Some very interesting unused Stranger lines

So, I've been going through alot of the audio in episode 2, and I happened to stumble upon this little segment. Just a heads up, although its "unused" it might happen in episode 3 or later, so listen at your own risk, although there isnt anything I would classify as a "spoiler."

More spoiler lines of the stranger:



  • Thank you!

    That was interesting about why Fiona thought he was wearing the mask...

  • The stranger takes the mask off and he's that dude from Space Balls XD I'm calling it right now.

  • My bets is on Vaughn who is under the mask. Again, notice how Rhys has a different robotic arm during them telling their sides of the story and the masked "bandit" / "Bounty Hunter" is slightly hunched forward. Like Vaughn.

  • Ooh, I like Fiona's reasoning - really wish that could have been kept in-game - it shows how wily she is.

    Also, it makes me wonder why Fiona is so determined to figure out who it is, while Rhys doesn't seem to care at all - maybe because he knows who's under there...?

    Oh, God, I think I'm back on the Vaughn train...

  • He's a bit taller than Vaughn though isn't he? If the Stranger is somebody Rhys and Fiona know I think we haven't met him in the story yet.

    Ooh, I like Fiona's reasoning - really wish that could have been kept in-game - it shows how wily she is. Also, it makes me wonder why Fi

  • edited May 2015

    This is really cool and it's made me wonder why does he need both Rhys and Fiona?

  • Well, the Gortys needs them for some reason. Like how it would shock others? If the Stranger is after Gortys, then he probably needs them for it.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    This is really cool and it's made me wonder why does he need both Rhys and Fiona?

  • High heels my friend..high heels. ;]

    But seriously how cool would it be if it was Vaughn? Very cool.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    He's a bit taller than Vaughn though isn't he? If the Stranger is somebody Rhys and Fiona know I think we haven't met him in the story yet.

  • How pissed would I be you mean? He whacked Rhys with his gun gave Fiona permission to punch him in the neck the stranger hasn't been very kind to Rhys XD now that I think about it the stranger appears to have some sort of grudge against Rhys or at least doesn't like him.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    High heels my friend..high heels. ;] But seriously how cool would it be if it was Vaughn? Very cool.

  • Yeah, there are a whole bunch of cut lines featuring her selling bogus merchandise on the black market and a whole bunch of absurd tall tales/lies.

    Ooh, I like Fiona's reasoning - really wish that could have been kept in-game - it shows how wily she is. Also, it makes me wonder why Fi

  • Well maybe Rhys (we) will do something bad to Vaughn in the future episode? I mean this game is heavily focused on greed and there have already been some events that are making me guest how good their friendship really is. We don't really know their backstory yet. It is also a possibility that Vaughn doesn't like Rhys as much.

    Sure I like them as brobuddies but at the same time I think it would make a good and deep twist to the story if the stranger was Vaughn.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    How pissed would I be you mean? He whacked Rhys with his gun gave Fiona permission to punch him in the neck the stranger hasn't been very ki

  • Also, he wanted to know about the Gortys Project. :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    How pissed would I be you mean? He whacked Rhys with his gun gave Fiona permission to punch him in the neck the stranger hasn't been very ki

  • So according this unused line the timeskip between the present and the story telling might be 1 year?

  • Yes, I heard that one. Just one thing, though. That audio is pretty definite, so you might want to put it under a spoiler tag? I'm not really sure, but I was talking about it earlier and I did. It doesn't really matter that much, though.

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    So according this unused line the timeskip between the present and the story telling might be 1 year?

  • edited May 2015

    But why would The Stranger want to hear the story of Fiona and Rhys so bad then if he is Vaughn? Because If the Stranger is Vaughn he would have known everything Fiona and Rhys told him because he was there (till ep 2 atleast)

  • edited May 2015

    My thoughts exactly. There's still so many reasons why I don't think the Vaughn theory works. Vaughn already knows what happened, the Stranger is more monotone and subdued than Vaughn, and bigger than him too, and he threatens Rhys almost constantly which seems unlike Vaughn even if he's holding a grudge. Also his concept art seemed like it was someone we haven't met yet.

    The only way I'd believe it is if Vaughn had amnesia or was brainwashed or something to change his mannerisms and not recognise Rhys and Fiona.

    Nolonius posted: »

    But why would The Stranger want to hear the story of Fiona and Rhys so bad then if he is Vaughn? Because If the Stranger is Vaughn he would have known everything Fiona and Rhys told him because he was there (till ep 2 atleast)

  • I'm open for the stranger to be anyone, I get the feeling TellTale hasn't even decided 100% on who it's going to be. Hell depending on your choices it might change.

