
I couldn't be the only one who teared up at his death, right? Even though I ship Rhyiona I kissed Scooter or 'Step 3'. I can't believe Telltale killed off someone from the main games. I mean there was Shade but he was Determinant and a DLC character, not someone the prestige of Scooter.

R.I.P Scooter-'Hero, friend, hero'



  • edited August 2015

    i actually had to pause. i cried for 10 minutes and was in a state of NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE..... then, i honored him. like the great/kind guy he was to me.

    enter image description here

    after his death, i said that you'll always have a friend in me, scooter. i'll miss you.

  • That was so unexpected. I figured August or one of the other guys would have died if anyone but Scooter?? That was a serious blow to the gut, and a very unexpected blow too. I'm glad we were able to kiss him at the least for his sacrifice, poor guy :(

  • Same :/ Never thought they would kill a BL1 character in a spin off game.

    His death was awesome and super fitting tho.

  • good nite sweet prins.

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    He hoped he slipped out of there when the rocket went full force down to Pandora. Oh wait nvm he would've taken fall damage hence being from the original Borderlands. At least he would see his old pal T.K again ;-;.

  • Not to mention reentering Pandora's atmosphere would kill him anyway, if he didn't burn up he'd surely die from the sheer velocity. I made myself feel bad again...

  • edited August 2015

    Then won't Moxxi or Ellie won't be able to at least collect his Ashes there won't be anything left ;-;. To admit it would've been hilarious if the rocket hit Sanctuary. Even though that didn't happen.

    Not to mention reentering Pandora's atmosphere would kill him anyway, if he didn't burn up he'd surely die from the sheer velocity. I made myself feel bad again...

  • Doubt it, speaking from a scientific perspective here, he was already dying from the heat of reentering the atmosphere so pieces of him were flying off already and even if there was anything left by the time the rocket hit Pandora, the explosion would make it impossible to find anything left of him as any ashes would be scattered anywhere due to the explosion. Not a happy thought I know but that's the truth of the matter.

    Then won't Moxxi or Ellie won't be able to at least collect his Ashes there won't be anything left ;-;. To admit it would've been hilarious if the rocket hit Sanctuary. Even though that didn't happen.

  • I think that it doesn't matter if you ship fiona with someone else, considering he's there because of you... even pretending for his last moments was probably a good choice. For him, you know.

    geez, I feel so bad...

  • Scooter is like literally the only person that made me cry and laugh at the same time.

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    good nite sweet prins.

  • I kissed him too. That guy fuckin deserved it.

  • Kissed him. He deserved that much. See you later, Space Cowboy...

  • The first time I played through this scene, I was really in denial. I was like "Whaaat. No way. They wouldn't kill off Scooter. I bet he ends up surviving somehow!"

    It didn't really hit me until my second playthrough that he truly did die, and that's when I started to get emotional over it.

    Rip. Scooter. You died a hero and got to catch one last ride in space. We'll never forget you. ;_;

  • no no no no no no! he's not dead...NO!

  • Farewell you crazy sunofabitch, hats off

    enter image description here

  • When given the chance to honour him "Catch-a-ride!" is the only correct choice.

  • Step Three all the way.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Kissed him. He deserved that much. See you later, Space Cowboy...

  • So will Springs take his place?

  • enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Farewell you crazy sunofabitch, hats off

  • Maybe, or maybe his sister Ellie.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    So will Springs take his place?

  • my Fiona loved him so much :(

  • I was actually shocked they did that, I didn't want him to die. I kissed him, he deserved someone to love him.

  • Not gonna lie, when I chose to hug him, I came close to letting a tear loose. Even though seeing him die was sad, what I thought that would give it a more emotional effect is if a tear had started streaming down Fiona's cheek while on the ship and also during the present. But, what's done is done.

    Catch a ride, Scooter... enter image description here

  • Oh my God, just when it was starting to hurt a little less you have to show Moxxi and Ellie. :'(

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Farewell you crazy sunofabitch, hats off

  • I have him a hug because I didn't realize step 3 was a kissing option. I thought it was just unlatch the rocket.


    This is beautiful, by the way.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Farewell you crazy sunofabitch, hats off

  • enter image description here

    Oh my God, just when it was starting to hurt a little less you have to show Moxxi and Ellie.

  • I didn't kiss him only because i forgot what step 3 was, so i hugged him.
    I can't believe they killed him off ;_;

  • Why would you do this to me?

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    There is actually no way he won't be in the snext borderlands games. I mean, Handsome Jack said it himself, heroes don't die.

  • AI Scooter possessing all the Catch-a-Rides.


    MrNoodles posted: »

    There is actually no way he won't be in the snext borderlands games. I mean, Handsome Jack said it himself, heroes don't die.

  • Oh that's really awesome! :D

    Leluch, did you make this?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Farewell you crazy sunofabitch, hats off

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    Here's a full soundtrack of that scene...last 15 sec are the best T_T

    enter link description here

    Why would you do this to me?

  • Well, Handsome Jack was right, but not in the way he meant it. He thinks being a hero means being immortal in the literal way.

    True heroes do die, but they live on through the memories and love they left behind.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    There is actually no way he won't be in the snext borderlands games. I mean, Handsome Jack said it himself, heroes don't die.

  • I wish I knew how! I found it on Tumblr....

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Oh that's really awesome! Leluch, did you make this?

  • Could ya link the sauce? :p

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I wish I knew how! I found it on Tumblr....

  • source here ya go!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Could ya link the sauce?

  • The most tragic part about his death is that despite his good intentions, it was in service of some really ignoble ends.

    At best, he's aiding a criminal organization get a Vault

    At worst, he's helping a digital clone of the worst boyfriend his mother ever had take over an enormous space station.

    Either way, there were probably better ends to die for.

  • You know what’s the worst thing is?Playing BL2 after this,just hearing his voice after catching a ride breaks your heart.

  • Thanks :D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    source here ya go!

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