The problem with this game

Overall this game has been okay however it could have been a lot better and mostly I think this comes down to the writers making an error which is often seen in game of thrones fans, they misunderstand what game of thrones is about and why people like it. This criticism isnt limited to this game as the walking dead suffers from it as well and the rest really.

Game of thrones is not "The bad guys always win" its not "Good guys always die" its instead a real portrayal of how a medieval situation would go, how it breaks the norm is that the good guys dont get some huge break or advantage and dont win just because they are good. Both the more moral or evil characters are on an equal footing and as such both have success and failures. All character and storylines should have setbacks but there should be decent reasons for this.

The tv series/book does so well on this as it still manages to show how and why each side gains these advantages, the darker more ruthless characters tend to do better as they are willing to do more than the good characters. However the good characters tend to get more support and respect. Every battle or event has a lot of run up and the outcome gives a rational explanation.

The game doesnt do a very good job as all it really is, is each side gaining a random advantage before losing it just as randomly. Its mainly just the ironrath stuff that this is noticeable the most however at least the stakes are high here, mira and asher feels very restricted with you doing what the game wants you to with no variation and gareds just feels inconsequential. The fact choice plays no part whatsoever makes the whole thing worse in a way as often the weak explanations get even worse.

Episode 1 actually does a decent enough job, The whitehills have a slight edge as they are bolton bannerman, neither side is really "stronger". I dont really mind ramseys plot armour as that would also be true of the lord. Though I will say while ramsey is a sociopathic madman they again seem to just use the character for random violence which doesnt really fit given the scale of the characters. Ethan and Arther are not smallfolk, ramsey still has to answer to his father and him slaughtering them both for really no reason whatsoever seems daft. As such I think the ending of episode 1 is pushing it but still within reason.

Episode 2/3 has rodrik come back as lord ...somehow =; there is no real logic for this and why the enemies would not make sure such a major player was dead. Again though despite this I quite liked this episode, all the advantages felt deserved or well explained.

Episode 4 sees logic take a dive, Eleana and her brother (never seen before) show up to assist and then take over the place. They come in and are gone before the next episode as the writing sees fit. Then they are just allowed to enter the whitehill fortress clearly armed.

Episode 5 sees all the guards removed again for little no reason by ramsey who makes no move against the whitehills for doing just as much. Talia then discovers the traitor by accident and whoever it is makes zero sense based in the rest of the story, despite wanting peace/kill whitehills they release gyff (apparently without any of the guards saying anything) when again the traitor would either allow the trade that would mean peace or kill Gryff. Rodrik then goes to the harbour where the whitehills for some reason have dozens of guards hidden even with the foresters on high alert.

Again another issue I have is choice and how the game feels restrictive.Mira, Gared and Asher feel railroaded into whatever their story is and attempts to deviate lead to weird events (the coalboy survives etc) though they at least feel proactive in what they are doing, everyone at ironrath literally just reacts to whatever happens to show up, no one there ever seems to try and solve anything and it is frustrating to play at times when you can see whats coming.



  • Yeah I know man. I love the books, love the show, but it just doesn't capture the feeling you get when reading/watching them.
    I read the comics of TWD, and the first season of telltales game was on par to the comics.
    I don't think it's the case with GoT sadly.

  • I disagree, It's a great GOT story I love it. Everyone else seemed to love it too until episode 5 which I find a bit odd.

  • Well, i still love all 5 episodes with all my heart!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I disagree, It's a great GOT story I love it. Everyone else seemed to love it too until episode 5 which I find a bit odd.

  • So do I! I was just pointing out that certain people weren't happy with it.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Well, i still love all 5 episodes with all my heart!

  • Not my favorite episode, but that final scene is just so great in every way that it entirely saves the episode.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    So do I! I was just pointing out that certain people weren't happy with it.

  • I loved every episode. Episode 5 is my favorite in the series!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I disagree, It's a great GOT story I love it. Everyone else seemed to love it too until episode 5 which I find a bit odd.

  • that final scene is just so great in every way that it entirely saves the episode.

    Why was it so great for you?

    I mean on its own its a decent enough scene but it really is one of the worst offenders for lack of logic, The traitor tells of the location which they somehow know, gryff and the entire whitehill force somehow hide there, rodrik and the others get ambushed despite apparently being on high alert not having apparently the one exit covered. The final choice has some impact but I couldnt feel mad at gryff or sad for the brother left behind due to how dumb the series of events that led to it was.

    Not my favorite episode, but that final scene is just so great in every way that it entirely saves the episode.

  • I will never understand why people like the 5th episode but w/e.

  • Ugh... the game gets so much hate as it is that I can't stand it anymore!

    The game is great, the story is more interesting than the show and I care more about the Forresters than the Starks, the Lannisters etc. Look, episode 5 was released and you just started saying that this game is fucking weak. Episode 5 only had one problem: The traitor scene. The rest of the episode was perfect.

