How did I just realize this?



  • Idk, but my notifications have blown up because of it.

    "Cougha bought a lot guns with that' -August, Escape Plan Bravo Seriously though, wtf happened to this thread.

  • enter image description here

    LawmanZero posted: »

    IT'S TIME.

  • This is genuinely one of the most awful things I've seen on these forums and there have been awful things on these forums.

    The series has like two openly gay couples (Janey/Athena and then the Hyperion Captain's brother) compared to Sasha/August, Rhys/Sasha, Jack/literally everything with a vagina, Zer0/Moxxi, Scooter/Fiona, etc.

    Your intolerance has no place here

    I don't care. I won't act as if I worship the devs now because of this shit. I will give them credit for good story writing and character development, not throwing homosexuals at me left and right.

  • The fact that you replied is a pretty good indicator that you care.

    do it, what makes you stop? what makes you think I care?

  • edited August 2015

    What gay characters are you talking about?

    Nevermind, i see your talking about Athena and her girlfriend. Is there anyone else? No, i dont think August is anything but straight.

  • [removed]

    This is genuinely one of the most awful things I've seen on these forums and there have been awful things on these forums. The series has

  • edited August 2015

    actually no. I just scanned the discussion, saw that one liner, decided to read it and figured throwing out another one liner wouldn't be too much of a pain to dish out.

    Geez, according to your logic, one isn't allowed to even interact with anyone at all if he doesn't give a damn about them. So all I am allowed to do is breathe air as I walk along, ignoring everything? How boring.

    The fact that you replied is a pretty good indicator that you care.

  • pepper.

    your point?


  • old man, please.

    Kiddo, please.

  • Dude, I'm sure you're overanalyzing. August is into guns, Scooter is into cars. So what? :D

  • Must suck to not get what you want. Better get used to it.

    Uh, isn't that the reason why you're here in the first place? Complaining that the devs are 'throwing homosexuals at you'?

    Must suck to not get what you want, right? Better get used to it. :P

  • you are acting as if it would ruin the series to me. I can overlook that bullshit in favor of a good story and characters. Would have just sucked to have a perfectly fine character like August thrown away for no good reason at all. I have some expectations regarding some drama between him and Sasha which is by far more entertaining than some stupid "reveal" of his sexual orientation (which would have shat on his character outright by making everything he had done up until now futile.)

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Must suck to not get what you want. Better get used to it. Uh, isn't that the reason why you're here in the first place? Complaining

  • Scooter is into cars, ladies and his sister.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Dude, I'm sure you're overanalyzing. August is into guns, Scooter is into cars. So what?

  • Yeah right, sorry bad example xD I totally forgot about his sister.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Scooter is into cars, ladies and his sister.

  • I have some expectations regarding some drama between him and Sasha which is by far more entertaining than some stupid "reveal" of his sexual orientation

    I can see what you're trying to say with this, cause if August was gay that would ruin any development in his relationship with Sasha? I believe that's what you're saying, correct me if I'm wrong. I can see your point but your previous statements such as ''irritated by the fact that the devs tossed out homosexuals'' were unnecessary in my opinion, since you didn't make your point and sounded rude/homophobic by making those comments. In my humble opinion, a character doesn't have to be gay for plot purpose. He can be gay for... being gay, he doesn't have to be gay in the game for a reason, since homosexuality is something completely normal and should be treated as such.

    If you really wanted to make your point about Sasha & August, you should have said it at the very beginning. But if you really think that the devs are throwing homosexuals at you, and if you think that's a problem and that ruins a character, then I guess we have totally different opinions on it.

    you are acting as if it would ruin the series to me. I can overlook that bullshit in favor of a good story and characters. Would have just s

  • Not interacting with others and ignoring everything would be best for you (well, mostly everyone else) from what I've seen of your interactions.

    actually no. I just scanned the discussion, saw that one liner, decided to read it and figured throwing out another one liner wouldn't be to

  • Tottaly not taking part in it hand some pop corn

    LawmanZero posted: »

    IT'S TIME.

