so glad they included the picture (and Nisha's hat)!

    kaza125 posted: »

    Two things! What happens if you reject to rule Hyperion? Also for those who worked with Jack through the whole game (like me) I'm so glad we got to ask about that picture with angel, but he thinks she is still alive @HandsomeJack

  • edited August 2015

    Amazing!!!! i cried, i laughed , good job telltale best episode since TWDG S1

    it was a long episode filled with amazing moments!!!!


  • I definitely noticed, because I selected that option every time.

    I damselled the crap out of my Rhys.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Anybody else think it's funny that there's an option to say "Jack, help!" almost half a dozen times in this episode? I'm like, "Whoa, Rhys, you're being a little neurotically codependent here!"

  • After playing through it myself how the hell did IGN give it a fucking 6?!

    Amazing!!!! i cried, i laughed , good job telltale best episode since TWDG S1 it was a long episode filled with amazing moments!!!! 10\10

  • edited August 2015

    because they're stupid. and because TTG did not give them enough money to get 10\10.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    After playing through it myself how the hell did IGN give it a fucking 6?!

  • I didn't get it at first, but in my second playthough I did. I'm not sure what I had done to get it or not get it.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I saw a screenshot where Jack helps Rhys punch a bandit, but I didn't get that scene. Did anyone else? Or did I get the scene and just have a really terrible memory?

  • Psh why not, we are on Helios. I wouldn't start climbing Mont Everest without a guide. When it comes to total chaos and manipulation, Handsome Jack is your sherpa you want.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Anybody else think it's funny that there's an option to say "Jack, help!" almost half a dozen times in this episode? I'm like, "Whoa, Rhys, you're being a little neurotically codependent here!"

  • Really???? is this true???

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2015

    I don't know, they're actually pretty close to the end of the (past) story from the looks of it. I'm thinking that they never managed to actually get inside the Vault the first time around (if they even reached it at all) and that Gortys ends up disassembled before they do, and they're going to wind up trying again during the present day story

    If that's the case, all they really need to do is explain how they got off Helios and the fate of Vallory and her goons (if they aren't still around in the present)

    eRock92 posted: »

    I LOVED this episode. But, now I'm scared... The season has been so well paced, but we are no where near the present. I feel like we need

  • Was anyone else reminded of that episode of Spaced (British show with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost) where they all get into a finger gun fight?

  • I know that feel bro.

    Someguy12 posted: »

    I really think it'll be Sasha. She's in harm's way now, and has an uncertain fate. I really don't want her to die, damnit. But, saying th

  • Also, further evidence of his hypocrisy:

    He says "that's legitimately creepy" when Vasquez threatens to scalp Rhys and keep his hair as a memento...


    LawmanZero posted: »


  • Ha! The idea of Timothy strolling through Helios while AI!Jack is installed, scaring the crap out of people to get from point A to B as easily as possible. And then giving a big final F--- You! to Jack by taking objects from his trophy wall.

    blue_pen posted: »

    More thoughts after food-break and ruminating - I didn't need to spoiler tag the above post, woops! Thank you so much for an incredible epis

  • What, no love on the idea of Kroger or Finch as the Stranger? They are being suspiciously ignored by the plot I must say...

    blue_pen posted: »

    A floating enormous Jack head with eye-beam moonshots would be insanely disturbing - and therefore I can totally see it happening! August

  • I'd love either Finch or Kroger to be the Stranger! I'm curious to see where Telltale will go with them regardless - I hope they both manage to survive out the finale!

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    What, no love on the idea of Kroger or Finch as the Stranger? They are being suspiciously ignored by the plot I must say...

  • edited August 2015

    So anyone think that one of the Handsome Jack VIP Tour guys that keeps showing up a little suspicious? I mean he even sees the map that was behind Jack's painting if you rip it.

    Or am I just reading too much into a possibly reused character model?

    Link to album (map included for giggles): Dasterdly Chin

  • I took the first chance to kill the group, so it's probably not the same guy, just, as you said, a reused character model :D and I guess that, even if he knows how to read it, he would have to visit pandora, and I'm preeeeetty sure he wouldn't survive this

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    So anyone think that one of the Handsome Jack VIP Tour guys that keeps showing up a little suspicious? I mean he even sees the map that was

  • edited August 2015

    Then Finch, Kroger, August and in the end Vallory.

