Frank will probably end up being jealous with me, considering that I was also dating Rachel at the time.
...I can't believe I just typed and posted this.
I think MAx also hates me because I broke Chloe's heart. Though we both got Frank as the lover... uh...
(Hey it's alright, this is all just in good fun)
At least those results are more varried than mine. Chloe is my best friend, has a crush on me, was my first kiss and my first time, but my lover is Frank and Max is my enemy.
It doesn't matter. Chloe was never destined to die. She is just stupid. If we save her without using our rewind then that should stop the tornado (assuming it is because we mess with time.)
She WAS destined to die, though. In the very first timeline, in the bathroom, she died, which led to Max finding out about her powers. No matter what, if you save her, it wouldn't be the same as the original timeline, since she died the first time around. As much as I want Chloe to survive, if saving her did cause the tornado, then all we can do, as far as I can tell, is let the original timeline play out.
It doesn't matter. Chloe was never destined to die. She is just stupid. If we save her without using our rewind then that should stop the tornado (assuming it is because we mess with time.)
Bestfriend: Chloe Price
Crush On You: Principal Wells (wtf)
"First" Time: Rachel Amber
First Kiss: Max Caulfield
Lover: Mr. Jefferson
Enemy: Max Caulfield
So somebody on Tumblr decided to make a click and drag game with the chracters from LiS:
This can lead to some pretty screwy results.
Victoria is a big fat tsundere. No idea why Kate also hates you.
Consider yourself lucky Tobi, at least you don't have a yandere Max plotting to kill youbecause you got Chloe the first 4 times and then ditched her for Frank.
Best Friend: Kate Marsh (yay!)
Crush on me: Victoria Chase (huh)
'First Time': Warren Graham (wait, what?!)
First Kiss: Rachel Ambe… morer (well ain't I the lucky one in Blackwell?)
Lover: Brooke Scott (Could be fun)
Enemy: Kate Marsh (Uhhhhh......)
Victoria is a big fat tsundere. No idea why Kate also hates you.
Consider yourself lucky Tobi, at least you don't have a yandere Max plotting to kill youbecause you got Chloe the first 4 times and then ditched her for Frank.
I'm surrounded by tsunderes! (Who are both cute though)
Consider yourself lucky Tobi
I don't consider myself lucky since my '… morefirst time' was apparently with Warren.... ._______________________________________________________.
OH GOD! WHY?!!!!
Hey, bein surrounded tsunderes is much better than having 1 yandere after you.
Bet ya wish you had the ability to rewind time so your 'first time' would be with someone other than Warren. I'm sorry that happened to you, man.
That's true. Good luck on escaping Mad Max!
Oh definitely! I don't like things going up my bum. .-. Warren, I'm never going to look at you the same anymore. ;-;
Dude, Warren is mad at you because your "first time" was with Kate, and not with him.
W-Well he creeped me out with his "science" !! so I went for Kate...
They were probably the Jack-apedia entries again.
Frank will probably end up being jealous with me, considering that I was also dating Rachel at the time.
...I can't believe I just typed and posted this.
You should be careful around him, he might try to do something... for science...
Max and Chloe stole the $$$ Episode 3 which was for handicapped people. Chloe becomes handicapped in the alternate reality.
I think MAx also hates me because I broke Chloe's heart. Though we both got Frank as the lover... uh...
(Hey it's alright, this is all just in good fun)
Just imagine if we played Life as Strange with Frank as our deuteragonist instead of Chloe.
Hey, meaybe it could work in a Rachel DLC or something.
enter link description here
Post your best Life Is Strange screens down ----V
Apologies if this is already in the earlier posts, but I found the abridged series of Life is Strange.
It's not for everyone, but it makes for a good laugh. And of course, MAJOR SPOILERS ahead.
enter title description here
enter title description here
enter title description here
Poor Warren.
@Karnedg2013 this is my best screenshot from LiS:
Okay, joking aside, these are some of the screens of my screenshots of LiS that I like best.
And also that -
I got my eyes on you madafaka Lol
Best Friend: Chloe Price
Crush On You: Kate Marsh
"First Time": Nathan Prescott
"First Kiss":Warren Graham
Lover: Max Caufield
Enemy: Mark Jefferson
Is it bad im pretty happy with the results?
Did he say he wrote that, any sort of confirmation? I mean, it does sound like something he would write, but I just want to be sure.
It doesn't matter. Chloe was never destined to die. She is just stupid. If we save her without using our rewind then that should stop the tornado (assuming it is because we mess with time.)
She WAS destined to die, though. In the very first timeline, in the bathroom, she died, which led to Max finding out about her powers. No matter what, if you save her, it wouldn't be the same as the original timeline, since she died the first time around. As much as I want Chloe to survive, if saving her did cause the tornado, then all we can do, as far as I can tell, is let the original timeline play out.
Best Friend - Nathan Prescott
Crush on Me - Victoria Chase
First time - Rachel Amber
First Kiss- Max Caulfield
Lover - Chloe Price
Enemy - Brooke
Oh don't worry that's just Hot Dog Man looking down on Maxy
Dat chin....
Super Mega Ultra Man Power reached here
Best Friend: Kate Marsh (yay!)
Crush on me: Victoria Chase (huh)
'First Time': Warren Graham (wait, what?!)
First Kiss: Rachel Amber (well ain't I the lucky one in Blackwell?)
Lover: Brooke Scott (Could be fun)
Enemy: Kate Marsh (Uhhhhh......)
lol Almost reminds me of this guy.
Victoria is a big fat tsundere. No idea why Kate also hates you.
Consider yourself lucky Tobi, at least you don't have a yandere Max plotting to kill youbecause you got Chloe the first 4 times and then ditched her for Frank.
I'm surrounded by tsunderes!
(Who are both cute though)
I don't consider myself lucky since my 'first time' was apparently with Warren.... ._______________________________________________________.
OH GOD! WHY?!!!!
Hey, bein surrounded tsunderes is much better than having 1 yandere after you.
Bet ya wish you had the ability to rewind time so your 'first time' would be with someone other than Warren. I'm sorry that happened to you, man.
That's true.
Good luck on escaping Mad Max!
Oh definitely! I don't like things going up my bum. .-. Warren, I'm never going to look at you the same anymore. ;-;
Thanks, hopefully Frank and Pompidou can protect me from Mad Max (how the fuck did I end up in a relationship with him, I don't swing that way).
Warren should be ashamed of himself. >:(
Wait a second...I know that guy from somewhere...
Chloe truly is Hot Dog Man, or I guess I should say, Hot Dog Woman.
Thats Chin Crimson from Timmy Turner - Fairly Odd Parents.
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