  • Too bad you don't get to decide whether I do that or not, huh?

    Not interacting with others and ignoring everything would be best for you (well, mostly everyone else) from what I've seen of your interactions.

  • It was pretty damn weird when he mentioned the tiny crush.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Yeah right, sorry bad example xD I totally forgot about his sister.

  • Sure.


    Leluch123 posted: »

    Tottaly not taking part in it hand some pop corn

  • And he mention about wanting to date his long-distance cousin in Borderlands 2.

    I am glad that Telltale made him more normalish in their game.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    It was pretty damn weird when he mentioned the tiny crush.

  • Can you imagine what his sister looks like?

    LawmanZero posted: »

    It was pretty damn weird when he mentioned the tiny crush.

  • you're the best for thinking of this.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I officially dislike the overuse of that word......thanks. Me: /Scott Thompson voice/ "I'mmmmmm..." actually, no, let me just find the clip for you. Skip to 0:58. enter link description here

  • edited August 2015

    Well, here's Ellie:

    Also, she's Axton's girlfriend.

    Also, she moved to the Dust because she was worried that Scooter had a crush on her...but Scooter comes from a family (read: Massive parody) of stereotypical inbred rednecks, so he might have inherited the male tendency to screw their own sisters. Suddenly I feel less bad about killing them in BL2.

    Can you imagine what his sister looks like?


    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, here's Ellie: Also, she moved to the Dust because she was worried that Scooter had a crush on her...but Scooter comes from a fa

  • lol. Tales made him loveable.


  • She has? I haven't read any of her previous posts so im kinda in the dark about that here.

    But to me this perticular post sounded more like a complaint about a lot of fandoms ridiculous tendency to turn every character in a series gay. Which is something i can kinda sympathize with.

    Green613 posted: »

    She's expressed general dislike towards gay marriage in her posts before, it wouldn't surprise me.

  • I can guarantee you that's not her motive.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    She has? I haven't read any of her previous posts so im kinda in the dark about that here. But to me this perticular post sounded more li

  • Then I take back my sympathies.

    I can guarantee you that's not her motive.

  • You're right, he's not gay.

    (He's bisexual)

    Cope49 posted: »

    Really ? He's not gay! I officially dislike the overuse of that word.....thanks. She meant that August isn't as bad as he seems . There may be a softer side of him .

  • Smart move.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Then I take back my sympathies.

  • Ohhh snnnaaapp :O. ID gets the fatality

    I sometimes forget that I'm living in the era of the oversensitive. Being a bitch to people and having them react doesn't mean their

  • edited August 2015




    LawmanZero posted: »


  • Keep in mind she's not only related to Scooter, she's also related to Tector:

    enter image description here

    Those inbred Hodunk genes can apparently go either way.

    But just like her mother, she's as sweet as she is wily.


  • She is very nice. Unless you're a Hodunk.

    Keep in mind she's not only related to Scooter, she's also related to Tector: Those inbred Hodunk genes can apparently go either way. But just like her mother, she's as sweet as she is wily.

  • edited August 2015

    My...fatality? Because I didn't feel the urge to keep this going? Added in: My question was answered and couldn't defend the bestiality part, because I support gay marriage and stuff like that, so I had no reason to reply.

    enter image description here

    Clemenem posted: »

    Ohhh snnnaaapp :O. ID gets the fatality

  • lol thats hallirious how people try to instruct each other online, telling them what to think. even if she is homophobic you guys arent her parrents you cant tell her what to like and what to not, she dosent have to like gays and you dosent have to like her. its simple

    Cope49 posted: »

    Really ? He's not gay! I officially dislike the overuse of that word.....thanks. She meant that August isn't as bad as he seems . There may be a softer side of him .

  • we dont know who is her father as far as i remember. so she may or may not be related to tector

    Keep in mind she's not only related to Scooter, she's also related to Tector: Those inbred Hodunk genes can apparently go either way. But just like her mother, she's as sweet as she is wily.

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