    Annnnnnd as the new President of Hyperion my first order of business shall be to airlock Yvette!

  • Fuck IGN -____-

    because they're stupid. and because TTG did not give them enough money to get 10\10.

  • Oh, come on. I mean, Jack's really fun in BL2 and TFBL and all, that's why he's such a popular character, but there's no way to justify what he did to Angel. She was trapped in a room for her entire life, alone and pumped full of drugs to produce energy to further Jack's ambitions. Her last words to Jack were to call him an asshole. There's no way for her to live after being cut off from the Eridium supply, and she didn't want to live addicted to it.

    So you do it without even trying to find another way? Because no one ever makes a bad choice when they are desperate?

  • I think he honestly got feelings for Nisha that were more than just about having sex on every surface available, though they did apparently have lots of it. Those feelings just never were a priority for him and i don't think Nisha was much different in that regard.

    Okay, now that I've re-watched it I realise that Jack actually says "was my girlfriend's hat", not "was my girlfriend" and he says "it suite

  • OK, wannabe Archer then.

    That is incredibly offensive to Archer - this guy has none of Archer's brooding dark looks and sartorial panache!

  • Why? Well the fact that it seems to piss some people of that people like him so much is one reason. The cathartic release, the classic appeal of the bad guy who can get away with some of the darkest desires we all have. His fabulously childish sense of humor. His utter delight and joy at being Jack. His confidence is infectious...I could go on
    And for Angel, the vault hunters didn't even try to figure something out, didn't even try to question what they are being told. Angel beings Jacks daughter was a later idea used to connect the two borderlands. It was also designed to make Jack as evil as possible. The writers tried to manipulate the reaction of players and it back fired. Maybe our love of Jack is a response to the attempts to manipulate the players reaction. Maybe Dameon Clarke is just that good at his job. Shugs, don't know.

    Oh, come on. I mean, Jack's really fun in BL2 and TFBL and all, that's why he's such a popular character, but there's no way to justify what

  • edited August 2015

    Right. Because evidently, we had another way. Hey by any chance you've also (maybe) tried to save Scooter? Any luck?

    That's just beyond absurd. It's not some Dishonored or Deus ex.

    So you do it without even trying to find another way? Because no one ever makes a bad choice when they are desperate?


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Fuck IGN -____-

  • I didn't really notice but... I did it every time. xD

    nursethalia posted: »

    Anybody else think it's funny that there's an option to say "Jack, help!" almost half a dozen times in this episode? I'm like, "Whoa, Rhys, you're being a little neurotically codependent here!"

  • Did he really say he'd kill Fiona? In mine, he was just talking about having all the power now on Helios

  • Yuss, one of their best episodes I've ever played. It was really really good, epic music to go with the situation, humor, violence, drams, witty banter, the story and characters progressed. Spot on. Amazing job

  • I dunno, I find his Pandoran twin equally shifty:

    enter image description here

    (so yeah, it's a reused model - like that little Vaughn janitor that's all over Helios)

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    So anyone think that one of the Handsome Jack VIP Tour guys that keeps showing up a little suspicious? I mean he even sees the map that was

  • Definitely agree - it's the same way he 'loved' Angel, he truly believed he loved her but to anyone who isn't a psychopathic megalomaniac it's pretty obvious he didn't - it was the best he could do, though - it was all he was physically capable of.

    I think he honestly got feelings for Nisha that were more than just about having sex on every surface available, though they did apparently

  • I want so bad to just finish work already and go home to play through the episode again, despite my raging hangover.

  • When you play the game of boardrooms you're either Jack or you get jacked.


    stevean2 posted: »

    Obviously a completely relevant post.

  • enter image description here
    Ohh yess....Then the 'management' who wanted his head. Then their families. Their dogs. EVERY TRAITOROUS VERMIN WHO HAS SO MUCH AS LOOKED RHYS THE WRONG WAY WILL SUFFER!

    Seriously, If i was Yvette i would have started running before Jack had finished the announcement. While my Rhys isn't a Jackhole, he has VERY similar views as Handsome Jack when it comes to betrayal.

    Annnnnnd as the new President of Hyperion my first order of business shall be to airlock Yvette!

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