  • The Amnesia Idea could be possible in a dangerous world like Pandora but i still do not think Vaughn is the Stranger because like you said it does not fit him

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    My thoughts exactly. There's still so many reasons why I don't think the Vaughn theory works. Vaughn already knows what happened, the Strang

  • Im telling you that its the skag we hit with the car in the beginning.

    Puts on foil hat. CIA drags me away

    I'M TELLING YOOOOOOooouuuuuu......

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    My money is on Vaughn as well. We still have a few episodes left for the gang's ties to completely fall apart (as upsetting as that might be).

    Aren't the two pieces of the key to the Gortys Project now genetically linked to Rhys and Fiona? So anyone wanting access to the various bounties of the vaults likely need them both alive.

    The Stranger is likely drilling them for information they might've acquired that would be vital to accessing said vaults.

    I would not be surprised if, by the end of the story, Vaughn is the Big Bad of the game.

  • What if the stranger's determinant? If you're a jerk to Vaughn then it's Vaughn underneath the mask, but if you and Vaughn are tight, then it might be someone else. Maybe it would be someone who actually prefers Fiona over Rhys, like Felix or something?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well maybe Rhys (we) will do something bad to Vaughn in the future episode? I mean this game is heavily focused on greed and there have alre

  • I made a whole thread about that, you're not alone.

    Hey who the hell are you? Men in black suits enter and put a bag over my head IM NOT CRAZYYY!!! LET ME GO!!!

    Im telling you that its the skag we hit with the car in the beginning. Puts on foil hat. CIA drags me away I'M TELLING YOOOOOOooouuuuuu......

  • I actually like this idea a lot! Not sure how likely this theory is but I like it!

    What if the stranger's determinant? If you're a jerk to Vaughn then it's Vaughn underneath the mask, but if you and Vaughn are tight, then i

  • Why would it be Vaughn? He already knows all that happens because he was there with them

    kenjisalk posted: »

    My money is on Vaughn as well. We still have a few episodes left for the gang's ties to completely fall apart (as upsetting as that might be

  • Yeah, I dont see it being Vaughn, Also, considering the early concept art of the stranger, he didnt even wear a mask, so we probably never met him

    Why would it be Vaughn? He already knows all that happens because he was there with them

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I could easily see him plying them for information, and concealing his identity would be important in gaining access to said info. Poogers makes a good point with pointing to concept art for the stranger tipping that, at least early on, it was intended to be someone else. Will be curious to see how things play out in the final act, since it really could be anyone.

    Why would it be Vaughn? He already knows all that happens because he was there with them

  • If he takes that mask of would he die

  • Vaughn theory is BS. It must be Marcus. Stranger and Marcus are fat. At the beginning of every episode he knows details of the story. He has appeared in the first trailer, him, Rhys, Fiona and Jack - that means he is important part of the story, not only a narrator.

    Why would it be Vaughn? He already knows all that happens because he was there with them

  • I think that in a later episode you'll be given the choice between offing Vasquez or August (maybe combined with saving either Vaughn or Sasha) and that the Stranger is the survivor. If it's Vasquez (though why would you spare him) then his abuse of Rhys is fully justify, while August, despite being the antagonist for Fiona and Sasha, hates Hyperion quite a lot and with Rhys being clearly a high ranking Hyperion official at this point, he probably wouldn't oppose all the violence Rhys is being subjected to.

  • Who was Marcus again?

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Vaughn theory is BS. It must be Marcus. Stranger and Marcus are fat. At the beginning of every episode he knows details of the story. He has

  • I still like the theory that it is Timothy from The Pre-Sequel. It would fit with the dialog about him having a recognizable face.

  • tbh I'm thinking it might be someone somehow related to Atlas or the Gortys project considering their mask resembles the gortys core?
    It kind of started as a joke theory but the closest person I can think of as being in the suit is someone finally revived General Pollux. (still mostly a joke theory but I think that would be pretty hilarious.)

  • It would be extremely painful.

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    If he takes that mask of would he die

  • For you

    Piggs posted: »

    It would be extremely painful.

  • I love you guys for that

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    For you

  • edited August 2015

    I might be wrong but the first link lines are used but the second link lines havent been used just yet, right?

  • Well, this thread is kinda old. its pre ep 3

    Tolispro posted: »

    I might be wrong but the first link lines are used but the second link lines havent been used just yet, right?

  • Yeah, I know. I just dont remember hearing the lines from the second link in my playthrough.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, this thread is kinda old. its pre ep 3

  • They were cut from episode 1

    Tolispro posted: »

    Yeah, I know. I just dont remember hearing the lines from the second link in my playthrough.

  • But Vasquez is dead...

    JeRoberts posted: »

    I think that in a later episode you'll be given the choice between offing Vasquez or August (maybe combined with saving either Vaughn or Sas

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