    That is what I have to say.

    And BTW, GoT became my favorite game of all time when I played the penultimate episode.

  • I know, the moment something isn't perfect, it all sucks. Same thing happened with the show, everyone loved it, then if you asked the same question after season 5, they usually say it all sucks. I never understand that, can't people just accept something even if it made one mistake? It's not a case of, one mistake and we hate you for life, that never makes any sense!!!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh... the game gets so much hate as it is that I can't stand it anymore! The game is great, the story is more interesting than the show

  • Me either. I finished the episode and was mad that it was already over. I was annoyed by how little we learned about the North Grove... the negatives overwhelmingly outweighed the positives.

    I will never understand why people like the 5th episode but w/e.

  • As I understand it, a lot of people just got sick of the violence on the shows, especially rape against women. Sansa's rape might have been the final straw. Oddly, there wasn't nearly quite the outrage when all those horrible things were happening to Theon. Somehow Sansa's rape was worse than Theon's torture/dismemberment was. Weird double standards.

    I know, the moment something isn't perfect, it all sucks. Same thing happened with the show, everyone loved it, then if you asked the same

  • People are rather selective with their standards at times.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    As I understand it, a lot of people just got sick of the violence on the shows, especially rape against women. Sansa's rape might have been

  • Which i'm sorry to say, this might make me sound like a terrible person, and for the record I like woman, but to give up after that scene? I don't get it. They all said that it was shock value and that it came out of nowhere. Really? So they thought Ramsay Snow is just a decent guy who respects and cares for woman and would never dream of raping someone? Right, that and did they magically forget the other time's this has happened? Dany got raped in the FIRST EPISODE with Kahl Dorgo, somehow everyone forgot that? But we just met her, so whatever. What about when Jamie raped Cersei in season 4? Nah, they were both terrible people, let's just forget that part, especially when the fact that it happened on top of her child's corpse. If you can make it through the Red Wedding, you are more or less good, I mean that had several characters we love dying pretty badly, hell a pregnant woman got gut stabbed! That certainly is going to ruin your day, but somehow that is still not enough! I just don't get that, if you gave up when Ned Stark died, or the wedding, I would understand, but this? No, it did traumatize me, but it never made me want to give up, it just ruined my day.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    As I understand it, a lot of people just got sick of the violence on the shows, especially rape against women. Sansa's rape might have been

  • I think one of the reasons why it seems like everyone in Ironrath are seems to be reacting to events around them, it is because they are rather limited and restricted with their options. From episode 1 to episode 4, there is a Whitehill Garrison watching over them and could wipe them all out. Rodrik's job is to endure all of the humiliation and give Asher and Mira the time to help them. With Mira damaging Ludd's mercenary army and Asher bringing a mercenary army.

    When an opportunity appeared with Arthur and the Glenmore soldiers, Rodrik will take the chance to imprison the entire garrison, ensuring that he has an advantage in negotiation and Ironrath being theirs again.

    I know the story has flaws. Every story has flaws, nothing is perfect. Like I am wondering how the hell Ramsay managed to enter Ironrath and make everyone disappear. But then again, he is a walking plot armor who is causing a lot of conflicts and troubles for the good guys. But unless I see flaw in the story that is far too big and problematic, I'd still immensely enjoy Game of Thrones because of the characters, story and good voice acting.

  • This isn't hate, this is Constructive criticism.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh... the game gets so much hate as it is that I can't stand it anymore! The game is great, the story is more interesting than the show

  • Coalboy surviving was the worst thing that happened to this game. No real explanation other than "I know how to handle myself lady Mira" shut up kid.

  • I left that bastard to die and he shows up. God I hate him.

    Coalboy surviving was the worst thing that happened to this game. No real explanation other than "I know how to handle myself lady Mira" shut up kid.

  • Theon was actually tortured in the books and it's part of the character now. However Sansa is in an entirely different place with different goals at this point in the books, there's another character in her place, and it's ridiculous for the show, as it just wants to spare expenses to hire another actress.

    Which i'm sorry to say, this might make me sound like a terrible person, and for the record I like woman, but to give up after that scene?

  • You know I like the game, but you are absolutely, totally right. Even the show has trouble not falling for the trap of pointless deaths or bad things happening because it's HBO and GoT so it needs to be shocking. There is a lot more nuance in the book, and the issue isn't length, especially for a video game. I still contend that choice isn't the issue, it's the irrationality of certain plot elements that makes this game not as good as it could be.

    It is flawed but still a great game though. But yeah, I think you captured the problem with this game very well.

  • You hate him?

    I left that bastard to die and he shows up. God I hate him.

  • no, Sansa completed her story arc in the books and they didn't want to abandon her like Bran. it seemed perfectly reasonable to me for a show with like the largest tv cast in history. there's no pleasing some people

    Theon was actually tortured in the books and it's part of the character now. However Sansa is in an entirely different place with different

  • I'd also like to point out Season 5 had the best scene in the show so far and it doesn't exist in the books whatsoever.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    no, Sansa completed her story arc in the books and they didn't want to abandon her like Bran. it seemed perfectly reasonable to me for a show with like the largest tv cast in history. there's no pleasing some people

  • Not to mention that story made sense for Sansa's character.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    no, Sansa completed her story arc in the books and they didn't want to abandon her like Bran. it seemed perfectly reasonable to me for a show with like the largest tv cast in history. there's no pleasing some people

  • I kind of hate him. Tom has been nothing but helpful to us and in King's Landing that is only suspicious.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You hate him?

  • That doesn't make sense to me. He saves your life and you hate him? I understand not trusting him but hate? That's a bit extreme. The fact is that if it wasn't for Tom, Mira would be dead.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    I kind of hate him. Tom has been nothing but helpful to us and in King's Landing that is only suspicious.

  • One thing I didn't like, was that it took at least four episodes for Mira to actually get interesting.
    I remember seeing the same response from some people on this aswell, saying that Mira was there least favourite up until episode 4.
    It shouldn't take four episodes for a character to be interesting,

  • I liked Mira from the start, and that may be due to gender bias. Gared's story started to drag to me mostly due to lack of progress. He was told in episode one that he needed to find the North Grove. Well, it's been five episode and he's just now headed towards where it may be. I liked being able to kill Britt but there was too much stuff about him why he'd leave the watch and finding Sylvi so that he can try to convince her to help him and all that stuff. His arc is taking too long. That scene where Mira met Cersei for the first time was fantastic. It was like walking on eggshells, trying to figure out what to say so that you don't piss off Cersei and to still keep Margaery's favor.

    kaza125 posted: »

    One thing I didn't like, was that it took at least four episodes for Mira to actually get interesting. I remember seeing the same response

  • The main problem with that game is lazy writting with massive amount of plot holes. It could've been great game with interesting characters and story line but it came out as simply under developed project.

  • A very well thought out response to this argument


  • Yeah Gared story has been a bit poor. It started off when with the Red Wedding, but they just kill off his family, and we don't really care because that is the first time we see them. He is then forced to North Grove, which is just bloody silly

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I liked Mira from the start, and that may be due to gender bias. Gared's story started to drag to me mostly due to lack of progress. He was

  • Ugh... the game gets so much hate as it is that I can't stand it anymore!

    I'm not hating, I'm giving rational reasons as to why people seem to be disliking it, I'm more dissapointed after episode 5, its more that I think it could have been better.

    Also I did say it was more a general criticism of all the games not just this one. The walking dead has this issue as well

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh... the game gets so much hate as it is that I can't stand it anymore! The game is great, the story is more interesting than the show

  • The Walking Dead Season 2 hate I can understand but people seem to be so overzealous with Game of Thrones.

    Ugh... the game gets so much hate as it is that I can't stand it anymore! I'm not hating, I'm giving rational reasons as to why peop

  • I'm not though, I made this one post about the game overall, the game is still good however there is a reason for some criticism. Especially when I try to detail my points, I hardly just blurted out poor writing or it sucks

    Episode 5 deserves the criticism in my opinion, and honestly again it's not just game of thrones

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The Walking Dead Season 2 hate I can understand but people seem to be so overzealous with Game of Thrones.

  • Very very true, if anybody has ever read the books, they quickly realize that the White Walkers don't show up that much. They are rarely ever mentioned, the TV show added a lot of extra scenes with them. The Night's King hasn't even been mentioned in the books, we don't know what happened with Crastor's sons, and obviously, Hardhome was never seen. I consider that a pretty big advantage seeing how they are clearly the endgame.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    I'd also like to point out Season 5 had the best scene in the show so far and it doesn't exist in the books whatsoever.

  • I care about Gared. He's a good, decent, hard-working guy who deserves to get what he was promised. Plus his success could mean survival of house Forrester, so I really do want him to accomplish his goals. Then maybe he could marry Talia. I wondered if Talia giving Gared the necklace was an indication of Talia having deeper feelings for Gared; in addition to a plot device so that he could have a compass to the map. Obviously, since he is a squire from a lowly family he could never marry Talia. But what if he were to be knighted and win some land of his own? Just a thought... Of course, he has to survive first, come back and get that title, and then maybe consider if/who he is going to marry.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Yeah Gared story has been a bit poor. It started off when with the Red Wedding, but they just kill off his family, and we don't really care because that is the first time we see them. He is then forced to North Grove, which is just bloody silly

  • Thanks, bro.

    Clemenem posted: »

    A very well thought out response to this argument

  • I think one of the main problems is the fan base thinking they could write a better story :P

  • Probably could to be honest. I've done some writing myself, and I do find this games writing, compared to the other telltale games to be pretty poor.

    Wigams posted: »

    I think one of the main problems is the fan base thinking they could write a better story :P

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